Will Military Pilot & Language Expert Luke Ranieri Successfully Memorize The Iliad... by Singing?

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Luke Ranieri is the man behind the incredible YouTube channels Polymathy and Scorpiomartianus.

On top of being a pilot and teaching people ancient languages, he's also currently memorizing the first 100 lines of the Iliad.

That's why I just knew I had to talk to him and dive into how he's approaching this task.

He's already set the stage by producing the excellent Iliad 100 where you can hear him singing the lines and get them for yourself with instructions on his approach.

We discuss dealing with ancient languages at large in this interview, along with unfolding the art of memory at large, with a special focus on the Memory Palace technique for verbatim.

Here are Luke's main channels:

Thanks as always for checking these videos out and your interesting comments!

For another deep dive into memory techniques for verbatim projects, check out this discussion with Ashley Strand, who memorized the Book of Mark next:

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🚀 Resources I recommend:

🏢 The Memory Palace Technique:

🎨 Mind Mapping for confidence to use these techniques:

🔥 The Truth That Every Successful Learner Needs To Know

🗣️ My TEDx Talk:

✅ Recommended playlists:

The Art of Memory:

How to Become Fluent in a Language:

How to Study Effectively:

Focus Your Mind:

Mind Palace Training Secrets:

Memory Improvement Books:

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For someone who lost some of his teeth due to an accident, has cracked lips and is deaf in one ear, you are incredibly articulate, sir, and pleasant to listen to. I am new to this channel and am highly intrigued by all your videos on memory and language learning, which I hope to watch progressively! You also remind me of Willie Nelson!


I Love returning to this platform regularly. Having completed the MMM-myself, it is so encouraging and inspiring to me as a senior citizen, to see, and read all of these wonderful accomplishments. It is a testament to you Dr Anthony- your inspiration, devotion, and passion.-That is why I am so excited to share this with my granddaughter. So someday she too will be conveying to you, Etal- how she too will have gained such valuable tools to assist her in Academia and in Life! This is about Legacy! Thanks Dr. Anthony


Great to see Luke Ranieri interviewed by another fascinating individual!


Great interview love his work as well.


Great collaboration! I knew about Luke's channel before knowing about Anthony. Great to see you guys together


A very welcome surprise to see a video of the two of you talking. I have just begun using memory palaces to memorize Latin grammar (and shortly will try to do the same for Japanese vocabulary).

I was intending to watch this in parts but it was so interesting that I sat through the whole thing. Would love to see a follow-up, especially if Luke ends up trying any new mnemonic techniques.


I used the tunes of pop songs to memorise ‘facts’ for a final exam, which required analytical critiques so I had to have the data ready to use. Attach the names and dates to a song tune and you have a clear mind to attack the higher order thinking required.


Hi Anthony, I'm curious to know more about this shortened version of the Gita for memorization you referenced. Could you please point me in the right direction? Thanks


Oh a long one! Would need to get back to this once I manage to finish this all.

But first, it does bring me to the point where I think special forces units of any military should be taught the art of memory. They are already tested for their mental fortitude during selection, and likely their observation skills, too, among physical tests and all that in the selection period.


Hi..anthony.i was using memory palace for remembering information for studies. But now i have run out of places or rooms which i know. Now i have to start using same place or room for storing different information..
My doubt is how to store hundreds of chapters.. with limited places or rooms.... Will it confuse each other


This is interesting, I'm gonna watch this when I have the time, I just have homework to do😅


Loving Sanskrit is a beautiful affectation. Do you enjoy Gaia Sanskrit? She sings ... "Agni Sūktam | Rig Veda | Gaiea Sanskrit" is spectacular ;-)


Hey Anthony! Love your work. It would be really fascinating if you got to interview Ammon Hillman, he is a Classical Philologist with extensive knowledge of ancient Greek. He hosts an ancient Greek class here on youtube called AmmonU. His channel LadyBabylon666 (😅)


It can be sung but iambic pentameter chanting isn't singing. Luke's Egyptian Wellerman is an attempt at singing ;-) "The Prayer of Achilles (Iliad XVI, 225-250) in Ancient Greek" by Sister of Iris ... is beautiful iambic pentameter.


Citra Musicen, grammaticè non potest esse perfecta (Quint.)


This is one video to look forward to! I’m glad that it comes just ahead of the weekend. Thanks already, I know it’s going to be good.


have you heard of vedic preists? europeans and their "culture"


Ranieri is amazing! Of all literature, the Iliad is my favorite. As a matter of fact, I have been learning to read Ancient Greek by reading the Iliad. 
I can not claim any fluency in any language, including my own native American English...I sometimes have to ask people from certain parts of the US, or certain social groups, to repeat what they said, due to accents & use of slang. At times, I feel like I need an interpreter to understand my own children. However, I am obsessed with learning languages. People who know me, think I'm mad for trying to learn so many languages. They tell me to stick with one & become an expert in that language. Call me crazy, but I can't stop with one language, or even two, or three, or a dozen. Ancient or modern languages.
The reason for my mad obsession for learning languages, is that I want to be able to read great works of literature (watch films, listen to music) in the language in which it was originally composed, because there really is truth to the author's intent or depth of meaning being lost in translation. I enjoy conquering foreign alphabets & pronunciation & teaching myself to read those languages. I buy books & magazines & newspapers, so that I can learn to read them. I watch foreign movies, listen to foreign music, watch Youtube videos, take MOOCs...I took 5 languages in college. It's the same with American Sign language, Mathematics, music theory, codes & even shorthand. 
Even so, listening to you two speaking in this interview, I am in awe of you both, & only one image comes to mind...a Wayne's World scene...& the words of Wayne & the Garth man, "We're not worthy...we're not worthy".
