Using Fermat's Little Theorem to Prove Divisibility in Number Theory

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Are you interested in exploring the fascinating world of number theory? In this video, we'll tackle a challenging problem that asks us to prove the divisibility of an expression for all integers 𝒏. The expression, 𝒏^𝟕/𝟕+𝒏^𝟏𝟑/𝟏𝟑+𝟕𝟏𝒏/𝟗𝟏, may seem daunting at first, but with the help of Fermat's Little Theorem and some clever techniques, we'll show that it is indeed an integer for all 𝒏. Along the way, we'll discuss the properties of primes and modular arithmetic and apply them to our solution. With resilience and a willingness to keep trying, you can master this problem and gain valuable insights into the fascinating world of number theory. Join us for an educational and compelling journey into the world of divisibility and Fermat's Little Theorem!
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i HAVE tASK FOR YOU Proof :D that ( 2n+1)^2 -1 is divisbile by 8
