Total Inability Debate Review with Warren McGrew | Dr. Leighton Flowers | Soteriology 101

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Warren McGrew, the Idol Killer, is back to discuss his debate with Arminian, Dan Chapa, over the doctrine of Total Depravity (Inability). JOIN US LIVE!

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#Leighton Flowers #Predestination #Calvinism #Provisionism #Calvinist #Salvation
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Thanks for having me on, Leighton. It's always good to visit with you and discuss the things of the Lord with you.


Thanks for the kind words and the shout-out gentlemen. Dan and Warren really made for a great debate. I enjoyed this review!


I don’t understand why salvation is so difficult to comprehend, if one is reading the Bible with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and not with the calvinist lens? When I got saved 40 years ago, I didn’t even know what Calvinism/reformed was. I’m sure if I would have read or heard anything of the sort, I would have said what in the world?! It’s simple and no acronyms….Jesus died for everyone, not just a few. The Holy Spirit opens our eyes, we’re convicted of our sins, put our trust in Him, and turn from our wicked ways, and live for Him🙌🏻 we do have a choice, and there are those who don’t give their life to Christ unfortunately 🙏🏻
God bless Dr Flowers and Warren, and all the provisionist YouTubers fighting the good fight!🙏🏻


@21:30 I think its funny, most people don't want to be called:
Calvanist - too much baggage
Arminian- too much baggage
But then the Calvanist will say "Provisionism it's too new" (a.k.a not enough baggage )😂

I'll definitely call myself a Provisionist but sometimes to avoid this, I'll start out by calling myself a "John 3:16 Christian" to avoid the "you are inventing something new" accusation

I bet almost everyone, the day after they believed in Jesus and were saved, thought everyone they talked to, could also believe and be saved. 🤔


I love your channel Leighton! I am striving to be a pastor in God's Church and you have been a great source of growth in wisdom and desire for God's word. I wish I could talk with you in person because I have so many questions regarding sovereignty, evil, and God's love. For now, may God bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May God turn His countenance towards you and give you peace. In the name of Jesus the Messiah the Prince of Peace


You are both at your best when thinking pastorally and as teachers... you can touch the hearts of many of your viewers in that manner, regardless of if they agree with you or not. Keeping it kind and cordial and out of love is the way we should be walking. Praise God and prayers for you all.


Thanks so much, Dr. Flowers, for allowing Warren to present, respond: Great interview!


There are 233 verses in the Bible that tell us to seek God. Usually the verb is active, singular and imperative.


It is the conviction of the Holy Spirit at the preaching of the Gospel the makes us respond to the Gospel positively or negatively.


01:36:42 Dan is asked Leighton's question about the ability to receive the gospel


warren looks great! aging like fine wine! we love you bro!


The GNOSIS is so true with Reformed theology! I have seen many popular teachers across that spectrum insist that you need the Spirit driven DISCERNMENT to know which passages are concrete and should form the basis/lens of you understanding.


Standing for truth is such a great channel


The elephant and aardvark analogy could make for a hilarious Stated Clearly style animation. Thanks for this review, gentlemen


I watched the debate and another debate review Warren did and then this one (enjoyed all of them), but I was somewhat frustrated that the issue of total depravity was never really addressed by Dan. I had hoped that the debate would be around the doctrine of total depravity but it seems that Dan turned it into something else by bouncing off of comments made on one of Leighton's videos. He turned it into, "What does the Holy Spirit do today" and thus changed the focus of the whole debate.


There seems to me to be far too much theological and homiletical baggage clouding people's minds when they read the scriptures. I see this all throughout the comments on this and other channels. People seem to have stopped pondering the most basic of truths regarding what the scriptures say and how they relate to the human experience. The result is the assertion of theological propositions that have no basis in reality.


I thought Warren presented his points clearly and succinctly, whereas Dan was kind of all over the place. Well, Warren!😘


Calvinists: "You cannot cross the Bridge of Salvation on your own! The Dragon of Total Depravity won't let you! You have to passively stand there and hope God elects you and drags you across!"
Arminians: "You can cross the Bridge of Salvation! The Dragon of Total Depravity is bound with the Chain of Prevenient Grace!"
Provisionists: "The Dragon of Total Depravity is imaginary! There's no need for any equally imaginary Chain of Prevenient Grace to bind it! Stop being a clown and cross the Bridge of Salvation already! God built it and commands us to cross the bridge!"


What do the Calvinist do with the word “might” in the Bible. For example, 1 Peter 3:18 “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the spirit” … is the word “might” just another convenient introduction regarding the “general” calling… it seems if there is a revealed will and a hidden will and he speaking to the Christians here then it wouldn’t be “might” it would be a more definitive statement and no maybe’s about it


I'm going to suggest a meme for some artistic person... John Calvin and Jacob Arminius as Mimes in an imaginary box. Calvin sits in the corner head down, sad and puzzled and perhaps he's staring at a rubiks cube scratching his head.... Arminius has cut an imaginary hole and is trying to crawl out.😎😎