How To Create Strength (Dr. McGill Explains Neural Drive)

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Learn how to create tremendous strength and maintain that strength for longer periods of lifting with this technique!

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Today we’re going to talk about how certain athletes can unleash tremendous strength and power during lifts through a process called densifying “neural drive.” We’re then going to learn how failure to maintain “neutral drive” can lead to technique faults and a failure to complete any more reps.


1) Aagaard P, Simonsen EB, Andersen JL, Magnusson P, Dyhre-Poulsen P. Increased rate of force development and neural drive of human skeletal muscle following resistance training. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2002 Oct;93(4):1318-26.

2 Balshaw TG, Massey GJ, Maden-Wilkinson TM, Morales-Artacho AJ, McKeown A, Appleby CL, Folland JP. Changes in agonist neural drive, hypertrophy and pre-training strength all contribute to the individual strength gains after resistance training. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2017 Apr;117(4):631-640.

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That strong man is Bryan Benzel from Alliance Nebraska. His mom was my sitter, so, I grew up with him. Amazing athlete.


Remember years ago when I aimed for 450 pound deadlift. I visualized it every day for months and when the day came I had so much adrenaline that my legs literally shook as I approached the bar. The lift felt easier than anything I've done before. It was a crazy sensation of raw power. Don't underestimate the power of the mind.


Wonderful pearls by Prof. McGill. Thank you for the mention of our models.


When I start a heavy lift that I know is going to be challenging I've always had a mentality of flight or fight. I (unknowingly to them, in my head) put my family's life on the line for some of my heaviest sessions and this has actually helped me a lot. Another method I use for neural drive is to bash the crown of my head on something (usually the bar I'm lifting and never hard enough to break skin or cause any real damage.) this has proven to be really effective as well. Although I believe these are all fairly common techniques in strength athletes.


Core, and the game face. My face does naturally get serious when I'm lifting heavy. Thank you, sir.


I had this epiphany in the weight room during high school about the body being in harmony


Elitefts most recent 'train your ass off' video dave coaching the squat screaming 'TIGHT TIGHT' reinforced the neural drive and scared the guy into finishing his lift 🤣 and days later this pops up, great minds and all that!!


When i start laughing during a set its always the end of it


Thanks doc for the very critical advise ! Thank you so much for taking all the efforts in providing such world class highly informative videos ! Gratitude


Hello Aaron, If you need video ideas, I would appreciate a video about stretching in general or stretching 101. there are so much information out there and it´s pretty confusing because some say stretch to stay flexible and healthy, some say its a waste of time!? you are the best in the business, we all know that and therefore it would be awesome to hear your thoughts and recommendations. Thank you very much


I sensed stability in my congenital scoliosis back while people around me told me it was normal, hence I moved it in spite of the pain and made it worse over the years! Also found out I've been walking on a broken foot for 12 years now... But when everyone around you tells u you're just a complainer you believe it and stop complaining...


The Central Governor prevents injuries and death by making us feel tired before serious damage occurs. The Central Governor Theory was proposed by Archibald Hill and the Modified Central Governor Theory was proposed by Tim Noakes.


I can confirm this video is almost 100% truth. I weigh 140 pounds (used to weigh 125) and I am 5'9 and can chest press 235+ pounds in sets of 10 reps. In other muscle areas my strength is similar. I can squat over 300 pounds in sets of 10 but I don't want to mess my knee up so I go a little bit lighter. I have severely injured my knee multiple times throughout my life, the first time I was 5 years old and you could see inside my knee to the ball connecting into the cartelidge.


Back when I was able to only do 1 pull up. I had Lsd and psilocybin mushrooms together and went for a PR attempt. Reached 8 strict pull ups.

Now almost one year later and been training a lot and my sober PR is still only 6. The body is strong but the mind is weak 😢


This is interesting because the concepts of teaching patients with low back pain about forming a neutral spine and performing an abdominal bracing maneuver has gotten some questionable outcomes in the literature. But Dr McGills advice to “stay tight” seems to back up this view of teaching core stabilization during a lift


Neural density ➡️ Neural drive ➡️ High Motor recruitment ➡️ GOOD LIFT

Makes sense.


Wow. Very interesting. How thought makes body powerfull.


Awesome high quality content. Thanks as always 💙


Commit fully, stabilize the core. Lift the world.


Very underated dissemination of information -- based on the number of likes. At the very least, applying what is taught here could help someone lessen their risk of injury.
