Trump-Biden Debate: Jon Stewart, CNN Panelists React: 'This Cannot Be Real Life' | THR News

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Jon Stewart and others are reacting to Joe Biden and Donald Trump's first presidential debate of 2024. 'The Daily Show' host dived right in roasting the performances of both candidates, which aired on CNN on Thursday night. Stewart was particularly concerned by Biden's performance, with the president seeming shaky on stage during CNN's 90-minute telecast. The host rolled clips of conservatives claiming Biden would use performance-enhancing drugs to be charged-up during the debate.

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Trump-Biden Debate: Jon Stewart, CNN Panelists React: "This Cannot Be Real Life" | THR News

The Hollywood Reporter
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Trump lied over 30 times, biden couldnt even string together a sentence. Yay 2024


I don't care if Biden is talking to a chair while not remembering what rooms he's he. I'm voting for him. Hell, I don't care if they roll in a mop with a bucket for a head and a name tag that just says "not trump". I'm voting for them.


Trump on the debate was pretty funny on his own. He actually guaranteed that if elected, he would stop the Russia-Ukraine war immediately, even before he gets sworn in. What sane person would make such a guarantee? And what sane person would believe such a guarantee?


"This cannot be real life, It just can't. We're America!"


I would trust Jon Stewart to navigate complex political issues and do his honest best to rally people to resolve our most pressing problems.

I think that Jon is more than capable of being the US President for 8 years.

Paired with a smart man like Colbert as VP.

Or vice versa.

Nearly anything is better than the current choices. BUT this is the result of having the laziest democracy on earth - the US democracy is neither the largest, oldest, most stable nor representative. It is, however, the sole democracy which happily limits itself to merely 2 viable political parties. (both of which are very similar right oriented corporate slaves, bought off by lobbyists and wealthy weasels who actually write US policies & laws.)


John Stewart please run for Presidency!!! Let’s get this going!!


The world as we know it is coming undone
He is pulling it apart with hate, bigotry.
Things that seem unimaginable today will seem inevitable tomorrow, if we don’t stop him.
it's that simple.


Please run, Jon, please please please 🙏


"Everything that Donald Trump said in that clip is a lie"

Proceeds to not show the clip where he was lying because he wasn't lying.


Jon Stewart’s channel literally edits comments and censors to push their propaganda. Go look for yourself.


After the debate CNN poll in their chatroom, who you voting for? Trump 67%, Biden 13%, Kennedy 11%, other 9%, simply put Trump in a landslide on a Democrat platform


Both men are ambulatory!?? What have you been smoking!!, the we all know who needs an ambulance and is ready for the nursing home 😂


Going back and watching the Obama-Romney debates now is utterly depressing. Our candidates used to have class, professionalism, and respect for each other.


Trump lies but Biden 'mispeaks'. Gotta love the spin. Not a fan of either but I really hate the way they go after Trump and prop up Biden.


How does someone who lied for 90 minutes cone out as the winner????


Biden afraid of the mic
We like presidents who aren't afraid of the news media


لا احب ترامب او بايدن واحب
كورتني ايتون💙 ♥️
وادعمك ااترشيح امام💙♥️🥀
بايدن وترامب🤗♥️


The America? We live in the U.S.A. . People forget this far too often. Including the Presidents.


I think we would also like to know exactly what were the 30 lies that Trump told, well the truth is will never know because it didn't happen, Jon Stewart' thinks that he'll get a laugh, and it always does, the thing is you just can't take it literally, Jon Stewart a comedian he's making it up live at that moment, Stewart's a comedian he was trying to be funny and he was funny, l told my girlfriend stop taking him seriously it's a joke it was funny, you got to love Jon Stewart.


The last question asked should've been addressed to both of them, and stated
" What the hell are you two talking about????"
The damn student council at least answers a question asked. Sounded like two kids in the principals office trying to keep out of trouble.
Independent looks like you may have a chance this year
