Are women called to be pastors?

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My aunt went to seminary, fully bible believing, she left seminary believing that "Everybody is doing the very best they can and everybody is going to heaven."


You can probably biblically conclude that a woman could serve as a deacon but no further than that.


I like that he’s wearing his make-fun-of-the-UMC-shirt for this one


I’m LCMS and it breaks my heart to see the one of the ELCA churches in town proudly put out on their sign the name of their lady pastor. It’s like the devil at work or something.


And then they would say: but there was a prophetess in the old testament...

Me: 🥲 you don't understand the Bible


Im a female and I’ve been recently learning more about what the Bible truly says about women compared what feminism says. I’m curious if women can lead worship then? It’s not a pastoral position but it’s leading a congregation.


Well…in the end what is going to happen to all of these women pastors? Are they suppose to even preach at all? Thank you for answering.


This is why I decided to attend a baptist church. My last church had a female pastor and I felt convicted, so I prayed, and searched the scriptures. Month later, I decided to go to a baptist church.


What about Junia in Romans 16:7, she was called an apostle?


The most important of Jesus followers seemed to be Mary. Since he chose her to be the first to see his resurrection.
And that time she washed Jesus feet with her hair, he said that she’s more important than the men at that table.
He didn’t give her a title, but she was just as important as the twelve men. Jesus respected and valued women. Did Jesus himself say that women couldn’t be leaders?


In the Kingdom of God there is no gender. “And we no longer see each other in our former state—Jew or non-Jew, rich or poor, male or female—because we’re all one through our union with Jesus Christ.”
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭3‬:‭28‬ ‭TPT‬‬


The passage you're referring to, 1 Timothy 2:11-15, is located in a letter that is subject to a significant authorship debate among scholars.

Many scholars suggest that the Pastoral Epistles (1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus) may not have been written by Paul himself, but instead by a follower of Paul, who used his name. This practice, known as pseudonymous writing, was quite common in the ancient world and isn't necessarily deceptive by their standards.

One of the reasons scholars believe this is the noticeable difference in style and vocabulary between these letters and the undisputed letters of Paul. For instance, the Greek phrase "πιστος ὁ λογος" (pistos ho logos) and the word "εὐσέβεια" (eusebeia) appear regularly in the Pastoral Epistles but not in the other letters of Paul. Plus, the style of these letters is often more formal and detailed than Paul's more straightforward and direct style.

This doesn't invalidate the teachings in these letters, but it does suggest that we need to be careful when interpreting and applying them. Especially for passages like 1 Timothy 2:11-15, we must consider the historical and cultural context, as well as the possibility that this may reflect a specific situation or controversy in the early church, rather than a universal command for all times and places.

It's also important to remember that there are many passages in the undisputed letters of Paul that affirm the value and role of women in the church (e.g., Romans 16). Our understanding of God's word must take into account the full breadth of biblical teaching, not just isolated passages.


If you read what is around it as well (we have to be VERY careful about just looking at single verses because context matters), we see why. This is a reflection of the original creation design.


Id like to see engagement with some actual arguments from egaliterians…most of them suck but some of them get much more complex than this…suzy silk, greg boyd theyll both give tough arguments using scripture as their basis


Sooo good that you say the truf abot woman is forbiten to be a pastor for dy are not call to be a pastor. I em enorm glad and overflod happy for you say the truf.
Jesus bless you overflod, God bless you overflod, I bless you .
Thank you to speek the tru, reed the in the bible.. Jesus love you soooo.


Jesus had many followers, men and women, but the disciples were men. So don't say that it's from Paul and not from Jesus because Jesus was exactly the same way in his choosing the disciples.


What if what if you’re wrong? What if it’s a new thing Jesus is going to speak through a woman this time when he comes to visit? What if this is true?


I should note. And yes this might be different from your position. The bible is the divine word of God written through human eyes. From this perspective things like allegory and cultural context are allowed to exsist, but God has put within the Bible all things which are necessary for salvation. That being said, Jesus treatment of women was radically progressive. But his placement of women in ministry is clearly that of administration, support, and contemplation, even to lead other women and children, but not as leaders of the whole body


This a misleading information interpersonal interpretation. A women here is referring to a married woman not a unmarried woman. A *woman* can be a pastor/teacher/Evangelist, etc... (but there are some Scriptural requirements for that woman within the local church body and her life can testify by the ungodly of her. )

People who believed they need to know Greek and Hebrew to have 'better understanding' of Scriptures can be so eaisly misleaded.
For information : no one today can accurately speak or understand ancient Greek or Hebrew languages 100%. The further we go into time away from the past languages are distorted or gets absolute in familiarities. The best we have now is the translation of people who was of the past and had relevant information and ability and knowledge of the text than us today. We have so much so called modern 'Greek' and 'Hebrew' which these words can have multiple meanings and we choose the one we prefer to our idealogy. Yet today, we can't read or understand in context. It always a red warning flag when persons try to push over their interprations with saying, The Greek or Hebrew means this or that...

Truly...we don't need additional Greek and Hebrew 'insights'. We have the text and it was done for us today. The Bible authoritised KJVB 1611 is a good bible to read. Also the Geneva Bible. Don't limited on versions of Bible preferences...but at the same time don't diviate from the context.

Let *your women* keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if *they* will learn any thing, let *them ask their husbands* at home: for it is a shame for *women* to speak in the church.

In context:
_their wifes_
*them ask their husbands*
*Women with husband*

I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. In like manner also, that *women* adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. Let *the woman* learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not *a woman* to teach, nor to usurp authority over *the man* but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but *the woman* being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding *she* shall be saved in *childbearing* if *they* continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

In context: the *women* Purual, then *woman* singlar ( _the woman_ ) and this specifically addressing a *woman* with a husband. ( _the man_ )

To verify whom it is addressed to: It's a married woman and her husband in the church. For the text points to the following as an example:
"For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding *she* shall be saved in *childbearing* if *they* ( _the married man and woman_ ) continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety."

Notice how the text when from the plurality - *women* to singularity *woman* I present unto you all today, the context of the matter is text focus on the high standard of godliness in holiness in right relationship with Godly order and under God's authoritive governing for personnels in their respective local assemblies.

This could not be referred to single women. It is all in relationship with a married woman: " _Notwithstanding _*_she_*_ ( _this can not be referred to an unmarried woman for in good conversation (Holy living) child bearing in godly living standards are to get married then have children_ ) shall be saved in *childbearing*_ And *they* - referring to a man and his wife. But a single woman who keeps her self _pure_ from the world and her life is unto God and is not married or don't desire to be a wife, having NO children sineth not and can be a pastor, evangelist, teacher, etc.. of God's people. I personally don't believe a single mother should be in any leadership position in the local assemblies. (But maybe I can be wrong, anyway Blessing in Jesus Name ). 🙏😔


Paul teaches against the Law, so is apostate, stop listening to what comes out of others mouths Jesus His Word His Orders are the Requirement for Salvation His words . also You are not to Obeyi or following any other than His Words . All scripture is Not breathed out by GOD, IS is an addition and changes the meaning of writing from Paul .Paul Who is Not the 12th Apostle there are only 12 . Paul cannot tell his vision of a bright light without different details he cannot remember correctly a vision.
