C PROGRAMMING FOR BEGINNERS - FULL COURSE - Theory + 101 Programs Video tutorials - by kodegod
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00:21 Introduction
01:35 Basics of computer programming
03:49 Format specifiers
06:31 First computer program
07:27 Character sets & constants
08:55 Basic data types, int, char & float
09:52 Variable declaration & initialisation
14:17 Basic operators
17:12 Arithmetic instructions
Arithmetic operations
18:18 Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication & Division
21:31 Area of Circle & Triangle
24:23 Simple Interest
25:44 Square & Cube
26:51 Total & average
29:00 SWAP two numbers
Escape Sequences
32:14 Theory
34:26 Drawing a tree using escape sequences
35:19 Syntax
40:17 Largest of two numbers
41:02 Positive or not
42:17 Greater or less than 10
43:08 Even/odd
44:09 Divisible by 5
44:59 Multiple of 7
45:45 Compare two numbers
46:55 Logical operators
50:07 3 numbers in ascending/descending order
53:01 Calculate discriminant & roots of a quadratic equation
54:29 Calculate grade
56:22 Check marriage eligibility
59:01 Conditional operators
While & Do While Loop
01:00:47 Why do we need loops
01:02:24 DO-WHILE & WHILE loops Syntax
01:03:49 WHILE vs Do-WHILE loop
01:04:21 Increment & Decrement Operators
01:07:39 N numbers in sequence
01:09:53 N numbers in reverse order
01:11:10 First N even numbers
01:12:29 N odd numbers
01:13:40 Reverse order of a number
01:16:20 Sum of a number
01:18:48 Armstrong or not
For loops
01:23:39 Syntax
01:27:27 Table of given number
01:29:40 Sum of a number
FOR loops-Pattern Programming
01:32:34 Pattern programming theory
01:34:42 ◸ of *
01:37:51 ◺ of *
01:40:23 ◿ of *
01:43:38 ◹ of *
01:47:37 █ of *
01:50:39 ▵ of *
01:54:14 ▽ of *
01:56:58 ♢ of *
01:58:11 ◺ of numbers -vertical
02:01:01 ◺ of numbers -horizontal
02:02:51 ▵ of alphabets
02:05:48 ▵ mirroring alphabets
02:09:25 ◺ of integers with integer at the end
Advance FOR Loop programs
02:11:47 Factorial
02:16:18 Prime numbers from range
02:22:29 Prime or not
02:27:43 Fibonacci series
02:33:29 Print digits, alphabets using loops
02:36:37 Factorial
02:40:30 Average of numbers
02:43:04 ASCII chart
02:44:21 Rectangular pattern of *
02:46:38 Rectangular pattern using ASCII characters
Goto, break & Continue
02:48:59 goto keyword
02:51:12 break & continue keyword
Switch case
02:53:39 The syntax of the switch case-control structure
02:55:54 Case-control structures in more detail
02:59:30 Print integers in words
03:00:36 Numbers in words in reverse order using switch case-control
03:02:29 Perform arithmetic operations based on the users choice
03:04:06 What are functions?
03:06:25 Parametrised functions
03:09:18 Addition,subtraction,multiplication,division using functions
03:11:54 Factorial,prime or not & Fibonacci series using functions
03:14:07 Calculate square & cube using functions
03:16:14 Theory
03:18:11 Single dimensional arrays
03:22:49 Accept array elements & reprint
03:25:36 array elements in reverse order
03:28:11 Addition of array elements
03:30:05 Fibonacci series using arrays
03:32:20 max+min of an array
03:34:46 positive & negative elements of an array
03:37:37 array in ascending/descending order
Multidimensional arrays
03:40:01 Theory
03:43:55 Accept MxN matrix & reprint
03:46:41 Add two MxN array matrices
03:48:00 Add array elements of two-dimensional arrays
03:49:10 Diagonal elements of a matrix
03:51:00 Add upper matrix elements
03:52:16 Add lower matrix elements
03:53:42 Multiplication of matrices
03:57:15 Transpose of the matrix
03:58:57 What are pointers?
04:00:53 Using pointers
More on functions
04:02:47 Call by value & call by reference
04:06:49 Swap two numbers using parametrized functions
04:09:48 Scope of a variable
04:13:01 Recursion
04:14:21 Fibonacci series using recursion
04:18:30 Factorial using recursion
04:21:12 Passing arrays to a function
04:25:12 What is a string?
04:28:07 Inbuilt functions
04:30:26 ASCII characters
04:31:19 string reverse, length, uppercase, lowercase & copy
04:33:06 Count alphabets, digits & symbols
04:34:40 Compare two strings
04:35:24 Concatenate two strings
04:36:10 Length of string
04:37:33 Copy a string from another
04:38:39 String uppercase
04:40:24 String lowercase
04:41:25 Join two strings
04:43:58 Count alphabets digits & symbols without using inbuilt functions
04:45:25 Compare two strings without using inbuilt functions
04:47:31 Count vowels
04:48:39 Reverse a string
04:50:36 Palindrome
04:52:34 What are structures?
04:54:57 Create structure Employee, store values & reprint
04:56:22 Array of a structure
04:59:11 Structure within a structure
File operations
05:03:36 What are the files?
05:08:06 Read+write to a file character by character
05:12:33 Read+write to a file line by line
05:15:23 Merge two files
Command line arguments
05:17:05 Theory
05:18:50 Programs on command line arguments
05:21:46 Datatypes
05:27:24 Escape sequences
05:30:39 Type casting
05:32:50 Enumeration
05:35:30 Bitwise operators
05:42:31 Unions
#Ctutorialforbeginners #Ctutorial #Cprogramming
00:21 Introduction
01:35 Basics of computer programming
03:49 Format specifiers
06:31 First computer program
07:27 Character sets & constants
08:55 Basic data types, int, char & float
09:52 Variable declaration & initialisation
14:17 Basic operators
17:12 Arithmetic instructions
Arithmetic operations
18:18 Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication & Division
21:31 Area of Circle & Triangle
24:23 Simple Interest
25:44 Square & Cube
26:51 Total & average
29:00 SWAP two numbers
Escape Sequences
32:14 Theory
34:26 Drawing a tree using escape sequences
35:19 Syntax
40:17 Largest of two numbers
41:02 Positive or not
42:17 Greater or less than 10
43:08 Even/odd
44:09 Divisible by 5
44:59 Multiple of 7
45:45 Compare two numbers
46:55 Logical operators
50:07 3 numbers in ascending/descending order
53:01 Calculate discriminant & roots of a quadratic equation
54:29 Calculate grade
56:22 Check marriage eligibility
59:01 Conditional operators
While & Do While Loop
01:00:47 Why do we need loops
01:02:24 DO-WHILE & WHILE loops Syntax
01:03:49 WHILE vs Do-WHILE loop
01:04:21 Increment & Decrement Operators
01:07:39 N numbers in sequence
01:09:53 N numbers in reverse order
01:11:10 First N even numbers
01:12:29 N odd numbers
01:13:40 Reverse order of a number
01:16:20 Sum of a number
01:18:48 Armstrong or not
For loops
01:23:39 Syntax
01:27:27 Table of given number
01:29:40 Sum of a number
FOR loops-Pattern Programming
01:32:34 Pattern programming theory
01:34:42 ◸ of *
01:37:51 ◺ of *
01:40:23 ◿ of *
01:43:38 ◹ of *
01:47:37 █ of *
01:50:39 ▵ of *
01:54:14 ▽ of *
01:56:58 ♢ of *
01:58:11 ◺ of numbers -vertical
02:01:01 ◺ of numbers -horizontal
02:02:51 ▵ of alphabets
02:05:48 ▵ mirroring alphabets
02:09:25 ◺ of integers with integer at the end
Advance FOR Loop programs
02:11:47 Factorial
02:16:18 Prime numbers from range
02:22:29 Prime or not
02:27:43 Fibonacci series
02:33:29 Print digits, alphabets using loops
02:36:37 Factorial
02:40:30 Average of numbers
02:43:04 ASCII chart
02:44:21 Rectangular pattern of *
02:46:38 Rectangular pattern using ASCII characters
Goto, break & Continue
02:48:59 goto keyword
02:51:12 break & continue keyword
Switch case
02:53:39 The syntax of the switch case-control structure
02:55:54 Case-control structures in more detail
02:59:30 Print integers in words
03:00:36 Numbers in words in reverse order using switch case-control
03:02:29 Perform arithmetic operations based on the users choice
03:04:06 What are functions?
03:06:25 Parametrised functions
03:09:18 Addition,subtraction,multiplication,division using functions
03:11:54 Factorial,prime or not & Fibonacci series using functions
03:14:07 Calculate square & cube using functions
03:16:14 Theory
03:18:11 Single dimensional arrays
03:22:49 Accept array elements & reprint
03:25:36 array elements in reverse order
03:28:11 Addition of array elements
03:30:05 Fibonacci series using arrays
03:32:20 max+min of an array
03:34:46 positive & negative elements of an array
03:37:37 array in ascending/descending order
Multidimensional arrays
03:40:01 Theory
03:43:55 Accept MxN matrix & reprint
03:46:41 Add two MxN array matrices
03:48:00 Add array elements of two-dimensional arrays
03:49:10 Diagonal elements of a matrix
03:51:00 Add upper matrix elements
03:52:16 Add lower matrix elements
03:53:42 Multiplication of matrices
03:57:15 Transpose of the matrix
03:58:57 What are pointers?
04:00:53 Using pointers
More on functions
04:02:47 Call by value & call by reference
04:06:49 Swap two numbers using parametrized functions
04:09:48 Scope of a variable
04:13:01 Recursion
04:14:21 Fibonacci series using recursion
04:18:30 Factorial using recursion
04:21:12 Passing arrays to a function
04:25:12 What is a string?
04:28:07 Inbuilt functions
04:30:26 ASCII characters
04:31:19 string reverse, length, uppercase, lowercase & copy
04:33:06 Count alphabets, digits & symbols
04:34:40 Compare two strings
04:35:24 Concatenate two strings
04:36:10 Length of string
04:37:33 Copy a string from another
04:38:39 String uppercase
04:40:24 String lowercase
04:41:25 Join two strings
04:43:58 Count alphabets digits & symbols without using inbuilt functions
04:45:25 Compare two strings without using inbuilt functions
04:47:31 Count vowels
04:48:39 Reverse a string
04:50:36 Palindrome
04:52:34 What are structures?
04:54:57 Create structure Employee, store values & reprint
04:56:22 Array of a structure
04:59:11 Structure within a structure
File operations
05:03:36 What are the files?
05:08:06 Read+write to a file character by character
05:12:33 Read+write to a file line by line
05:15:23 Merge two files
Command line arguments
05:17:05 Theory
05:18:50 Programs on command line arguments
05:21:46 Datatypes
05:27:24 Escape sequences
05:30:39 Type casting
05:32:50 Enumeration
05:35:30 Bitwise operators
05:42:31 Unions
#Ctutorialforbeginners #Ctutorial #Cprogramming