Clausius inequality | Thermodynamic world view, chapter 19

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This is Ep19 in a series of videos on thermodynamics, Thermodynamic world view.
This video is on the concept of Clausius inequality and definition of entropy.
The series is made as a part of the coursework in School of Engineering Sciences and Technology, University of Hyderabad.
Made by Dr. K. Guruvidyathri
Assistant Professor,
School of Engineering Sciences and Technology,
University of Hyderabad.
Music credit:
Author/Artist: Purple-planet
Song Title: An Agent Alone
This is Ep19 in a series of videos on thermodynamics, Thermodynamic world view.
This video is on the concept of Clausius inequality and definition of entropy.
The series is made as a part of the coursework in School of Engineering Sciences and Technology, University of Hyderabad.
Made by Dr. K. Guruvidyathri
Assistant Professor,
School of Engineering Sciences and Technology,
University of Hyderabad.
Music credit:
Author/Artist: Purple-planet
Song Title: An Agent Alone
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