It Begins...How AI Will Change Music Creation

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In other domains (software engineering) I've found that AI can help bridge small gaps in knowledge, which helps you break out of your own cliché patterns and solve things in new ways. When AI acts on its own, it goes the other way: It always collapses back into the worst possible clichés.
It's only when it acts like a gentle assistant that it helps to create something greater than the sum of the parts.
So for music, I'm pretty excited about more variety in sound engineering -- and more genre-defying music, by inspiring musicians to try crazy new sounds.


Somebody just sent me a set of vocals, main and harmonies and shit. Im telling you it sounds just like human, with compression, clean vocals, right amount of compression. I was so flabbergasted to not realized its human.


Whenever I feel demotivated that AI with replace humans making music... One of your videos come along and I feel a bit better....


Not sure if you've used Udio or Sonu, but they generate complete songs using just one prompt and the results are actually pretty compelling.
My wife recently was listening to an AI made version of a new Persian song, sung by the AI version of a dead old great singer and she's completely obsessed by it. When I hear it, it's clear to me that's it's AI, I hear artefacts and weird pitch shifting ( perhaps mostly because most of the AI models aren't as good with Persian music, as they are with English music, due to lack of data model ). But the fact that she listens to it and loves it more than the original alive singer, is amazing to me. As a newly become "musician" myself, I'm in awe of AI while shitting in my pants because I thought I'll have a great journey creating music. Now I think it's all gone.
And I watch Youtube videos of popular musicians saying oh this is like back in 80s or whatever when Amps were replaced by plugins, it's not a big deal etc. But in my opinion, things like Udio is not like replacing physical Amps with plugins, they're replacing everything. You don't need to have any musical knowledge whatsoever, not even a poem, to create music. Whereas with plugins replacing Amps, you still needed to be a musicians and have knowledge. I honestly don't know what to do and whether to progress with persuing my dream of making music, when I see how Apps like Udio just produce music better than me right now, let alone in 5-10 years where I was seeing myself becoming a great musician.
I genuenly think "creativity" as far as Movies, Music and painting is completely taken over by AI. Just like how washing machines completely took over hand washing.
I know I'm being pessimistic, but as an ex-programmer, I see the advancement of AI in the world of music is beyond comprehension.


I wish a separate service could be created that is only Ai, and keep regular streaming services only human created songs.
If you think about it, the Ai creation is so abundant that there could be something like “infinite radio” that never repeats the same song, and the listener is always hearing something brand new.


6:08 I’ve found Logic Pro’s AI Drummer to be a great brainstorming tool. I usually write the “main”drums myself (kick, snare, hat) and then have the AI drummer generate ideas for the supporting rhythm elements (shakers, bongos, etc.)


Hey man, i have been following you for years and by far, this is your best video! congratulations... eye opening.


Oh, by the way, if you're using a conversion for your voice, you can actually use a realistic sounding vocaloid (like Synthesizer V) to create a realistic but flawless performance, and then use a different AI service to just change the voice to whatever you want, including your own voice. That's a trip, hearing yourself sing well.


appreciate you sharing all your findings in this video! btw your voice sounds great as is


I can't share the happy outlook many seem to want to hold onto.

The human experience is about to be obliterated. But I guess we already have a generation of zombies running around.


Final AI mixed&mastered result is great, but don't forget how good is the input sounds: your drums pack, bass, piano, voice and the arrangement in common, that is 100% of your work. It's pretty easy to mix that input stuff.


In ten years time each person will have a spotify of 1 million tracks all AI created specifically just for them. Soon after, people will lose all interest.


As you said in the video - ai right now has great potential in helping you in some areas, for example: find the idea for the song or find the right tone, or maybe see another point of view. Human brain has ability to create certain habits. And most of the time it uses those patterns that were created during your lifetime. Different approach is very important thing not only in making music but in many other aspects of our life. There certainly is the best way to do stuff, but while you are looking for this way - you are spending time. Someone will find it faster, someone slower. And someone sadly will never find it.
That’s why, as I said earlier, ai can come in handy. Maybe one day you find yourself stuck with a project and using ai tools can bring you that way of figuring out what must be done! A tiny point of view that you didn’t see or overlooked. Then boom! And you are on the right way!

In my opinion ai tools will not replace artists entirely in the next 10 or 20 years. But who knows what future holds? Hope that we will live long enough to see.

Thanks for the video!


Such an authentic and knowledgeable person. Thanks for sharing your adventures and work!


Incredible video Big Z! been following you for years and this is something else


It could be pretty demotivating knowing that 82% of all releases are less than 1000 streams, just like my own tracks. Combined with the thousands of tracks released daily. But if even one new person discovers my music, it's worth it.


as someone who avoided presets and loops like the plauge because music will be generic as fuck drop the bass, stutter buildups and emo rock music), this is the pinnacle of my aversion. somehow it is so tempting of stopping with music entirely, its getting out of hand inflationary


I generally agree with you on the future of Ai. It seems it will really boost the elite in music, or the most knowledgeable in music production. (same in the visual Arts and writing) And those who don't have a full grasp of it yet, will probably not benefit a lot from Ai.. at least in being heard. And on that topic, this is where I diverge just a bit on the topic of Spotify. Seems logical that with all the uploads of new music increasing over time, the chance at even being heard, even though the track might be amazing is slim, if you don't already have somewhat of a following. Great vid!


best video i have seen on AI around music yet! Keep it up man, love your videos


You are spot on, ai is a tool, a co-pilot, not an auto pilot. So basicly what you are saying is right i feel, those who use ai properly will take the advantages of ai to bring them to the next level. Those who don’t will miss out on that, let’s see where this takes us, opportunities opportunities. Thanks Big Z, love your channel and vids bro. Keep it up
