C++ FULL COURSE For Beginners (Learn C++ in 10 hours)

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This is a full C++ programming course. It consists of many lectures whose goal is to take you from beginner to advanced programming level.
I recommend watching the entire video because later lectures require knowledge from previous ones.

Experience the power of practical learning, gain career-ready skills, and start building real applications!
This is a step-by-step course designed to take you from beginner to expert in no time!
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I use it to enhance the performance, features, and support for C, C#, and C++ development in Visual Studio.
It is a powerful, secure text editor designed specifically for programmers.

00:00:00 – Goals of the course
00:01:31 – Do this before starting the course
00:02:41 – Introduction to C++ (What is C++? What kind of apps can you build with C++? Why C++ was created?)
00:06:39 – What is source code, object code, compiler, algorithm?
00:08:42 - Visual Studio 2019 – Creating a first project (setup)
00:11:32 - Visual Studio 2019 basics explained and first “Hello World” program
00:29:51 - Introduction to variables
00:44:36 – Rules for naming variables
00:52:15 – Data types in C++ and how to use sizeof operator
01:01:58 - Data type overflow
01:05:00 – What is ASCII table
01:09:50 - Simple, fun program for ciphering words into ASCII
01:18:12 - If/else statement (Build a program that checks odd/even numbers + flowchart explanation)
01:35:52 - Nested if/else statement (Build a program that determines the type of a triangle + flowchart)
01:55:50 - Operators in C++ (arithmetic, relational, logical, assignment operators)
02:21:02 - Swapping values of two variables with or without a third variable
02:29:20– Build BMI Calculator application + flowchart
02:49:55 - Ternary (Conditional) operator (Build a Guessing game app)
03:01:00 - Switch/case statement part 1 (Build Calculator app)
03:26:36 - Switch/case statement part 2 (Build program that checks number of days in a month)
03:39:35 - While loop part 1 + infinite loop example
03:53:39 - While loop part 2 (Build a program for counting digits of a number)
04:12:39 - While loop part 3 (Build a program for reversing digits of a number)
04:25:25 - Do while loop (Program for PIN validation)
04:39:09 – What is the difference between While loop and Do While loop
04:40:34 - For loop (Build a program for calculating the factorial of a number)
04:58:12 – Nested loops (Nesting do while loop and for loop)
05:11:08 – Nested for loop (Build Multiplication table app)
05:21:45 – Program for drawing rectangle shape
05:33:05 – Program for drawing triangle and inverted/reversed triangle shapes
05:44:30 – Introduction to functions
05:56:02 – Functions with parameters/arguments (multiple and default)
06:11:42 - Function return statement (Build program for checking prime numbers)
06:37:39 - Function overloading
06:48:06 – Build ATM app
07:03:03 - Generic functions and templates
07:14:30 – Recursion and recursive functions
07:30:01 – Introduction to OOP, What are classes and objects
07:42:06 – OOP Constructors and class methods
08:40:04 - Introduction to pointers
08:51:14 - Void pointers
09:06:27 - Pointers and arrays
09:19:18 - Return multiple values from a function using pointers
09:34:50 - Dynamic arrays, create/change arrays at runtime
09:48:35 – Multidimensional dynamic arrays, Two-dimensional array
10:07:00 - Detecting errors in code using PVS Studio
10:17:19 - Explaining Memory Leaks
10:26:25 - Bloopers

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Experience the power of practical learning, gain career-ready skills, and start building real applications!
This is a step-by-step course designed to take you from beginner to expert in no time!
💰 Here is a coupon to save 10% on your first payment (CODEBEAUTY_YT10).
Use it quickly, because it will be available for a limited time.

📚 Learn how to solve problems and build projects with these Free E-Books ⬇️


Being 71 years old, I like to keep my brain busy learning new skills. Thanks for this opportunity


I don't leave comments, but I have to say the inventors of the internet would be proud of this video. 😁


I have tried to learn C from tutorial videos for years, but I couldn't concentrate and follow through to the end, but when I first saw your video and how you expressed it clearly and without borders, relatively fast and with good example, I was excited. I was struck and turned into a basic C language subject. I understood well and easily. Thank you very much for your efforts in the advancement of science and service to humanity. I am praying for you, O God. With his permission. I wish you health and success. Also, thanks to your respected family and teachers who taught you. And I am also proud of the place where you grew up. With best regards


I see where these C++ videos are a couple of years old. I’m a late comer in every respect. Just turned 65, and finding the time to do things I’ve always wanted to do but never had the time. One of them was learning to code. I’ve lots of experience on the hardware end, and very little on coding. Thanks so much for sharing your expertise.


Im not a expert listen english, but she speaks so good, slow and easy to understand, About the c++ course amazing, Im learnig more about it


this is how thousands of single junior javascript developpers suddenly started learning C++


Thank you so much for the tutorial. You are easy to understand and listen to. It took me a week to get through this and now I can go on and dive deeper into C++. Thank you.


The most comprehensive free course ever, it's even better than most of the paid courses on udemy


Your c++ courses are amazing, am a self taught programmer migrating from python to c++. Your videos really helped me get better coding in c++. Am learning programing to be able to create amazing games and applications.
Created two games already using the c++ sdl2 libery ( ball bouncer and flippy bird ) after watching your full course. Thanks alot 🙏🏾🙏🏾


Seriously the best Video for c++ for beginners. I have been searching for a video that can teach me c++ in a easy way and today my search is complete
Thanku Very Much


This video will reach millions of views.


"As you can see we have an error, but it's a different error. Which means we're making progress!". I'm coming from FC


Peace be upon you. Just finished the whole thing and I have to say I am impressed. This world needs more teachers like you. May Allah bless you and help you spread knowledge.


Thank you so much! I watched about two and a half hours and I have already learned a lot about the language. Thank you again.


The youtube recommending algorithm is finally working right.


I just completed watching the full ten and a half hour video. Just wanted to say thank you. Thanks for allocating time and effort to helping others learn a new skill that could potentially impact their entire future. As a high school student who has been trying to scoop up the motivation to learn, the intro was helpful and motivating. The course was thorough and clearly explained. I can see this as the start of my future in programming, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who can say that. So, from the bottom of my heart, I wanted to just thank you.


This is the first channel that has helped me really understand programming concepts, incredibly well organized and clearly explained. I find it entertained, simple and motivating. Thank you!!!


Saldina thank you for creating such detailed programming tutorials. Your explanations are making it so easy for me to learn and I've already seen a lot of progress. Keep up the great work!


I’ve been wanting to find something this clear for so long! You’re a fantastic teacher - thank you.
