GUIDED SLEEP MEDITATION - Journey to the Stars. Sleep Talkdown 1 HOUR

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In this sleep meditation, you will be guided on a wonderful journey among the stars in the company of a benign and loving being. Experience the beauty and wonder of the cosmos in this flight among the stars.


We create effortless ways for anyone to reach a profound sense of deep relaxation, meditation and sleep, without ever having to try. In particular, we cater to anyone who is turned-off by the idea of "meditation", but still want to reap the massive health benefits, that meditation can bring. We offer this through high-quality audio productions, called 'guided visualisations'. These include sleep talk-downs, meditations, wonderful fantasy imagery and stories.


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I heard this meditation 4 years ago and had not heard it again since. However, it has always stuck with me, and not knowing who made this meditation or any details other than hearing it I've searched in vain until recently when asked the universe to show it to me again and by chance tonight I find it! Thank you for my journey through the stars!


I have been sleeping to this for 5 years. Thank you


This was one of my (if not THE) first introductions to guided visualizations/meditations I discovered back in high school about four years ago. I remember being so taken aback by the details of the sound effects you guys put in like the blood pressure cuff. I've come a long way since then, and you guys have only upped in quality since. I'm extremely grateful for you both


the outer space scenarios are my absolute favorites. They relax me in a way no other sort of meditation can. I think it's because we really are connected to the cosmos and we as human beings are naturally a part of it. It's just natural (to me) to be relaxed by it and by drifting off to sleep inside a make believe scenario that's not at all that far fetched, given our relationship to the stars that we're made out of. Thank you for this!


Pls Do NOT stop the work you all do to give the rest of us a place to go that calms the soul, regardless of the type issues we may have. Or giving us inspiration. I have been listening to videos for guided meditation, relaxation & especially to find the most calming & effective way to sleep for my body & mind. Your choice of subject, words & photos combined with your soothing voice are among the BEST. This video is my personal favorite as I love your presentation. It's PERFECT.
Note to all negative energies out there, , if you don't like it or any other video, don't watch & p l e a s e spare the rest of us from your small minds.


My 7 year old son suffers from severe anxiety and his medicine causes insomnia on top of the insomnia he already had.   We found these videos and he falls asleep within 15 minutes of starting one.   It is so amazing.  I appreciate these videos so much.


The pain associated with RA tends to make it hard to relax and fall asleep and even stay asleep. When I move in my sleep to change position the pain wakes me up. Your videos help me doze off again very quickly and I sleep better. Being more rested helps the pain not be as bad. Thank you very much for your videos. The variety is lovely, a different one for each night of the week! (My all time favorite is the rain and thunder one.)


i normally sleep for 5 hours or 8 but after watching this i slept for 13 hours. thank you


This meditation is one of few that I will always come back to because it feels like the most comforting sense of belonging. I’ve always felt so alienated in my life that this meditation in its entirety feels like home. The universe did an outstanding job creating you guys and I’m so grateful for all of your wonderful creations. I know I comment “thank you” a lot, so I hope it doesn’t lose its meaning; thank you so much for this.


About 3 odd years ago my teacher recommended me you guys. Shortly after I started watching this specific video and since have watched it every night as I go to sleep. thank you!


I'm going to bed early for this one - cannot wait!


I have ALS & CHF so to say the least I get some major anxiety & at times can't sleep. Then I found ur videos & have actually been able to sleep when normally nothing works. Thank you Honest Guys


Thank you so much for this and all your other sleep talkdown meditations. I don't care what the "experts" below say, THIS WORKS! I suffer from chronic insomnia and stumbled across your videos by chance. I am so glad I did as I no longer have to dread the battle I have previously been waging each evening to fall asleep. Thank you again for dolce sueno....


Your combination of voice, words spoken & nature sounds are magnificent!!!


thank every much it helped a lot I have PTSD from child hood and been have problems sleeping and hearing voice and paranoia my therapist suggested meditation so far I like it and it's been helping


this has always been my favorite guided meditation. It makes me think of being on the enterprise with captain Picard. Weird I know, but for some reason this thought is so comforting to me


5 years later and this is still one of my favourite meditations to fall asleep to. You guys are absolute angels. 🧡


I'm back again, well now you keep doing what you do best and don't dwell on the horrible comments. I can't believe there a people out there like this. You keep us safe and warm and cosy, that is what you do best man.


This music caresses my soul. Thank you. Promise me you will play this music in a sustained way in another piece. Your pauses between words is healing. A piece of redemption for those who couldn't find it is right here...


Your guided meditations have been amazingly helpful to me and I want to thank you so very much! I have been on medications for years to help with my anxiety and insomnia. I needed to get off of the meds due to side effects... within two weeks of calming herbs and this meditation in particular, I fall asleep quickly and deeply! Truly a lifesaver! Thank you!
