History of the Wheel of Time - Part 2: The Third Age
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The Wertzone Blog: History of the Wheel of Time by Adam Whitehead
Creative Commons / Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Music by CinematicSun917 from Pixabay
Sands of Time, For When it Rains by Juan Sanchez from Pixabay
Music by CinematicSun917 from Pixabay
The Sorrow II by Zen Man
No One Is Safe, A Solemn Meadow, Chasing the Rain, Wandering and Mining Song by Timothy Kulig from Pixabay
Near Danger, Never again, Rest of the Fallen by Guilherme Bernardes William from Pixabay
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Castle_cl_H by Paperblue
Yukiri by Benjamin Roque
Ishamael by Seamas Sketches
The Burning City by Daniele Montella
Padan Fain / Mordeth by cagdasdemiralp
Shadar Logoth by Gal Or
Shadar Logoth by Sergey Shikin
Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan by end5er
Morning in Tear by aeddub
Trolloc attack by Sam Wood
Gaul, Bain, and Chiad by Joe O'Hara
Wanderlust by Aimee Stewart
Artur Hawkwing by Kevin Angus
Guaire Amalasan by Kaligo Dark
Artur Hawkwing by Adam Masterman
The Betrayer of Hope by Ariilustrador
Medieval Fantasy Port by LotharZhou
Dragon Rider Battle by DeivCalviz
Damane by Ariel Burgess
Constantinople by RadoJavor
Political Map of the Westlands by tgbkinger
al'Lan Mandragoran by cagdasdemiralp
Shayol Ghul and the Blight by NerdyMaps
Ghost Battlefield by Richard Anderson
Tam finds Rand in the Blood Snow by Jeremy Saliba
Intro: (0:00)
After the Breaking: (2:28)
The Free Years: (22:24)
New Era: (48:13)