
Applying for a DPhil (PhD)

Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil)

Is a PhD Worth It (From Oxford University) | 7 DPhil Pros and Cons from Oxford for Academia

Meet our students - My department experience (DPhil in Education)

oxford university phd vlog 📚💻🔬 | dphil in medical science (wet & dry labs) | oxford phd diaries

Teaching a robot to think (Julie - DPhil Engineering Science)

DPhil in Information, Communication and Social Sciences, University of Oxford

DPhil in Migration Studies: Information Webinar

Phd Defence of Melissa Lyle Rethlefsen

Building Blocks (David - DPhil Medical Sciences)

DPhil 2022 Interview - Pamela Gongora

DPhil 2017 Interview - Lauren

DPhil FAQ's Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford

Filmed before my haircut but no less relevantphd phdlife dphil oxford oxforduniversity

Meet our students - My learning experience (DPhil in Education)

Meet our students - Why I chose to research Education (DPhil in Education)

Meet our students - Developing my academic identity (DPhil in Education)

DPhil 2016 Interview - Mehrunisha

Academia summed up in one reel‍♀️phd phdlife dphil oxford oxforduniversity ecology

From an MChem and DPhil at Oxford to a career in technology consultancy

DPhil 2020 Interview - Pete Young

How much coffee is too much coffee?☕️phd phdlife dphil oxford oxforduniversity ecology

DPhil 2018 Interview - Mohamed Anisul Karim

DPhil in Migration Studies at the University of Oxford