GAD vs OCD (and how to tell the difference)

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If you are wondering if you have GAD vs OCD (and how to tell the difference), this episode might be just what you need.

My name is Kimberley Quinlan, and I am a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist and an AX specialist. I help people overcome their anxiety in the kindest way possible.

I have treated Generalized Anxiety Disorder and OCD for over 13 years, and it is true.

GAD and OCD look SUPER similar, so I will break it down today and address the GAD and OCD overlap. Let’s go!


GAD vs OCD is a slightly controversial topic right now. Conferences. Dont all agree

The reason for this is that they follow a very similar cycle.

What is GAD?

To understand what is GAD, we need to know the criteria for Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
Anxiety and worry about everyday events such as work, school, etc.
Frequency: Occurs more days than not for at least six months
The person finds it challenging to control the worry and anxiety
Focus on areas related to another anxiety disorder, such as social anxiety, HA, Panic disorder, body image, previous trauma, etc.
Causes distress and impairment
Rules out medical reasons for symptoms such as a medical condition or substance abuse

Symptoms of GAD (DX criteria)

Restlessness or being on edge
Easily fatigued
Difficulty concentrating or “blank mind”
Muscle Tension
Sleep disturbances

What is OCD?

To understand what is OCD, we need to address the DX—criteria for OCD.

Presence of obsessions, compulsions, or both:
Intrusive, unwanted, repetitive thoughts, feelings, sensations, urges, and images that cause marked anxiety or distress.
The individual attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts, urges, or images or neutralize them compulsively.
Compulsions -5 types
Compulsions are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent or are clearly excessive.
The obsessions or compulsions are time-consuming (e.g., take more than 1 hour per day) or cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
The obsessive-compulsive symptoms are not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or another medical condition.
The disturbance is not better explained by the symptoms of another mental disorder (e.g., excessive worries, as in generalized anxiety disorder, BDD, HA, Phobias, BFRBs, trauma, etc.

So, now let's talk about Ocd vs. gad and how to tell the difference.

Both GAD or OCD have obsessions (intrusive thoughts)
Both have rumination, avoidance, and reassurance seeking.
OCD tends to be focused on irrational subjects

Are your worries related to daily stressors?
Are your fears intrusive and repetitive?
Are they realistic and valid, or irrational and distorted?
Are you doing physical compulsions?
Does anyone in your family have GAD or OCD?

You can take an OCD or GAD test
Talk to a therapist or mental health professional

Let’s answer some common questions asked about this topic

Can you have OCD and GAD?
Is there a GAD OCD overlap?
What about other anxiety disorders vs ocd?
Can GAD lead to OCD?
What's the difference between OCD and anxiety?
Рекомендации по теме

Misdiagnosed with anxiety with whole life and now realising it is OCD. I've been so frustrated the the lack of understanding but now things make sense. Biggest example of me is I have intrusive thoughts about irrational things like what if the solid earth is going to fall from under me, what if I feel anxiety being too far away from my car...yet I am super relaxed about the things I probably should worry about like not working, money, family, adult obligations. It also explains why the lower dose medications never worked. Now to learn how to treat this for what it is.


This was helpful because I think I do have “just” GAD and not OCD but I struggled with the idea that GAD could also have compulsions that can be catastrophized or irrational. Often while ruminating over a stressful situation I become convinced that it will absolutely be a disaster and this person will surely react this way etc etc Only afterwards when it usually wasn’t that bad to realize how irrational my conviction was. But it usually doesn’t repeat itself without an outside stressor so I guess I’m just realizing my GAD can cause compulsive behavior. I thought it was just supposed to be like worrying all the time lol


One of the most clearly explained video in YouTube. I have both GAD and OCD . I am currently struggling with harmOCD badly. In your 15 years have you helped someone with Harmocd?


Could she be anymore likeable? lol. What a gem. Thanks for the content!

Thought I was GAD but after a recent challenge I’m sure it’s OCD.


How can someone be recover from anxiety and depression


I have very annoying thoughts, when i try to get rid of them they come back and i had to create a whole cutscene in my brain to get rid of at least some of them... theyre usually about the things i hate thr most and since im Christian theyre often about sinning and doing something terrible. Also, if i for example hit something with my right hand, i have to hit it with my left hand too cause then it would be uneven and when i try to fight back the urge just gets stronger ._. Or if you touch my right arm ill have to touch my left arm or both a couple times. Or every time i do something i count how many times i did it, for example just tapping my desk while studying. 2+2=fiv... wait, how many taps was that? Felt like 7... i have to add one more, 7 is UNEVEN so one finger tapped it more than the other!!!! After hearing about ocd i thought i MIGHT have it, but im not diagnosed. Im afraid to ask my parents about talking to a psychologist or someone bc they think my brain is totally fine. (Even tho im diagnosed with depression and social anxiety.) Should i really contact someone? Could these be signs of ocd?


I used to use invega and olanzapine and i couldn't stand for them i want to change tk something natural i had some thoughts suicide thoughts
I need to get out from medication.they are killing me


I was squared away on saris for ocd for 25 years then got Covid and now have constant breakthrough anxiety which amps up the ocd is there a protocol should I try to fix the anxiety that seemed to reanimate ocd ?


I don't have anxiety because I don't care about anything


If a person feels that their fears are unrealistic it wouldn’t bother them. 🙄😩


What is "GAD" Please explain


Buddha is the answer . You seem to create these issues by thinking to much . Empty your mind, No Me No Mine = No Suffering. " I'm so happy " When you become Nothing you become Everything . Love and peace
