The Distorted Future of Jewelry Bonney! (1118+ Spoilers)

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Thoughts on the nature of "Distorted Future" and the implications to it in the story? Did this reveal negatively impact your opinion of the Egghead arc?

00:00 - INTRO
01:04 - Chapter 1118
05:27 - Multiverse Option
11:26 - Imagination Option
18:37 - Power Sharing Option


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The jacket fruit has the sadest backstory!

imagine 2 orphan siblings, freezing to death on the streets.
and one wishing to become a warming jacket for the other!


"Give me an offscreen future"
And then the chapter cuts to her shaped like Blackbeard, standing over Saturn in the Raging Demon pose.


Bonnie is an encapsulation of "you can be anything you want when you grow up"


I'm pretty sure they said her power is linked to her imagination. Which is why her power gets weaker the more frazzled she gets or in disbelief.


i think a hallmark of a good epic story is when even side characters carry enough weight to be the MC in another version of the story. Bonney, Law, Ace, Mihawk, Dragon, Shanks etc. etc. They could all have a story written with them as the MC just from what we know of them in Luffy and the SH's story


Everybody gangsta untill bonney pull up "give me a future where i am the strongest conqueror haki user in all history"


Imagination making the power greater isn't just a theory; Saint Saturn specifically said that's how her DF works.


Imagine being the one who has to report back to imu and tell them not only did they fail to kill Nika but now there's two


I think that Bonney's Distorted Future is a combination of the first two theories where it allows Bonney to tap into a multiverse of infinite possibilities, but it is limited by Bonney's potential and imagination to be one of those things so as Bonney gets older unless she does something to keep up her imagination she won't be able to imagine herself having the potential of becoming the type of things she currently can


Having an office job and paying taxes might be the funniest nerf for Bonneys fruit that I could imagine. "I'm gonna be a Pirate King" No Dave, you still gotta file the papers for Mrs. Johnson, get to Work Dave!


I like the idea that Saturn (gloating about expiramenting on her and telling her exactly what her devil fruit does to cause her despair) is the only reason that she can unlock crazy abilities. Like, news flash Saturn, now she KNOWS that she can do anything she can imagine when before she thought she was basically just aging into different forms


You mention Bonnie having parallels to Luffy, so it made me think that one parallel is the location of the piercing on her cheek. It's on the exact opposite side of where Luffy cut himself to give himself a scar.


I think that imagination and belief doesn't only work with bonney but every devil fruit user. We see on multiple occasions including bonney, luffy, king, queen, etc. that if you believe that your fruit works a certain way then it will work that way. Bonney turns herself and others into what she believes the past and present forms of them would look like. If she believes that she can become the most free person on the planet aka Nika, then she can. Same way that King and Queen can do things that dinosaurs clearly couldnt do, just because they believed that those dinosaurs were able to do those things.


Bonney is the representation of Oda’s main target audience who feel awe and inspired by this beautiful manga.


I like how she's gone from probably the least important supernova to the only other relevant supernova


I sort of look at it as because Bonny is still a kid her future still has near infinite possibilities which is why for her the fruit is so powerful.


Tekking you should do a series of what scenarios people dreamed up for a devil fruit to exist


This whole sequence of Bonnie meeting her hero and transforming into a version of him feels like a dream.
If it wasn't One Piece, I'd expect Kuma to come back to normal, save her, and then we cut to Bonnie lying on the floor half-dead allucinating with a better world through her final moments.


*Posting this at the beginning of the video discussion:* I think the reason she can do this is because she's Awakened. I think she's actually been Awakened since we first were introduced to the character back on Sabaody Archipelago. In the flashback, we saw her only being able to use her abilities on herself and by the time she set sail, she seemed to have it mastered AND I think it makes sense that she has Awakened by the time of Sabaody. She left around the time Ace left on his journey, so in 3 years after having mastered her base fruit, I think it makes total sense that she's Awakened by the time of Sabaody Archipelago. It makes way more sense than her base DF granting her the ability to copy Awakened DF powers.


It could be that both bonney and luffy must believe that bonney can go gear 5th to make it work
