How to Organize Office Files (Part 1 of 9 Home Office Organization Series)

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In this video I show you how to organize office files in the filing cabinet and binders in the home office! This is part 1 of a 9-part home office organization series.

Part 1 - This is Part 1!

Thanks for watching and happy organizing :)

#officeorganization #organization #organizing
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Thanks!! I love the minimalist organization style of only color coding the tabs and not the entire hanging folder. It's so smart and really chic too.


I wish you showed us what was included in each file folder category. Like what all did you put in the "Never throw away" section. Great video, looks so pretty!


I loved the binder clip idea. I bet it helps with the hanging files not coming unglued from the weight of the documents too. Thank you for this great tip.


Right after I saw this video I immediately went and took out all the interior folders and put the  papers in the handing folders by themselves.  It never occurred to me that this was a way to file papers but I love it.  Without the interior folders the files look a lot neater and there really isn't a need for the extra folder inside..  Now I need to get new handing folders and labels because mine are different colors without a purpose and just make the draw look messy. 


You are brilliant! You get to the point quickly & describe everything efficiently! Not like those people who woffle on with all their personal crap & take so long to make a point if they even get there! Love your video!


This was a great start for me to reorganize my files!! I wish you had went over which categories you chose. Also another problem I have with filing is not know what things I really should keep as what things I can toss/shred!


Thanks Alejandra for sharing this content, very relevant especially now since most people are being stuck at home. I am grateful for your ideas.


Alejandra! Hi! You are helping me to improve and beautify my home and office. You have tons of ideas an energy! Continue to share them with us! A big hug from Argentina!


Love that you color coded the tabs to temp, perm, taxes! So good!


I loved your previous file organization video, and just ordered another box of the colored hanging files. NOW you show an even BETTER file video. My daughter may just get some colorful hanging files for her organization because I love the idea of white files but have never seen them before.


OMGosh, I think you just saved my life with the binder idea. Thank


Ok, you are officially the most efficient, organized, and creative person I've seen around here!! These tips are so amazing...I'm actually on an "organizational high" as I'm watching this video. ;)
Thank you for such wonderful tips! I will try to implement them as soon as possible. My husband and I just opened a business and moved to a completely different town and this will definitely help keep us better thanks, Alejandra!!


My favorite tip: colour code your tabs, not the file folders... Woops! I needed that advice a few months ago when I started re-organizing my office. Well, tips saved for future reference. Thanks Alejandra.


Oddly satisfying to look at the books and binders.. neatly colour coordinated. Love it💛🧡❤💚💙💜


This series is so good I made sure to hit my back button just to go back and like this. Thanks for all the great tips! Organzing paper has never been my forte....but It might be now. I'm actually excited to tackle my mess.


Missed you, Alejandra. You are so inspiring! 


I'm really enjoying your videos in so many ways:
1. The lighting is great, I never have a problem SEEING whatever you're showing us.
2. The presentation moves along nicely (not too fast or slow)
3. Your efforts show and I thank you from my heat.
That said, there's one thing I haven't seen yet. How do you manage (in more detail) just bills. E.g. Do you divide the mail upon arrival? Pay once a month or as you go along? Do you mark each bill paid with the check no & date for some file? What about the online payments? Do you keep these in a binder or hanging folder...and what do you call them? Do you keep them separate (like medical bills separate from medical records...etc). How do you know what to scan, how to keep that organized (Quickbooks? Another for regular household receipts?) these little things baffle me. I KNOW you of all people have the answers, however.
I wish you all the best. Your journey is worthwhile and makes me more confident that I'm moving in the right direction. I just bought two of your better binders at Staples. Money isn't there to get all at once but each month I'm adding a new one. Also, how did I never "get" how labeling everything is upgrading my entire life? Besides, it feels good to apply these little suckers claiming a home for things (a sense it's there, has a home - intentionally!) head bow to you, Mentor of mine.


I have an obsession with keeping my office supplies organized. I have no idea why, I just do! It keeps me busy & for some reason it's fun :)


It's nice to have you back, Alejandra :-)


Great stuff Alejandra, you have a nice demeanor and Learned a lot.Thanks.
