Is Kibble BAD for Cats/Dogs?? [Best Pet Food] Travis Einertson, DVM

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Is the Kibble you're feeding your Dog/Cat actually causing disease?
Travis Einertson, DVM graduated Colorado State in 94. He has worked for years on small animal medicine and surgery. In 2001, he learned how to achieve remission in diabetic cats using very low carb diets. This changed how he viewed clinical nutrition to treat/prevent disease in pets

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Disclaimer: Dr. Berry does not diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical conditions online; instead, he helps people better understand their health and ways to avoid health problems and promote wellbeing. Make sure you are working with YOUR provider to monitor your health and medications.
These posts and videos are not designed to and do not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services to you or to any other individual.
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My min pin just passed away in March. He was on raw and dehydrated raw diet and was extremely healthy. He was just shy of his 21 st birthday in May. Miss my sweet little guy!


Hi, a Polish vet (in Singapore) here! Recommend to cat and dog owners meat and organs only and, wait.. mainly raw. Fixes loads of health problems. And I do not support neutering unless for justified medical reasons. My oldest patient on raw meat only, a border collie back in Wales lived to 22 in good health. And a treat for rabbits - dandelion leaves and flower or two. Good luck 😊


My vet doesn’t like that I’ve fed my dog raw for 8 years. It resolved her allergies, dry skin, and ear infections. She’s almost 16 years old and going strong.
I switched my cat to raw and she lost the weight and started playing again. She’s 13 now.


Our 15-yr old dog has been on a raw diet since being a puppy. At first our vet said he could not condone the raw diet. He now says our senior dog is one of his healthiest “clients” and strongly speaks out against dry kibble for ANY pet. Except for a decrease in hearing, our dog is continuing to do very well. San Antonio, TX


I’ve learned more from these two doctors on how to feed my pets than the last 30 years from my vets 🙏


Hello from Butler, TN. Back in the late 90's I had a male cat who nearly died from a urethral blockage due to crystals in his urine. Vet recommended a Rx diet, first ingredient being corn. Although I didn't have access to the information we do now, I knew cats were supposed to be carnivores. So I put him on wet food supplemented with cooked chicken. He never had another blockage, and that started my mistrust of any nutrition advice coming from the vet.


When i changed my 14 y/o cats diet from commercial cat food to white fish and chicken breast, the transformation was fantastic, she looked better than she ever did. She lived to 21.


I appreciate this video tremendously. As far as cost goes, chicken livers, discounted meat etc are easily available in grocery stores. There’s just no excuse for bad food. The dog food industry makes billions creating crap. As always Dr. Berry is brilliant!


I recently transitioned my 9 yr old pitty mix to a higher fat 0 carb diet. She recently had a tumor removed and was diagnosed with mast cell cancer. I hope a carnivore diet with help her live more years with me! I also eat carnivore and have reversed T2D, fatty liver disease and other medical issues. My dog's name is Joy. She is a rescue dog and she's brought lots of joy to my life. I'm 72 yo, btw.


My cat (at 10 years old) suffered from kidney issues and had very patchy fur and dry skin. My vet didn’t give me much hope aside from harsh medications, so I decided to switch her food to raw food. All her kidney issues went away and her fur came back thicker and softer than it had ever been. Her aggression issues went away and her whole personality shifted for the better. She became playful again. The change was remarkable. She ended up passing away peacefully in her sleep earlier this year at 24 years old. Best cat I’ve ever had. Raw food saved her life. Switching to raw food was the best decision I’ve ever made.


We have a 5 year old miniature poodle, a rescue . . . he began having seizures at around 1, and I finally learned that too much salt can cause seisures in dogs - he'd been the beneficiary of table scraps, and hubby and I use quite a bit of salt! For a dog that was about 5 lbs, it was just too much. I researched dog foods, finally switched to making his food, and we've been seizure-free for several years now!


I'm located in Utah, and it is very surprising how much stuff I've learned from a dog nutrition person during the time when I was showing my Amstaffs. I learned about puppy food and its relation to dysplasia, especially in large (heavy) breeds, I learned how spaying and neutering too early, before they fully mature, can affect the dog's health. We need more vets that actually care about the health of the animal, not only the amount of money they will charge for each procedure.


I was feeding my American Eskimo grain free kibble and a mix of meat, eggs, organs, and bone meal. He is 9 and was like a lazy old man, sleeping most of the day, a few pounds overweight, and often liked to sleep in my closet in the dark during the day.
A few months ago, I dumped the kibble, and the difference in his health as amazing! He lost weight, is more muscular, has way more energy, and has become more social and seems younger and happier.


My 15 year old cat became very sick and his kidneys were said to be failing. The vet told us he just wasn't going to get any better and let him have whatever he would eat until he died. He refused a kidney prescription cat food. So I started syringe feeding him pureed chicken with a supplement. Once he started eating without the syringe, I started giving him a very moist pate canned food, just Fancy Feast Gravy Centers which was all that he would eat. Then started adding Epakitin phosphate binder and Kidney Gold drops. He recovered completely over time and now, 3 1/2 years later, has NORMAL kidney panel values. He still drinks and urinates more than a normal cat but continues to astound his veterinarian.


I recently acquired my granddaughter’s dog, I have not bought her any dog food-started her Carnivore right away-I feed her exactly what I eat… I’ve had her about 1 month now and can already see she is building muscle and her coat looks amazing !!! 🥩🥩🥩🥰🥰🥰She is thriving on the Proper Dog Diet !!! 🥳🥳🥳


I'm a pet sitter and I have one home where I sit for two cats. They are fed the RAWR raw meat cat food two times a day. I was instructed to put a couple tablespoons of warm water into their food at each meal. I'm thinking this is to give them more hydration. She really takes great care of her cats!
EDIT: What do feral cats eat? Not grass and berries. They catch rodents and birds


PS: Joy and I eat a lot of the same things, but I do buy her a pet food meat grind that a local butcher sells, one of which is a beef organ mix with bone meal, runs about $3 for 2lbs. I also get chicken hearts, livers and gizzards for her and I share my beef fat trimmings with her and eggs, meat & bone broth, steak, salmon, sardines and so much more. Both me and Joy are an N1 experiment.


I’m in Berkeley. I feed my 19 yr old female cat mostly canned Wellness Chicken or turkey and chicken w/lobster.She doesn’t like fish and won’t touch kibble.She drinks tons of water and always has. I give her filtered water.She looks half her age and is still playful and not at all fat. I‘be always worried about how much water she drinks but she’s always done it.she is totally indoor, never needs flea treatment or vaccinations.Her name is Willie.she’s a happy cat.


My little rescue dog was always itchy. Always having a yeast overgrowth. Switched to a grain free food and saw great improvement, but never really cleared up all the itching. Come to find out the treats I was giving her was straight up wheat. I now give her pork skins for treats and no more itching.


Once, in PetSmart I looked for the most expensive cat food, both dry and canned that I could find in the store. I don't remember the brand names but for all of them, the first ingredient was CORN. $$ doesn't mean healthy. Read labels!
