How long it takes to lose 100 pounds

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Losing 100 pounds is an amazing thing to accomplish, and can change your entire life. In this video I tell you how long it takes to lose 100 pounds, and break down the math in three different ways for you.

You'll also find a little bit of inspiration to lose 100 pounds in a year or less.

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Solid info, I've lost 100 pounds twice lol. If any of you want it to stick it's about lifestyle changes. Eat whole food. Stay away from processed food and excessive sugar, don't drink your calories. Exercise helps and is great but your nutrition is the key. Good luck.👍💪


January 2nd I was 335, now I’m 232. Im feeling the best I ever have in my life and I feel like I’m in a good weight range for me (being 6’ 5) it all comes down to nutrition. Also helps to maintain an active lifestyle! If you’re reading this and need to lose the weight, you can do it, it’s all down to mentality. Having that click, that lightbulb just come on and being true to yourself and knowing you need to do it for you. That’s when the change will happen. Good luck this year guys!


I will give it a try. I need to lose right at 100 pounds. And today is the day to start.


I'm 230lb but you can't tell I do need to loose a 80-100 lbs, I'm so happy this video came up because I dont even know how to start


Me: trying to lose weight ASAP since I didn’t have a glow up or did anything over the summer. Also me: hears that it takes a year.... 👁👄👁 NEXT


This is correct I started at 282 and it took me a year and change 104 in total!


Please keep the videos coming - this was informative.


I'm 25lbs down and do get discouraged at times because I see everyone eating unhealthy foods enjoying themselves and I'm over here counting calories but I also remind myself of why I wanted to do this & keep pushing. I like watching videos like this, always a good motivation booster!


Thanks! Your story is an inspiration to people like me who do have about 100 lbs to lose. I'll get there, and I'll keep coming back for advice and motivation!


I was at 350lbs and I'm at 300lbs right now in 2.5 month. I feel like it might get harder to lose weight now but i'm still aiming for my 5th to 6th month to lose 100lbs. 🤞🤞🤞


Started in the beginning of February of this year at 230. Currently down to 213. I’m doing a calorie cycling regime. I do 1200 for a month with lots of protein, vegetables and fibre while also walking 10, 000 steps a day, and playing 20 minutes Ringfit adventure. After one month I do 1500 for 2 weeks with the same amount of exercise. Then after those 2 weeks I drop it down to 1200 for a month again. This is good to keep my motivation high without destroying my mentality. So far I haven’t binged or felt overly restricted. I guess that’s an average of 2.8 pounds per week.

I know it’s not much so far but anyone looking for advice:

1. change your habits. Instead of eating a burger for lunch. Pack a bright colourful salad with lean proteins and a low calorie dressing. Instead of eating out of boredom, walk and listen to music when you’re bored. Quit snacking in between meals and quit skipping meals.

2. don’t deny yourself if you are craving something not so healthy but don’t go overboard and give up. If you want a doughnut go get one but don’t eat 6.

3. Do exercises you enjoy not whats trendy. If you like dancing then dance and get a fit watch some are secondhand and track your steps. Set a goal and stick to it

4. Get a food scale and weigh in grams, this is the most accurate. You can guesstimate your calories by up to 1000 and this is the reason you will say, “I’m doing everything and not losing a pound!” No you’re just eating more than you think.

5. Be accurate 90% of the time, but don’t stop living your life either. If you go over your calories one day it’s not really a big deal because one meal/day/week is not going to ruin your progress. The only thing that ruins your progress is giving up.

Good luck people, I’m starting a YouTube channel so message me below if you’re interested in watching my weight loss journey. I’ve been trying for 10 years to lose weight and this is the farthest I’ve got so far


This is great info. Is there a video of what to eat healthier? I do not like cooking, but want to start. I also want to learn how to shop for healthy food and prepare them. My diet needs an overhaul and I do need to start walking and get moving again!!


I have been struggling with me weight for all my life. A few years ago, I went from 320 to 180. But, I have gained a lot of weight back (at 250 currently). My goal has always been is to get to 160 (size 8). I want to loss the rest of this weight the right way with my mind fully engaged my heart and my spirit working together to see myself at my best for the rest of my life. I thought that being 31 would Count me out for losing weight as a woman, but I will do what I have to do. Thank you so much for this encouraging video!


Alrighty then, I am 16 years old, 5'6 and weigh 232 pounds. I would like to lose 80 to 100 pounds in a years time. Since I hit high school and this pandemic I have gained a lot of weight, to be honest I wasn't really ever in the healthy weight range however I want to change, as I gained weight I started to struggle a lot with my mental health and even academic performance. Thank you very much for the video, this will be a starting point. 🙂


The way he explained it is so satisfying


My gosh i have to loose 150 damn i got lazy and pile on the weight i got a long journey to go thank u great video i always gave up cause i found it so overwell but i have to be patient with the process.


I started working out in July my weight was 286.10 now today I weigh 227.6


I found that keeping a five pound weight around and reminding myself that five pounds actually matters helps a lot with making those smaller goals feel worthwhile.


Thank you man I appreciate it a lot I’m 245 and I’m 14 this will help me a lot


To: The Shape Within, Thank you for this great video presentation. I need to lose about 88 pounds going from 258 Lbs down to 170 Lbs. What can I do to minimize ending up with excess loose skin? What can I do to maximize my efforts and gain better results? I rather do this naturally without surgery.
