Stanford Pediatric Grand Rounds: Emerging as Equity-Minded Academic Medical Institution

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The Stanford Department of Pediatrics and the Center of Excellence in Diversity in Medical Education presents The Pfeiffer Visiting Scholar Spring Lecture
Emerging as an Equity-Minded Academic Medical Institution: The Third Dimension to Achieve Excellence
David Acosta, MD
Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer
Association of American Medical Colleges
Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Chief Diversity Officer,
UC Davis Health System

Session Description:
This session will focus on how critical it is for academic health centers to do a deeper dive and focus more on their learning and workplace environment through the practice of conscious inclusion (practice of intentionality and being deliberate in equity, diversity and inclusion efforts) and equity-mindedness (identifying exclusionary practices within our institutions and deconstructing them to allow access to more opportunities for those groups that have been historically excluded from opportunities and achieving their full potential).

Education Goals:
Reflect on and describe the institutional landscape and the 'lived experiences' of learners, faculty, staff, and community
Explore the practice of conscious inclusion, its demonstrated benefits, and its intimate connection to diversity and excellence
Explore the practice of equity-mindedness, its implications and how academic medical institutions can achieve this through diversity and inclusion excellence
Describe how the AAMC can assist academic medical institutions in reaching excellence through diversity, inclusion excellence and equity
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