What To Do When Your Kids Won't Listen

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Any teens here bcuz of their little siblings


I'm glad I came across this video. My 3 year old hasn't been "listening" at all lately. It's made me re-think my strategy. I do have a bad habit of just yelling from another room, and just expecting her to do what I'm asking. Mornings are so hectic with her and my younger one, but I have to force myself to stop whatever I'm doing and go speak to her. I hope this makes a difference because she's driving me crazy with our current situation! Lol


I am actually here today because I'm about to break down. I feel like i am always repeating myself to my 4 year old.

She has pushed my boundaries today and I really just need help. It's been months.


So many of these points also apply to education in a school setting. Thank you for sharing 👍🏼


Without much choice, I became a young carer for my autistic nephew with a global delay so I'm thankful for the help. I'm only 17 and I needed help with him because he wouldn't listen to anything I'd tell him. My sister and his mother got sent to a psych ward when he was born my mother cared for him but she's getting old and she is disabled so as the youngest and only one still living at home, I naturally became the one to look after him and its hard. Thank you sm


I'm going to try this. It sounds perfectly reasonable and it should cut a lot of the stress out.


The most strange and annoying thing happened yesterday. I had a party to celebrate Easter yesterday and my cousins including my 3 year old cousin. Later near the end of the party, my 3 year old cousin kept throwing my stuff downstairs even though her mom was telling him to stop it. I felt really confused because I asked him questions like "why did you not listen" or "what did you do that for" and he just said "sorry" or "ok". I felt really confused and frustrated.


How to get kids to listen:
1. Connect emotionally with your child, and keep reconnecting every day
2. Spend 15mins a day one-on-one doing what he/she likes
3. Told tell them what to do: don't order, correct, or boss around
4. Child must know you love, respect, admire them and are their friends inorder for them to listen
5. They must be clear about consequences and follow through


This information is very helpful since I will be an elementary teacher soon and never
had to deal with children directly. I remember what is was like being a child and doing
the things mentioned...I don't want to repeat those unfair habits.


If i didn't know better I'd say she watched me *trying* to get the boys out the door and then made a video explaining everything i did wrong. Thank you


I'm not a parent but I find the easiest way to get my nieces amd nephews to listen to me is to make them feel heard too.


Time outs ONLY WORK if you as the parent in your family schedule have no place to be or time constraints on what you're telling them to do lol. There isn't always time for a "time out", so you need to find some other option of discipline that's effective for your child in those cases. Time outs can work for some children and not for others. Same goes for spanking, being grounded, getting things taken away for a while etc. You get my gist. I do agree with getting their full attention and talking directly to them face to face. I've noticed with my kids that, that helps quite a bit! Another thing is BEING CONSISTENT! Say what you mean, and mean what you say basically. No parent is perfect, hell I know I'm not, but kids are smart and if they know you aren't really gonna follow through with the consequences, then they will learn how to walk all over you! ESPECIALLY if you have a strong willed child. Compliant children not as much but they too can push the limits sometimes. I have 1 compliant child (my eldest), and my two younger ones are my strong willed kiddos lol. I was strong willed, so I guess I got what I deserve 😆. Anyway thanks for sharing your video!!!!


I'm watching this because my baby brother keeps saying the f word and my parents are blaming me.


I hope this video helps I have tried everything I have a 3 and 4 year old boys and a 1 year old girl and the struggle has became very real for me with neither boy doing anything I ask or tell them to do and it’s making me depressed


I just had to stand in front of the bathroom door inside with my son and calmly say, hey I love you I want you to be clean, there is no negotiation here. your showering. he cried and flipped out then eventually went into the shower. hes 8 it just takes patience..
I told him shower homework them a game. they flip they toss tantrums but if you dont budge they listen eventually and know your serious when you ask them to do something. no bargaining no negotiation.


Listen or mind. They hear. They're ignoring so they won't have to do it. You need to speak directly to them with respect and be willing to take the time to redirect them and provide tangible consequences. Time out is useful for certain inappropriate behaviors. But failure to act should be a punishment ( and timeout is quite simply not a punishment).

in fact if you give time out to a child who is refusing to obey your request for them to do something, then you just gave them more time to hold off obeying you. A timeout in that case is not a punishment at all but in fact a reward. If a child doesn't want to get their shoes on and you put them in time out they're still not getting their shoes on. If a child is jumping on the furniture and tearing down the house, a timeout would indeed be an appropriate measure of getting the kid to calm down. If you're trying to enlist action, a timeout just continues to delay the action which satisfies the kids that they are getting out of obeying. And some kids are very clever to utilize their misbehavior to stave off obedience by pushing buttons. I can tell you in our house my parents didn't ever use timeout for punishment. If we didn't do what we were asked it meant corporal punishment or losing a privilege. And it was dealt swiftly so there was no mistaking what was expected. And my parents had very good control of a household of kids. And you know we didn't love our parents any less because they were willing to spank us when we were disobedient.

And in retrospect I can appreciate the fact that our parents took the time and effort to punish us and teach us that our obedience was required and was good. And you know we didn't need to be spanked often. We learned very quickly that we were expected to mind and we didn't have trouble remembering what consequence came with disobedience.


This is all fine and good but if your kids aren't getting dressed, are hitting their sibling, are doing something they shouldn't be doing (ripping something up or cutting something with scissors), and 5 other things throughout the course of the day, how do you come up with FIVE or SIX different consequences? I am exhausted trying to discipline my daughter who gives me a whole range of challenges throughout any given day. She won't even stay in a time-out She is making me CRAZY!


To all mothers:

Honestly, if you're here looking for advice, I hate to say it, but you've almost already failed - you need to teach your children discipline and the importance of obtaining intelligence at a very early age 0-2.

By "intelligence" I mean, enriching them to the point where they love learning - read to them, allow them to attempt to read, every-single-night (no matter what). Yes, it's a commitment, but you need to be committed if you're willing to have kids. If they don't "love" learning/reading by the age of 3, your kids nearing the point of no-return (I hate to say this), but they will essentially become a staple/generic child of society (technology driven, entertainment following children). Your children should be speaking full sentences, along with the ability to read by the age of 3 if you spent the time to enrich them.

If you didn't start early, I say good luck; otherwise, you've indoctrinated your children into bad habits, and it's extremely difficult to change them after 4 years-old.

Please, mothers of tomorrow, put every ounce of energy into your child, it will show in the future and it'll be the best investment of your lifetime.


I have this little sister (Lina) who does not listen to anyone at all, not even her parents. She’s always causing trouble, getting snacks on her own, destroying stuff and does not respect our grandmother. My parents did not even discipline her when she would lock our grandma and her other younger sisters outside(balcony, laundry room) for a long period of time, this happened occasionally. I’m not usually around when that happens because My parents are divorced so I’ll usually be at my moms on weekends or breaks. She would also always secretly get snacks on her own when we’re supposed to be eating our meals(breakfast, dinner) Not only that but our step dad is literally the worst at parenting, he would let her get away with everything since he favours her more but would always yell at my second youngest sister(Annie). Kid you not, he encourages our young sisters to hit each other harder when they got into a fight. And like I said, he favours Lina more so whenever she got upset or Cries due to being hit by Annie, she would always go to her father and snitch even though she’s the one who started the fight. Annie would be the one taking all the punishment while Lina gets her way. But when Annie would come crying to him, he’ll usually always blame her and yell at her to stop crying or he’ll just ignore her. She also talks back a lot. Our parents are rarely home so they blame us for her behaviour which is Utterly bûllshît. It’s stressful watching them so I really need help. I have 4 sisters, ones about my age while the other 3 are about 10 years younger. Lina’s about 5, Annie’s 4 while the youngest is 2. They’re all following and learning from her behaviour and I don’t know how to properly discipline her.


So I thought of this scenario- when ask to put on their socks and shoes .. they refuse so why not tell them to take a walk on the most uncomfortable gravel and say can you handle walking on this the whole time with no shoes - show them .. they might just get their shoes on or they put their shoes on next time when they are walking on it . Then again that may not work because I had calluses developed on my feet to where I could actually handle the concrete, I also had far less feet and ankle problems . When I started wearing shoes more even smooth concrete bothered me .
