C PROGRAMMING FOR BEGINNERS - FULL COURSE - Theory + 101 Programs Video tutorials - by kodegod

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00:21 Introduction
01:35 Basics of computer programming
03:49 Format specifiers
06:31 First computer program
07:27 Character sets & constants
08:55 Basic data types, int, char & float
09:52 Variable declaration & initialisation
14:17 Basic operators
17:12 Arithmetic instructions

Arithmetic operations
18:18 Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication & Division
21:31 Area of Circle & Triangle
24:23 Simple Interest
25:44 Square & Cube
26:51 Total & average
29:00 SWAP two numbers

Escape Sequences
32:14 Theory
34:26 Drawing a tree using escape sequences

35:19 Syntax
40:17 Largest of two numbers
41:02 Positive or not
42:17 Greater or less than 10
43:08 Even/odd
44:09 Divisible by 5
44:59 Multiple of 7
45:45 Compare two numbers
46:55 Logical operators
50:07 3 numbers in ascending/descending order
53:01 Calculate discriminant & roots of a quadratic equation
54:29 Calculate grade
56:22 Check marriage eligibility
59:01 Conditional operators

While & Do While Loop
01:00:47 Why do we need loops
01:02:24 DO-WHILE & WHILE loops Syntax
01:03:49 WHILE vs Do-WHILE loop
01:04:21 Increment & Decrement Operators
01:07:39 N numbers in sequence
01:09:53 N numbers in reverse order
01:11:10 First N even numbers
01:12:29 N odd numbers
01:13:40 Reverse order of a number
01:16:20 Sum of a number
01:18:48 Armstrong or not

For loops
01:23:39 Syntax
01:27:27 Table of given number
01:29:40 Sum of a number

FOR loops-Pattern Programming
01:32:34 Pattern programming theory
01:34:42 ◸ of *
01:37:51 ◺ of *
01:40:23 ◿ of *
01:43:38 ◹ of *
01:47:37 █ of *
01:50:39 ▵ of *
01:54:14 ▽ of *
01:56:58 ♢ of *
01:58:11 ◺ of numbers -vertical
02:01:01 ◺ of numbers -horizontal
02:02:51 ▵ of alphabets
02:05:48 ▵ mirroring alphabets
02:09:25 ◺ of integers with integer at the end

Advance FOR Loop programs
02:11:47 Factorial
02:16:18 Prime numbers from range
02:22:29 Prime or not
02:27:43 Fibonacci series
02:33:29 Print digits, alphabets using loops
02:36:37 Factorial
02:40:30 Average of numbers
02:43:04 ASCII chart
02:44:21 Rectangular pattern of *
02:46:38 Rectangular pattern using ASCII characters

Goto, break & Continue
02:48:59 goto keyword
02:51:12 break & continue keyword

Switch case
02:53:39 The syntax of the switch case-control structure
02:55:54 Case-control structures in more detail
02:59:30 Print integers in words
03:00:36 Numbers in words in reverse order using switch case-control
03:02:29 Perform arithmetic operations based on the users choice

03:04:06 What are functions?
03:06:25 Parametrised functions
03:09:18 Addition,subtraction,multiplication,division using functions
03:11:54 Factorial,prime or not & Fibonacci series using functions
03:14:07 Calculate square & cube using functions

03:16:14 Theory
03:18:11 Single dimensional arrays
03:22:49 Accept array elements & reprint
03:25:36 array elements in reverse order
03:28:11 Addition of array elements
03:30:05 Fibonacci series using arrays
03:32:20 max+min of an array
03:34:46 positive & negative elements of an array
03:37:37 array in ascending/descending order

Multidimensional arrays
03:40:01 Theory
03:43:55 Accept MxN matrix & reprint
03:46:41 Add two MxN array matrices
03:48:00 Add array elements of two-dimensional arrays
03:49:10 Diagonal elements of a matrix
03:51:00 Add upper matrix elements
03:52:16 Add lower matrix elements
03:53:42 Multiplication of matrices
03:57:15 Transpose of the matrix

03:58:57 What are pointers?
04:00:53 Using pointers

More on functions
04:02:47 Call by value & call by reference
04:06:49 Swap two numbers using parametrized functions
04:09:48 Scope of a variable
04:13:01 Recursion
04:14:21 Fibonacci series using recursion
04:18:30 Factorial using recursion
04:21:12 Passing arrays to a function

04:25:12 What is a string?
04:28:07 Inbuilt functions
04:30:26 ASCII characters
04:31:19 string reverse, length, uppercase, lowercase & copy
04:33:06 Count alphabets, digits & symbols
04:34:40 Compare two strings
04:35:24 Concatenate two strings
04:36:10 Length of string
04:37:33 Copy a string from another
04:38:39 String uppercase
04:40:24 String lowercase
04:41:25 Join two strings
04:43:58 Count alphabets digits & symbols without using inbuilt functions
04:45:25 Compare two strings without using inbuilt functions
04:47:31 Count vowels
04:48:39 Reverse a string
04:50:36 Palindrome

04:52:34 What are structures?
04:54:57 Create structure Employee, store values & reprint
04:56:22 Array of a structure
04:59:11 Structure within a structure

File operations
05:03:36 What are the files?
05:08:06 Read+write to a file character by character
05:12:33 Read+write to a file line by line
05:15:23 Merge two files

Command line arguments
05:17:05 Theory
05:18:50 Programs on command line arguments

05:21:46 Datatypes
05:27:24 Escape sequences
05:30:39 Type casting
05:32:50 Enumeration
05:35:30 Bitwise operators
05:42:31 Unions

#Ctutorialforbeginners #Ctutorial #Cprogramming
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Basics of computer programming
00:21 Introduction
01:35 Basics of computer programming
03:49 Format specifiers
06:31 First computer program
07:27 Character sets & constants
08:55 Basic data types, int, char & float
09:52 Variable declaration & initialisation
14:17 Basic operators
17:12 Arithmetic instructions

Arithmetic operations
18:18 Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division
21:31 Area of Circle & Triangle
24:23 Simple Interest
25:44 Square & Cube
26:51 Total & average
29:00 SWAP two numbers

Escape Sequences
32:14 Theory
34:26 Drawing a tree using escape sequences

35:19 Syntax
40:17 Largest of two numbers
41:02 Positive or not
42:17 Greater or less than 10
43:08 Even/odd
44:09 Divisible by 5
44:59 Multiple of 7
45:45 Compare two numbers
46:55 Logical operators
50:07 3 numbers in ascending/descending order
53:01 Calculate discriminant & roots of a quadratic equation
54:29 Calculate grade
56:22 Check marriage eligibility
59:01 Conditional operators

While & Do While Loop
01:00:47 Why do we need loops
01:02:24 DO-WHILE & WHILE loops Syntax
01:03:49 WHILE vs Do-WHILE loop
01:04:21 Increment & Decrement Operators
01:07:39 N numbers in sequence
01:09:53 N numbers in reverse order
01:11:10 First N even numbers
01:12:29 N odd numbers
01:13:40 Reverse order of a number
01:16:20 Sum of a number
01:18:48 Armstrong or not

For loops
01:23:39 Syntax
01:27:27 Table of a given number
01:29:40 Sum of a number

FOR loops-Pattern Programming
01:32:34 Pattern programming theory
01:34:42 ◸ of *
01:37:51 ◺ of *
01:40:23 ◿ of *
01:43:38 ◹ of *
01:47:37 █ of *
01:50:39 ▵ of *
01:54:14 ▽ of *
01:56:58 ♢ of *
01:58:11 ◺ of numbers -vertical
02:01:01 ◺ of numbers -horizontal
02:02:51 ▵ of alphabets
02:05:48 ▵ mirroring alphabets
02:09:25 ◺ of integers with integer at the end

Advance FOR Loop programs
02:11:47 Factorial
02:16:18 Prime numbers from range
02:22:29 Prime or not
02:27:43 Fibonacci series
02:33:29 Print digits, alphabets using loops
02:36:37 Factorial
02:40:30 Average of numbers
02:43:04 ASCII chart
02:44:21 Rectangular pattern of *
02:46:38 Rectangular pattern using ASCII characters

Goto, break & Continue
02:48:59 goto keyword
02:51:12 break & continue keyword

Switch case
02:53:39 The syntax of the switch case-control structure
02:55:54 Case-control structures in more detail
02:59:30 prime numbers within from a range
03:00:36 numbers in words in reverse order using switch case-control
03:02:29 Perform arithmetic operations based on the users choice

03:04:06 What are functions?
03:06:25 Parametrised functions
03:09:18 Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division using functions
03:11:54 factorial, prime or not & Fibonacci series using functions
03:14:07 Calculate square & cube using functions

03:16:14 Theory
03:18:11 Single dimensional arrays
03:22:49 Accept array elements & reprint
03:25:36 array elements in reverse order
03:28:11 Addition of array elements
03:30:05 Fibonacci series using arrays
03:32:20 max+min of an array
03:34:46 positive & negative elements of an array
03:37:37 array in ascending/descending order

Multidimensional arrays
03:40:01 Theory
03:43:55 Accept MxN matrix & reprint
03:46:41 Add two MxN array matrices
03:48:00 Add array elements of two-dimensional arrays
03:49:10 Diagonal elements of a matrix
03:51:00 Add upper matrix elements
03:52:16 Add lower matrix elements
03:53:42 Multiplication of matrices
03:57:15 Transpose of the matrix

03:58:57 What are pointers?
04:00:53 Using pointers

More on functions
04:02:47 Call by value & call by reference
04:06:49 Swap two numbers using parametrized functions
04:09:48 Scope of a variable
04:13:01 Recursion
04:14:21 Fibonacci series using recursion
04:18:30 Factorial using recursion
04:21:12 Passing arrays to a function

04:25:12 What is a string?
04:28:07 Inbuilt functions
04:30:26 ASCII characters
04:31:19 string reverse, length, uppercase, lowercase & copy
04:33:06 Count alphabets, digits & symbols
04:34:40 Compare two strings
04:35:24 Concatenate two strings
04:36:10 Length of string
04:37:33 Copy a string from another
04:38:39 String uppercase
04:40:24 String lowercase
04:41:25 Join two strings
04:43:58 Count alphabets digits & symbols without using inbuilt functions
04:45:25 Compare two strings without using inbuilt functions
04:47:31 Count vowels
04:48:39 Reverse a string
04:50:36 Palindrome

04:52:34 What are structures?
04:54:57 Create structure Employee, store values & reprint
04:56:22 Array of a structure
04:59:11 Structure within a structure

File operations
05:03:36 What are the files?
05:08:06 Read+write to a file character by character
05:12:33 Read+write to a file line by line
05:15:23 Merge two files

Command-line arguments
05:17:05 Theory
05:18:50 Programs on command line arguments

05:21:46 Datatypes
05:27:24 Escape sequences
05:30:39 Type casting
05:32:50 Enumeration
05:35:30 Bitwise operators
05:42:31 Unions


In this World where money is everything You just made it free of cost to many . Dhanyavad sir.


this is one of the best youtube videos for those beginners who are in their first year b.tech undergrad.
Keep it up .


if you're a beginner this is the place to be, the most explanatory tutorial of C Programming ever.


Just found this -- you are sent by God to help clear up the ambiguities in C! Thank you, my friend and I hope you're still posting!


I have never seen C explained like this ... even in ... you're crazy!! THANK!!! ... YOU!!!!


This video was suggested to me by my friend..these are really life saver if you dont belong to computer science
preparing for tcs from these leactures
Hope to get the best results


Sir, I can't believe that you gave us everything free of cost you are really great🙏🏻🙏🏻 I really appreciate your work sir keep it up sir👍🏻👍🏻


One of the most complete and useful videos on entire Youtube! Thanks for your amazing work!!


I was worried for how to revise all the concepts of c for my interview. But your video made me confident and made me to remind all the forgotten things. Thanks a lot "Kodegod"


Quite underrated channel. U deserve millions of subscribers. Great content and delivery. 👍 Also covering almost every topic in such short time.


Thank You For Such a Great Tutorial.The BEST part is you solve our doubts in the comments.😀😀😀😀😀😀


This qurantine would be productive I can easily say 👌👌great work hats off👌👌🤗


Kudos to you sir took me months to find a perfect video and now I am confident on C Language
I have request could you please make a series on DSA
Once Again thank you sir!


This is so helpful man, I cant believe all of this is for free!!! you are doing some great work man! cheers!


Day after tomorrow is my exam..till now i dont know at least the basics of c.... But after watching this am a pro...and ready for exam...

And you deserve a lot more subscribers ...i ve subscribed juat


Best video. Not boring. Always hits the points what the user wants. Recapped all my C concepts🤩


Amazing Video.!!!
I have successfully rebrushed C with your help. The best part of your video was your timestamps. They have helped me a lot. A big Thumps Up to you👍👍👍


I'm just in class 10 and I understood everything


this is beyond premium what a simplicity and efficent way to present.
