Lyft driver secretly recording us
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Riders beware when you're riding in an Uber or Lyft. Your rights be made infringed and you do not even know it. My wife, child and I were in the vehicle and we were talking about an Uber driver secretly videotaping the Ottawa Senators players. This driver became irate and we had to clarify we are discussing a news article not him. I stated we are talking about Uber not Lyft and right now you are driving a Lyft. He drove for one more block and kicked us out. He did not declare he was videotaping us. And not only that but my 5 year old daughter is on that recording. This video has to be posted on all social media sites for awareness. Who knows what his video will be used for. Were we being livestreamed? We will never know. This man threw out my severley asthmatic daughter in the rain. We had to walk 15 minutes in the rain to get to the train station. He was sketchy to us after I requested that he turn up the radio and he kept saying he's nervous. I was giving him directions and he said he's nervous. This drives for both uber and lyft. Canadians take privacy infringement very seriously. Also recording a minor without consent is a serious violation.