[ENG] Genshin CN 3rd Anniversary: Light in the Abyss

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Zhongli casually dropping a meteor that covered the entire place with his arms crossed


It's fascinating to realize how come our narrative that Khaenri'ah was destroyed by the gods for being prosperous changed drastically throughout time, with us now believing that the Archons did what was necessary because the godless nation fell victim to an invasion of the Abyss.


Seeing Makoto in action gives me the chills. She was known as a gentle god who hardly ever used her sword and obviously, she's nowhere near Ei's level when it comes to combat experience and martial prowess. However, it still gave me goosebumps to see her giving her all as the Electro Archon.


It's so great to see Venti fighting with his true power being the God Barbatos we wanted to see one day.


Damn, can we also appreciate Rukkhadevata helping them as the God of Wisdom by not battling but purifying Teyvat from Abyssal Energy? That shit was gracefully done.


Seeing Caribert cry his mother and transforming in front of his father is heartbreaking, they always hint about the fall of kaenri'ah but actually getting to see the horrors of the red sky, people transforming into vicious monsters and actual archons dying trying to contain the abyss is mind blowing


The way Kaeya’s father is drawn here is majestic. I really love the theory that Marshal Anfortas, and the current leader of “Khaenri’ah” is actually Kaeya’s father


Seeing venti in his prime send chills. We never really got to know how he fight and its really sad how the archons seem to be a pawn in this war for celestia. Really hope the anime comes out soon!


Venti's scene was amazing. The way his wings came Down, and the burst, I was in awa watching this. And the way his one leg was bent, gave it a elegant effect? I don’t know the right word to use but it added a great effect. Venti be dropping the nuked.


Seeing the archons' loved ones and predecessors perish was heartbreaking for sure, but Caribert's transformation was *absolutely gut-wrenching, * what the hell 😰


I really like the idea of Khaenri'ah being a Steampunk version of our Modern World. The idea that they became so advanced, that due to their technological arrogance, accidentally unleashed dangerous forces on Teyvat which forced the Gods to intervene as well as discovering secrets that not even an Archon would have known.


The throne stands high above the Celestia.
Authorities granted to the victorious Seven.
Every place touched by mountains, rivers and streams becomes the sacred land of the Gods.
The Victors rule in this world in the name of Archons.
Roaming in this mortal world, people dwell in the shelter of the Divine.
At times, bowing in submission.
At times, lifting their eyes in reverence.
They've walked alongside the gods, for months and years on end.

But in the unreachable depths beyond the Gods gaze,
There once was a prosperous and glorious dream.
The day
I waken from a dream
A glorious kingdom, I see
Light up, underland
The gentle light, glowing from people's eyes
Is interweaving with machine's ray

The day
I wanderin' around
A flourishing kingdom I see
Light up, underland

No one realize, what in the abyss lies
Serenity seems to last forever...

Doom has come..
All of a sudden
With wind, the past has gone
They stained the land with crimson blood
Hearts are broken
Despair pervades this world
Does human arrogance earn the wrath?


The day
The Oracle descends
A withering kingdom, I hear
Weeping for remorse

The heroes know what in the abyss lies
They step forward and never look back


Doom has come..
All of a sudden
Legions stand aligned
Defend the land with crimson blood
Shatter the sky
We have to save this world
Has God abandoned us ever and ever?

I hear
The anthem from a far land
Oh dear, bid my farewell

The day
I waken from a dream
The glorious kingdom, I leave
Sleep in underland

The day
I set off on the way
A flourishing new world I see
Healing all of the


Another banger song composed by Venti's CN VA's husband and Sung by Venti's CN VA herself ❤, the animation and the whole livestream were purely masterpiece🔥


List of scenes and significant people

0:11 The Usurper? (Unknown God) Bestowing the archons with the gnoses stolen from the dragon sovereigns and rule over their lands.
0:20 Dendro Archon Rhukkadevata planting life into the Sumeru desert and bringing up the forest region
0:39 Doors to Khaenriah
0:45 Lumine emerges for unknown reasons in Khaenriah (Fate Weaver?)
0:59 Dainsleif as a royal guard
1:01 King of Khaenriah's Eclipse Dynasty with Gold (Rhinedottir) and Pierro behind him
1:34 Cataclysm
1:40 People start turning into monsters
1:43 Gold and you can see Primordial Albedo (Susbedo) in a bottle behind her
1:49 Kaeya's dad
2:16 That looks like Halfdan
2:24 The Abyssal monsters emerging from Khaenriah into Teyvat (Sumeru region)
2:27 Rhukkadevata purifying an Aranara
2:30 Rhukkadevata hearing Celestia's call to come to Khaenriah but doesn't as she goes to protect Irminsul
2:35 Bosacious (maybe already crazy?) sensing the monsters and going to aid the Milileth in the Chasm
2:44 Yelan's ancestor (spellcaster)
2:51 Durin (Gold's creation)
3:00 Ei finding Makoto's letter as she has been summoned to Khaenriah
3:08 All the original archons in their former glory
3:14 Goldenwolflord
3:22 Makoto, Venti, and Zhongli being badasses
3:38 Caribert crying next to his dead mom
3:40 Abyss Order's Founder (Caribert dad)
3:43 Caribert getting hilichurled
3:49 Makoto's Death
3:55 Egeria's Death (Original Hydro Archon).
4:00 Egeria turns into dew
4:02 Rhukkadevata taking Egeria's remains and establishing the pool of Amirta, establishing balance in the region
4:15 Divine bird sacrifices itself and the Pari emerge


This is for the people who are unfamiliar with the lore of the cataclysm or need a refresher. Khaenri’ah, also known as the Eclipse Dynasty was destroyed by the seven. Due to unkown circumstances, Celestia showed anger torwards the people of Khaenri’ah, possible due to the nation using forbidden knowledge in their technological advancements. The Heavenly Principles responded to this by sending the Seven. (Venti, Zhongli, Makoto the former electro archon, Rukkhadevata the former dendro archon, Egeria the former hydro archon, and possibly the pyro archon Murata and the cryo archon Tsaritsa. Rukkhadevata decided to stay behind and not join the fight at Tunigi Hollow. She had a more important task of protecting Irminsul. Celestia then cursed the people of Khaenri’ah of immortality and the transformation to hilichurles and other monsters. Gold (Rhinedottir) (Albedo’s creator) sought revenge against the peopleof Teyvat, and released the large army of abyssal monsters to cause chaos on the surface. During the archon’s battle with these monsters, from our current information, we know two of them died. Makoto (ei’s sister) and Egeria (former hydro arc) Rukkhadevata used the remains of Egeria to combat the abyssal forces creating Pool of Amrita. During the process, Rukkhadevata had to sacrifice herself to protect Irminsul. Some notable people in this is Bosacious, one of the Yaksha, The Spellcaster, Yelan’s ancestor, Kaeya’s father, who is portrayed as a general or smth, Pierro, the first of the Fatui harbingers, the King of the Eclipse Dynasty, Durin, the dragon who poisoned Dvalin, Caribert, a young child turned hilichurl, and finally Clothar, the leader of the abyss alongside our twin. Notable Locations: The door of Khaenri’ah in the Sumeru desert, Tunigi hollow (the battle place), the deep parts of the Chasm, The Sumeru Forest. The spirit bird then sacrifices itself and the Pari emerge.


This is beyond amazing, seeing Venti in his prime is spine chilling, and witnessing Makoto* and Egeria's lifeless body is just so heart wrenching, this is masterpiece, kudos to the writers, animators, directors and to the whole amazing team that has created this piece of ART


Rhukkadevata is just majestic in this one. Not many animation featuring the battle of khaenriah show her role in the battle but I think this was beautifully done. ❤


I love genshin impact's lore, its honestly so good. This video was so well made. Thank you to everyone who worked on this.


for someone who is quite familiar with the Genshin lore to be able to make sense of what is happening and what has happened, this is a very tragic story yet the beauty and perfection of each scene is out of this world!!


3:25 Seeing Venti fight is so wonderful, so that's what Lord Barbatos was capable of doing at that time.
