Kena: Bridge of Spirits Review - The Final Verdict

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In spite of the few minor issues I have with Kena: Bridge of Spirits here and there, it's hard to deny just what an incredibly engaging experience it is. Almost all of it comes together to deliver a compelling game that's a triumph at almost everything it sets out to do, even if it doesn't set out to do much other than retread well trodden ground.

When the biggest criticism I can level at it is that I wanted more of it, it definitely did something right. With its debut game, indie team Ember Lab has made a confident statement of intent.
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I platinumed the game yesterday and I have to tell you all how deeply, overflowingly, happy I am only because this game happens to exist. It touched me immensely and I enjoyed every moment of my two playthroughs (except the final boss on master-difficulty. Was maybe a bit too brutal). I understand its weaknesses and would say that technically its not a 10/10 game. Not even a 9/10. But for me personally this is easily the game of the year. Game of several years even. I'm sure I'm going to replay it a dozen of times in my lifetime. Thank you Ember Labs.


What do people even mean by originality? Games have been around for a while now so it is hard to come up with a totally different gamepay mechanic. We are generally going to see variations of stealth, shooting, melee combat, parrying etc. What you do with these established mechanics is what counts? Change in animations and physics is what makes the gameplay feel different and unique. The fact that when she parries a blue shield forms around her is unique. The fact that instead of picking up items herself, she commands the rot to do it is a new gameplay mechanic. The result is the same. The object is being transported from one place to another but the way it is executed is different and that makes the gameplay feel original. The fact that she can uses the rot creatures to form a hammer is also different. This game ia original in its gameplay but it is not going to invent a completely new gameplay mechanic


I love that Emberlab know their limit and make it as best as they could, they are not trying to be overdone or trying to achieve something with much bigger scope so it couldn't risk the final product unlike Biomutant or No Man's Sky (at launch) - these game were suffered because of trying to make a lot of things but got so limited in human resources or budget, in the end those titles got wasted the potential they had.


The game is honestly amazing, nothing bad to say about it, it was that good i even got the platinum for it, the only thing i wish they added to the game is a new game+ option


She looks like a modern day rendition of the protagonist from Kameo: Elements of Power on the xbox 360...


im disabled on the right side of the body and using base controls even thought i can remap them and have used my disabled hand for the arrows what is really stupidly hard to pull off well focusing on the mobs/ boss's i'm on the part where i have to cleans the shrine's only shrine i have left is the one where i light up the 4 torches around the corruption but i end up just getting the 2 flying mobs lol ill figure it out i'm also playing on sprit guide mode as well i feel story mode would of just made itto easy for me


I'd love it if they created a remake of Beyond Good and Evil! Just finished the game.


This game is beautiful, simplistic, responsive, challenging and tons of fun to play. Video games don’t need to have a RPG induced skill tree and character crafting system in order to feel immersive. It’s an instant classic and though it’s not as long as most AAA games. Don’t let that deter you from playing such an outstanding game. My only gripe is that parrying attacks is almost impossible but a good dodge will keep you in the fight. 9/10!!!


The difficulty of this game is underrated…


The statements about "originality" are interesting.
At this point in history, most of the stuff people claim is original is simply a feature from a game they happened to not be familiar with but don't have the humility to realize that there so many games out there they haven't played. Or it's "new", in that it's a combination of two or three pre existing mechanics that have been brought together, which is cool in itself whether fully original or not because combining things properly isn't easy. When it comes to something actually original, it is just as often something takes a way from a game then adds to it.
I'm all for originality when it improves a game but at the same time I am not going to look down on a game for not being original when it's overall executed well.
With the exception of getting outside of well worn genres like "action adventure" or "shooter" originality is bound to be a rare occurrence and I think that is ok.

I could go through a list of my favorite games from the past 10 years, there would be very few features or mechanics in them that are truly the first game to have them. Often a unique combination of things that already existed but wholly original? Not so much. I'd wager that most folks are in the same situation...though many may not be aware because they simply don't know that they features they first encountered in some game from 2015 had existed in some form in a game from back in 2005. heh


I was expecting a 9/10 after listening to the review, still it sounds like a winner…..Especially at the price that I’m surprised didn’t get a mention?!


Art style and graphics 10/10. Combat was on par with what I have played of Horizon. And the story has really gripped me. I truly havent been this immersed in a game since BotW. The music was really good too. I think this is my game of the year but its also 1 of the few I have played.


So bought it digitally last night but I desperately want a physical copy for my nephew's they will absolutely adore this, the game seriously needs a photo mode there's so much beautiful scenery to drink in, nothing in the last how many years has moved me so much, my heartfelt thankyou to ember labs and all those involved, absolute masterpiece of a game haven't finished it yet but really hope there's a new game plus or something of the sort, I tip my hat to you ember labs a magical unforgettable adventure this is 😊


I just cleared the first major area and I can say boy this game is good. A lot harder than a cute cartoon aesthetic may suggest. I give it a solid 8 and for a first ever game they are gonna be a big name in gaming


Well... Everyone seems to forget it is an indie game which already had outdone itself with a small team of developers.


I cry at the end 😢 😭. We all wondering 🤔 what will she do next? The ending is very emotional 😢 😭 with the music. She has put the spirit creature back to its original form.


This is prob in my top 3 games released of last 3 years. Dead space remake in there too. Its just another proven point that executing an already established idea very well still makes for a great experience. Wish they would carry this idea over to film these days. New achievers in the industry think that they all can reinvent the wheel lmao.


The masterpiece nobody is talking about


Some of the end game bosses are actually quite challenging. Harder than some souls bosses I’d say


This one gives me some good old Legacy of Kain vibes.
