108 Create JDBC DataSource, Connection Pool for Oracle Database in Weblogic Server Domain Servlet Tu

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How to Create JDBC DataSource, JDBC Connection Pool for Oracle Database Software in Weblogic Server (Already created "AdvJavaDomain" in Weblogic): Advance Java Servlet Programming Tutorial

[Already created "AdvJavaDomain" in Weblogic]: Refer the below Session:
101 Create user defined domain in Weblogic Server & Perform Admin Console Deployment webapplication

1)Start "AdvJavaDomain" server of Weblogic & open its admin console.

Start the domain
start menu--all programs--oracle weblogic---User projects---Domain(AdvJavaDomain)----Start Admin Server for Weblogic Server Domain

To open the admin console (Browser window)

Step 2) Create JDBC Connection Pool for Oracle Dabatabse software and JDBC DataSource object.

Admin Console---Service

Name : myds1
JNDI Name : techfort

To see the JNDI Name which is registered go to environments

Note : When we click on finish button the above created DataSorce object "techfort" reference will be registered with Registry software automatically.

- Specify the parameters for JDBC Connection Pool

Go to admin cosole

lookup Operation:

java application uses JDBC code to interact with Database software.
JDBC connection object represents connectivity with java applicatin and database software,

lookup: JNDI code is required in java application to interact with DB software by gathering DataSource object reference from JNDI registry, by submitting with nickname (JNDI name 'techfort') (technically this is called as lookup operation )

The process of getting objects or objects references from JNDI registry software using nickname or alias name is technically called as "JNDI lookup Operation"

#Que: # How many types of JDBC connection objects are there?
2 Types.
1) Direct Connection Object:

2) Pooled Connecton Object:

its the jdbc object that is collected from JDBC connection Pool
#How to #Create #JDBC #DataSource, JDBC #Connection #Pool for #Oracle #Database Software in #Weblogic Server (Already created "AdvJavaDomain" in Weblogic): #Advance #Java #Servlet #Programming #Tutorial
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Dude, great tutorial! Helped me a lot!
Thank you!


two types of JDBC connection object: Direct connection object & Pooled Connection object
Direct connection: Driver manager . get connection and from Driver manager . get connection, by passing the 2 or 3 parameter URL username & password you'll get the the connection object to your application


JDBCDataSource: name cannot be null error - can u explain how to solve this issue


how to reset weblogic datasource password from wlst
