My Girlfriend’s Past Bothers Me | Do THIS to find RELIEF!

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My Girlfriend's Past Bothers Me... TRY THIS To Find RELIEF! (Retroactive Jealousy)

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Does your girlfriend's sexual past bother you? Like the thought of it just makes you feel disgusted, sick, angry, sad, anxious, and about every other emotion in the book?? If this sounds like you than please watch this video for some tips and techniques on overcoming what is known as Retroactive Jealousy!

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#RetroactiveJealousy #GirlfriendsPast #PastBothersMe


Hi everyone it’s Matt and if you’ve clicked on this video I am assuming that you are experiencing some very painful – highly charged intrusive thoughts about your girlfriend’s sexual past. These thoughts bother you so greatly that it truly is all you can even think about. You try to rationalize it in your mind, ask her questions to get clarification, or maybe even look around facebook or other social media platforms to find answers and get some relief. I know exactly what you are going through… in fact.. this same struggle I experience for nearly 13 years of my life. It is a condition known as Retroactive Jealousy and well…. It sucks. There’s really no other way to describe it… it sucks because I believe most of us WANT to be ok with our girlfriends past… we WANT to be ok and just FEEL good again. But we simply can’t and these thoughts come up sometimes when we least expect it and just destroy our day and suck the life out of us. With all that being said though… as nasty as this Retroactive Jealousy monster can be there is IN FACT a way out! And while it took me nearly 13 years to find it… I am happy to say I am completely free of the clutches and I can now think about my girlfriends past (who is now my wife by the way) and I experience no anxiety, no bothersome emotions, no anger, no sadness, nothing! There is no pain whatsoever! So what took me 13 years to discover I want to share with you in this short video so please stick around until the end to save you a lot of pain and hardships and potentially save your relationship as well! Now before we jump in if you could take a quick moment and smash…
And one more thing… Again This video will be regarding what is known as retroactive jealousy. That is when you get jealous, anxious and uneasy feelings about your girlfriends sexual past that you cannot seem to stop thinking about. As in you think about it almost 24/7! If you are bothered by your girlfriend’s past because you found out she cheated on all her ex boyfriends and lied in every relationship she’s been in and now you feel like she may be doing the same thing to you… then thats a whole different topic and it may be time to sit down with your girlfriend and figure out if you both are on the same page. So just keep in mind This video will not be about that and that is a completely different subject entirely. So the first steps of relief when it comes to Retroactive Jealousy is a little bit uncomfortable and takes a little bit of vulnerability. You have to take full responsible for yourself feeling this way. It is completely an internal game. It has everything to do with yourself… and nothing to do with your girlfriend. Your girlfriends past is her right… its her business and as much as your ego doesn’t want to admit it.. it cannot be changed and it has absolutely nothing to do with you. Again, it doesn’t matter if you girlfriend just kissed one dude in her past and that bothers you or if she had 30 one night stands back to back to back and that bothers you… it was her right to do that and the only reason it bothers you is something you have going on in your inside. If you are unwilling to admit that.. if you are unwilling to come to terms with the fact that this is a YOU problem… then it’s best to let your girl go so she can be with someone who will love her for all that she is then, now and in the future. I want to read you this little note… and I found this several years ago on Reddit and it’s a fictional note that some other guy is writing to you about your girlfriend. And the first time I read this it really lit a fire inside me and really made me want to start changing and tackling this issue head on… so I’ll read it to you and see what you think. Note from some other dude about your girlfriend ... Hello there. If you don’t stop what you are doing, you are going to lose your girl. Then I am going to start dating her. I won’t care about her sexual past, because I have one of my own. In fact, I’m very experienced. That is a reason she likes me…
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I'm literally in tears bro thank you for this


The first thing you said is not that true. It's not a man's fault that his girlfriend has a big past and can't just go with it. It is totally normal to want to be with a girl that is yours and that tried to keep her self for someone special like you. You have every right to feel uncomfortable with a woman who has one night stand etc just choose someone else. Someone you feel great being with.


Some very hard stuff to hear, some of it I flat out hated, but have found your videos more helpful and practical than anyone else at this point, in my year long quest to slay the dragon. Looking into your course very soon.


Honestly as men i think we hardwired to think this way, but RJ is a different beast it the obsessive thought cycles that are killer and definitely have to be addressed


It's her right to have a big past, but it's your right to find a girl with a smaller past.
If it's bother you, it's for a reason, your own brain don't lie to you.
If you are young, don't make the mistake of choosing a big past. Keep you time for a partner that keep his time for you.


Thanks man, I feel like you just pushed a giant rock off of my chest. Keep up with the good content. Cheers.


The reason her past hurts you is because she told you about it instead of her leaving the past, in the past. You don't need to pit up with someone who's making you feel uncomfortable. Best to move on before hurting her and yourself even more.


Truly…promiscuity is positively correlated with infidelity. Past behaviour is a great predictor of future behaviour…. If you have these nagging doubts etc…move on. I’ve been living with “her” past for 50 years….just be careful. Seriously.


If the relationship sucks in the beginning, it’s going to suck 20 years later as well. Be strong enough to know what you want, end it if you have to and DONT fall for her manipulative words. Even if she threatens to kill herself if you leave. *This is your life, not hers to manipulate!*


I think the idea is to not give a fuck, the part that probably gives people more anxiety is that the only way to fully relieve anxiety is to leave said partner, but obviously you don't want to because you love them.


I've been overthinking alot the past few days about my girlfriend's past sexual experiences. She's open with me about everything i wanna know about her. But i still keep on scrolling on her past conversations way back 2-3yrs ago. Feeding my emotions. Until i bumped in to your videos man. I realized alot. That note hit me. I thought by asking her questions would make me feel better. Without knowing I've been punishing her for so long. I'll make it up to her and make our relationship stronger. Thanks man .


I’m going through this hard right now.. killin’ myself daily because of her past yet she treats me so incredibly

This shit is tough.


Thanks Matt. Had to rewind this several times to get it. You’re a good man.


I think a lot of it is the way you were raised, if your mother and father stayed together for the long hall you expect to find that kind of woman yourself .
And their just not out there .
I have had just as many or more bad relationships and flings then my current partner but I still find myself thinking “ how could she do that “ .
I know it’s totally unfair but I just want a girl with a higher moral compass .
I think you just have to decide if the relationship is worth it to you, if you can’t get past it don’t torture yourself walk away .
I have learned it’s best to not ask, if you care about them and love them leave the past in the past . It truly makes it worse the more you know .


Last part is hella true, this video made me immediately feel so much better, I appreciate you gang and realized that in a way I was punishing myself! Much love


Wow man, you are right, that note really lit a fire, that made me feel so much better. Thank you so much brother!


Man, amazing video, broke it down very clearly and I've been taking so many notes, I shall try to love myself first. Thanks Matt.


One of the best videos I’ve seen. Helped me find peace and understand what I’ve been doing. Working on this now!


It’s simple, if you’re not comfortable with them, don’t be with them. Find someone better you’re comfortable with.


Good advices, thanks man it was very helpful 🤝
