What I heard to make me quit my job.

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A powerful message made me quit my job that moment.

I am now over 50 years old and do not regret quitting.
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My husband started medical school at the age of 41! He is now 81 and retired…..it was a great decision!


CORRECT - It Is Never Too Late ! - I am 91 Korean War Vet - At 71 - I Realized - Answered God - Started Making Films About God AND Politics ! Tough Subject - Its Working - ! Dr O'Conner - God Is Blessing You -Your Wonder full Videos ! - Tough Subject ! Dying Your Your You Puts the Reality In An Understandable "WAY" A "Human" Way, We Connect - "Its Fun When We Find Out What God Wants Of Us" !


I went to Nursing School in my 30’s and it was a good choice. Helping others is the path to healing.


I heard a story from Fr. John Corapi in 2010 about 3 hikers who got caught in a bad storm after reaching the summit and then descending down a famous mountain.

About 1/3 of the way down, one of the hikers fell down a deep crevace. The other two hikers consulted with each other about what they should do, because the storm was so bad at this point that survival wasn't guaranteed even if nothing else went wrong on the descent.

One hiker chose that he wasn't willing to risk his life and continued on, while the other hiker decided to stay. In the strenuous process of extracting his fellow hiker from the crevace, he generated so much heat in his body that he was able to lead both himself and his fellow hiker safely down the mountain and to base camp.

When they both reached base camp, the hiker who chose to continue on alone wasn't there, and later was found on the side of the mountain frozen to death.

The moral of the story from Fr. Corapi was that, "We need to warm ourselves with acts of Charity. The world is a cold place and it's Charity that will keep you from freezing to death".


I had a position, that I wound up carrying my prepared resignation letter with me everyday to work, for months.
All I had to do was date and sign it.
One day the time was crystal clear, and I handed it in ...


I loved watching Donahue. I remember all of that. I'm 56 yrs old. I miss the good days back then


That was a calling from God 🙏 I had the same call but I was 8 years old. When you hear his voice there is no turning back 🙌 I have been an RN for 30 years, helped so many people very rewarding but tough career! At times you felt like you were in the trenches but I listened to the Father, he saved me and many others. God Bless everyone that is listening ✝️


And the world is a better place because you heard the calling !


After 20-plus years working in Latin America in manufacturing environments as a manager with a good salary and lots of people under my supervision, I decided to come to Canada a couple of years ago.
Being a newcomer, I had to take whatever job was available at the time. Luckily after a year doing basic jobs, I was hired as a Maintenance Manager in a Long Term Care community. I'd never imagined that this new role in a completely different sector would fulfill me as a person. It is so rewarding to see the face of an elderly person when you help them. Even if it is the smallest thing. It brings joy to serve them and give them the best they deserve. I would trade those 20-plus years in a heartbeat and I'm even thinking of taking a program or something that can qualify me to look after seniors.
Great content BTW.
Greetings from Victoria, BC.


I love that time in my life. Air supply and Donahue. I'm 61. I fell for the third time in 10 months. I didn't break anything. Prayers will be accepted. Thank you! Love your channel DR.


His show was in Dayton, Ohio and I lived in north Cincinnati . I watched him every day .


That "little voice" in your head, is the guide God sent you to send you down the path you were meant to take.


Hello from Colorado!! I’ve been a CNA for over 30 years & your stories are so true!! Thanks for sharing them!


The little voice inside is always right. Sometimes it has to scream and shout for us to hear.


I always knew that I was called to nursing, never questioned it, it was/is who I am. 40 years in service, I cherish all the good and bad moments, I have seen and shared some beautiful moments with patients and families. At age 59, I pursued higher education. Took me 6 years through tears and frustration and almost quitting that I earned my degree. I retired and was also totally convinced (called?) to go down that path. Some people never feel that deep soul knowledge that this is who you are, that you were called to this role in life. Even now, I think of myself as a nurse, I feel it in my very core. 💞


Absolutely loved Air Supply. They are still singing. Their music will live on forever. I remember Donahue and times were simpler back then. Love your stories, Dr. O'Connor. I became a Sound Engineer at 41 and followed my passion.


At age 50 I was laid off a job I held over 25 years (different positions). Having worked in project management for the last 10+ years I was so burnt out six months later I still couldn’t sleep and the idea of finding a new job was abhorrent. My sister came to visit and we were discussing job opportunities and then she said “I know what you should do, your should be an interior designer, it’s what you do, you are always changing things and places.” I immediately felt a current go through my entire body, I’ve never had a feeling/experience like it. Three weeks later I was in summer school taking two courses. I graduated three years later and, I worked with DIYers, to help them get the most out of their spaces.


Phil Donahue had the best talk show ever; a true journalist


I remember donahue, married to Marlo Thomas. He was great and still great.


I remember Phil Donahue watched his show in 80s 90s; I luv band Air Supply
