Signs of Bed Bug Bites - Health Checks

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If you are bitten by a bed bug, the most common symptom is the bitemark itself, which can turn into a large, itchy welt.
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i would never shed a tear if they became extinct


I'm watching this while laying on my bed trying to sleep...such a bad decision.


Gosh I feel so stupid. I seen two bed bugs on my bed last month, and just knocked them off. I didn't know what they were, and never seen them before. Today I found two on my shoes, and decided to search for bed bugs. I also looked around my bed, and found more on the crevices. Now my family is treating me like I have Ebola or something, and don't want me anywhere near them. I'm just depressed.


I feel like bedbugs are crawling on me while watching this video


I just found these monsters trying to bite me so i turned on the lights and started looking for them with a mallet


My family and I had around a 6-8 month experience with bed bugs. Aight so boom.
It was like right before summer 2012 when it started. We believe that it came from my sister’s best friends son’s car seat. Every time she came over with her child in the car seat he was crying, but we never paid any attention to it. Fast forward to about a month later… my sister was the first one to complain about itchy bumps on her arm. She never thought nothing of it.

We live in FL. We though it was just mosquitos. About another week later, I wake up and go to work. Mind you, I’m totally fine at work for like the first half of the day. About mid way through, my clothes start itching on my body like crazy. Especially my back. I go home that day and take off my shirt, and my back is filled with these HUGE red bumps (because I was itching all day not knowing). I panic and think I have some infection, so I immediately go to the doctor next day. They say I’m fine and send me back home. If I were to explain a bed bug bite, they bite just like mosquitoes. You don’t feel that they bit you until you’re already itching. 

Eventually we saw the first bed bug, then started doing research. We check my sisters bed first, and holy shit. There was a entire colony that has grown in her box spring. We immediately threw them away. Long story short, they eventually spread to me and my brothers room and we had to get rid of our box springs, and we bought mattress covers for every mattress in the house. But that doesn’t stop there. They can live in your POPCORN CEILING. They can live in your OUTLETS. YOUR CLOTHES. YOUR FURNITURE. YOUR CARPET. Wanna know the scariest thing? When you turn the lights off at night, then can come out, crawl to the roof over your bed, and fall right on top of you because they can detect your body temperature. When I found that out I went crazy.

We had an exterminator come and told us that we would have to fumigate. Didn’t have the time being that we were in an apartment and that would relocate us, so we had to just fight through it. Oddly enough they never touched my brother it was weird. Everyone was getting bitten up but him. We had to take all of our clothes to the laundromat and dry them cause the heat kills them. After a while they just went “extinct”. Word of advice… NEVER BUY USED FURNITURE AND ALWAYS BE MINDFUL OF WHAT YOU’RE BRINGING INTO YOUR HOUSE. I don’t wish bed bugs on anyone.


I thought I was getting mosquito or ant bites on my arms and legs. I thought I was getting random pimples on my back. Nope. Bed bugs


I just woke up from a terrible nightmare about how these were swarming my body. I needed to watch this to make sure it wasn't real


When we brought some bed bugs home from a hotel I made a soda bottle trap that uses water, yeast and sugar to make CO2. That is used to find out if they were just a few or lots of them. It was just a few because the trap only caught two. I went to a feed store and bought a bag of Diatomaceous Earth, and applied it to the carpet under the bed, inside the boxspring, on top of the boxspring, and around the edge of the mattress. I puffed it lightly using a plastic bottle, but put a ring of DE around the bed legs more heavily. I dusted the entire floor lightly with DE. I figured the bugs came in on my shoe bag which I had stored on the hotel room floor, so I sealed it in a plastic bag and set it out in the hot sun. You can do that with clothes and other articles; just seal them in a plastic bag and put them in the sun or in a car trunk for a few days. Diatomaceous earth is the best safe solution, and a lot less costly than "professional" heat and/or poisons.


This was a very well produced video. The doctor is well spoken.


I am now suffering from a severe reaction to bedbug bites. I showed sign about 24 hours after the attack and by the next day I was bad enough to go to the ER. I have welts but pustules and HORRID inflammatory response. When I woke from night three my body was and still is wracked with joint swelling, pain, nausea from the pain and wanting to punch the person who allowed this to happen. We even looked for sign before tucking in!. I am grateful my husband isn't having the same reactions. current mantras are, "Don't touch me." Leave the AC on!" and "I am ok, yes, OK!". No, I am not OK. I will have scars, I can feel the soon to be pustules as lumps under my skin. I know these can erupt up to 9 days after the initial bite. My body's reaction is normal for a IgG, IgG subsets and IgA depleted victim. Every damaged joint is swollen, red hot and feels like there is hot sand instead if lubricant in them,


My sister use to have these in her apartment like 6 years ago. When I would stay with her, I would be the only one getting bit at night. I would turn the light on & see nothing. I remember one night I had around 8 bite marks on one arms. Itched like hell. But she threw everything from that apartment away & to this day nothing 😊


I'm sleeping on the floor from now on 😭


Why they cant they just make a cream which can be applied on body and when bug bites it will die or something.


His knee probably got stuck in that position.


We need to completely eradicate these things again! They were eradicated at one time. Only have made a comeback in last 5 years or so. Someone should invent a place something like short term storage units that can be heated and people can bring their mattress and furniture to have heated to kill the bugs while they clean up the mess at home, vacuuming and applying some sort of bed bug killer and after that the bug free furniture can safely come back.


Dr. Parada thank you for this informative and informational video. To many Doctors have no knowledge of bed bugs or other bites. When the patient suspects bed bugs so does the Dr.


3:06 and avoid scratching— *stops scratching


I thought what i got is a pimple. Turn out to be a bed bug bite


Its very true that doctors most of them bout 98% do not have a clue about skin infections or insect bites, you have to be your own doctor cause if you leave it up to the doctors it will get out of control, and something eazy to treat will become a pain in the arse, so i suggest you do your own research because you cant relie on doctors to get it right ther not trained for this type of things thats a dermotolagast job and doctors r only interested in how fast they can get u in and prescribe antiboitic and send u on your way and thats all you get from "your doctor" they get to much credit they dont deserve!
