Democrats vs. Republicans: The Economics Behind the Republican and Democratic Parties in One Minute

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The politicians behind the republican and democratic parties as well as of course the republicans and democrats who support them and vote for them usually have economic views/particularities that are easy to identify.

As almost everyone knows, republicans tend to be more to the right and of course, democrats more left-leaning. But there's a lot more to it than that.

Today's video puts the republican and democratic parties under the microscope from an economic perspective. You're going to find out what makes democrats as well as republicans tick so that you can better understand both dimensions of US politics.

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I'm a 55% Republican and 45% Democrat ....


I had to move to Florida from California because of tax


Don’t you just love the *HEALTHY* and *RESPECTFUL* comments there are in this comment section!


Just an FYI y’all. You don’t have to agree with every single political thing from one party. I have voted in 4 elections totals and am on an even 2-2 voting record for both parties. I just can’t agree or get behind every single thing that each side proposes. I struggle with it a lot, but oh well.


This vid skips the fact that half that national debt was accrued in only one administration. And where was the money spent? It wasn't on the poor I can tell you that.


I mean in theory this distinction between the two is partly true, but as the political landscape has become more perverse, the party labels of democrat-republican are eroding away. Now it's more of a divide between economic authoritarians and libertarians, political populists and elitists. My point is that these labels worked maybe even a few years ago, but now as you've hinted at the end, the lines are becoming fuzzy.
Great video though as always!


Republic mentality:
We don't like our current lifestyle, so we're going to find ways to make it better by creating jobs.
Democrat mentality:
We don't like our current lifestyle, so we're going to blame the government and post it on social media


“ Centrist “ I don’t know what it means, it just sounds cool


I want a party to eliminate public healthcare, to establish regulations against pollution, to lower the taxes and to ignore the church
So the party that I would like is a combination between the libertarian and the green party


I wonder how many people watched this extremely short video, then decided "I'm a Dem!" 👀😬😂


liberals be like: "santa isn;t real"


Sorry for being a tank nerd, but the tank on the thumbnail looks like a 1930s french tank.


Both parties work for the same people, despite their public rhetoric.


flat tax is the more moral form of tax


To be honest. I want a independent president who is in touch with what america needs who can mediate between both parties and take policies from both parties and make them work in a way that is good for americans. And maybe, in the process, start lessening the gap between both political parties so that america can better function in the future. Is that too much to ask. Both parties make a good point, having both pholosophies exist in harmony would be great. Like Yin and Ynag. This will peobably never happen but heres my hope doe the future


It looked like it was totally going to lean conservative for the video... but this is highly accurate... both parties spend too much on the military complex of missiles, tanks, planes... they have increased the debt more than any other part of the country


Lol the tanks in the video is from 1936


That's why you need to learn all forms of criminal activities to keep each other alive


economically speaking, Democrats are good at spending money and republicans are good at making it.
Democrats are consumer centered republicans are producer centered.
I personally like to do a little of both:)
