Top 3 Breeds I WOULDN’T Personally Own as a Dog Trainer

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Big dogs: Could kill you but has the energy of a teddy bear
Small dogs: can’t kill you, but severely injure you.


"Petting your dog is one of the most relaxing things you can do...." This clip made me burst out laughing!! 😂😂😂😂


If chihuahua weighed a 100 pound they would be banned as dangerous dogs.


I had a chihuahua. She was pretty cool and always made me smile during my depression.


Don’t forget the fact that chihuahua’s are nearly immortal.


I’ve had three chihuahuas, all with very different personalities. Two were from the same litter. The male could be aggressive towards strangers while the female was very timid and preferred to stay by my side. The younger chihuahua is very playful. She used to escape the house to go find new people to play with. Her favorite place is the park because she loves getting attention from strangers, especially kids.


I have a chihuahua that My Vet told me early on, I got her when she was one year old, that I would never have another chihuahua like her. She rarely barks, has never snapped or tried to bite anyone, she’s mellow and is accepting of anything. Never gave the vet any problems, no behavior issues. She never chased a ball, tugged on a rope, nothing. She’s always just wanted to lay there 🤷‍♀️ Just a mild mannered dog. She is now 17, almost blind and her hearing is sketchy at best :) I love her so much!


I had a chihuahua. He was so good I was encouraged to bring him in to do pet therapy with the elderly I cared for. He loved sitting on their laps and being cuddled by them. He never barked or even growled. He knew 14 different tri KS he would do for treats. He was also the mascot for our veterans Auxiliary and took part in parades. He loved children as well and other dogs. He lived 16 years.


Its always those small dogs ready to attack 😂


Treat Chihuahua like a normal dog
- It remains normal
Treat Chihuahua like a baby
- It becomes demon


As a former Chi owner I agree with your assessment and yet, I loved her dearly and miss her terribly.


That clip insert at the end was PERFECT!!!


I have had a chihuahua for 15 years and she has always been a tender and adorable little girl to me and to all my friends.


I have a rescued stray male chihuahua, and honestly, I was shocked. He is the sweetest, gentlest, most emotionally intelligent dog I've ever had. He has quickly become my daughters best friend. She reads to him and sings to him and puts him in the basket on her bicycle to take him for rides. They are inseparable, and he's been the best thing to ever happen to my family.


Chilling with your dog is the most relaxing thing” got me 😂


My chihuahua was sweet, she didn’t like men due to being abandoned and abused prior to my mom rescuing her. She would sleep on my butt and would snap at any man who would try to wake me (she also protected my grandmother and mom while they slept). I still sometimes watch videos of her singing (howling) “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” and can’t listen to that song without absolutely bawling my eyes out.

If I wasn’t around, she got along great with my stepdad. They slept on the same bed, she’d cuddle with him, and the two played together. They had an unspoken bond so tight that they passed away within a week of each other of the same thing (stomach cancer).

Fly high Pixie, you and Gary are forever in my heart ❤


I grew up with a central asian shepherd! He was the sweetest and most caring dog in the world and loved every human he met, I think even a criminal who would break in at night could just pet him and chill with him. However, he was severely aggressive towards other dogs and tried to pick up a physical fight at every opportunity. It was a lot of work to walk him.


I've grown up around the sweetest chihuahuas and they never bit me, the eldest one died protecting the family when out on a walk. RIP Luna❤


Big dogs: protect, respect and stay loyal.

Small dogs: make noise, will run away from pretty much everything.


I have a chihuahua and she’s very calm and sweet. She’s never been aggressive.
