Air Transat Flight 236 Miraculous Landing With Engine Fuel Leak | Mayday S1 EP6 | Wonder

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An Air Transat Airbus begins to leak fuel over the Atlantic and must glide to safety. Can the pilots' expert skills save all 300 passengers on board?

Revealing the dark truth that aviation safety improves one crash at a time, Mayday investigates legendary aviation disasters to find out what went wrong and why.

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Content licensed from Cineflix Rights to Little Dot Studios.

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It’s always a good sign when they interview a passenger or pilot.


26:56 - The vast majority of people who were killed on the Ethiopian flight that crashed into the water, died because they inflated their lifejackets *BEFORE they exited the plane.* They became trapped inside the plane as it sunk and they drowned. If - by some infinitesimal odds - you are ever in a crash into water, remember to wait until you are completely out of the plane before inflating your lifejacket.


The acting in most of these air disaster episodes are brilliant. Makes you feel like you're on the flight. Crazy.


This First Officer was so sharp with his calculations of fuel, speed, altitude etc. great job for both pilots.


Those two pilots wearing sunglasses and preparing for an emergency landing at the break of dawn looked absolutely dope and heroic at the same time
Massive respect to the pilots who did not give up and stayed calm till the every end.


How did I become hooked on watching these sad crashes for the past 2 days? 💁


I've seen so much of these documentaries that I think I can fly a boeing 747.


If you want to know, Robert Piché is 70 today and Dirk De Jager is about to be 60. They are both alive and still living happily.


“If we land a plane with half a plane full of fuel we will be crucified.” This is exactly why some plane accidents happened because of pressure on pilots to keep the schedule. So many lives could be saved if more leeway is given to safety first.


The actors portraying the pilots HAVE to have some sort of cockpit experience. They are always so convincing.


I find this rather comforting, actually. Even if your plane loses all engines, you can survive as long as the parts that make it controllable are mostly intact.


I always thank my pilots when leaving the plane. Just yesterday I thanked my Jet Blue pilots when we landed at JFK for the smoothest landing. We practically moonwalked down the runway. Didn't even feel the touch down. It's a big deal to fly hundreds of souls in a giant piece of metal in the air and get them down safely. ❤️


Captain Piché is now retired and a TV channel here aired a 20 years special about him and this story last year. They made him go into a simulator at the airport and re-created the conditions of the flight. He was still able to land the plane ! Since the accident, all aspiring pilots are obligated to train in these simulators with difficult conditions as these.
I like the man, he’s really humble. This incident made his old demons come back (ie alcohol) but he got through it !


I really believe the pilot and the first officer did a wonderful life saving landing. Thank goodness the first officer was excellent in math. They are all heroes in landing the plane and all passengers and personnel survived.


Glad the pilots where rewarded with honours, they absolutely deserve them for landing and getting that plane on the ground with no lives lost


i noticed that everything that led up to this incident was as a result of a fear of not being on schedule, or fear of upsetting ones superiors at work. truly, if there was less focus on fast consumerism and we treated each other more like human beings rather than machines, these types of oversights would happen far less often. :(


51:08 That second-to-last guy nails it: "Do I think he's a hero? No. Do I think he's a hell of a pilot? YES." It sure seems that the pilot made some serious errors (like not shutting off crossfeed when the problem continued to get worse or even after one engine flamed out). But that's some amazing skill being able to glide and land that thing in one piece.


One thing you need to remember about that Ethopian Airline crash is that the captain was wrestling with the hijackers for control as he attempted to make the landing on water.. Perhaps if he wasn't under all that pressure.. then it may have been a different outcome ( like that of hudson river ).


Ah, I remember this.
Yes, the pilot made a very critical error by either forgetting or simply neglecting to close the crossfeed after a fuel leak became evident or suspected but the subsequent flight and landing was an absolute masterclass in aviation.

Gotta love Airbus though for solely blaming the pilots then quietly changing their guidelines for identifying a fuel leak.


This is one of my favourites. This glide holds the world record for the longest distance glided with an airliner, with the pilots and crew being calm and professional after disaster struck, and no deaths. I mean, the feat is truly impressive, even if it is quite avoidable (similarly: the Gimli glider). It was also lucky, that it was not a night landing, and weather was relatively clear.
