5 tips to Clean out your sewing or craft space

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If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stuff taking over your creative space, perhaps it’s time for a clean out!
These FIVE tips will help you really dig in and make the most of your efforts.
And a clean and organized creative space is full of inspiration and fun!
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Thank you for the tips Amy. I constantly feel like I’m drowning in all of the craft supplies I have. I am a multi crafter. I am a beginner when it comes to sewing & quilting and I also cross stitch, crochet, and have a huge amount of card making supplies. I have also recently purchased several crafting items to try to start embroidering, and felt & beading projects. I know I should down size my hobbies but I just hate to get rid of the stuff. It seems like I am constantly organizing and never have time to actually CREATE 💔 any advice would be greatly appreciated. By the way, I love your channel 💕


I love Hayah, because He has heard my voice, my pleas (Psalm 116:1). // SHLM & HaB (peace & love). The Name of the Creator is Hayah asher Hayah, as what He told Moshah (Exodus 3:14), preserved in the Hebrew Scriptures. There is a curse to the G-o-d name (Isaiah 65:11-12), preserved in the Hebrew Scriptures. All followers of the Messiah are to do the 7 appointed times (Leviticus 23), but no more animal sacrifices, following the Crucifixion of the Messiah. We are now of the order of MLK TSDQ (King, righteous), to Whom ABRaHM tithed. Ask the Messiah to be your personal Savior. He said to him, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6). ...for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of Hayah (Romans 3:23). The wages for sin is death but the gift of ALaHYM is Everlasting Life through Messiah Yahushgh our Master (Romans 6:23). That if you confess with your mouth the Master Yahushgh and believe in your heart that ALaHYM raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved (Romans 10:9). He Himself is an Atoning Offering for our sins, and not for ours only but also for all the world (1 John 2:2). The Messiah died on the cross, & Resurrected three days later (presenting Himself as First Fruits to the Father). Please ask Him to be your Savior. He is the ONLY way to Everlasting Life.
