STOP Feeding RAW Food To Your Pet!!

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I have a Bone to pick with feeding your Pet a Raw Food Diet! Tag along as I go over a brief overview of the risks and benefits of feeding a raw meat based diet.

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American Veterinary Medical Associaion (AVMA) Current Policy on Raw Pet food:


Okay yeah...I’m just gonna stick to feeding my dog fresh meats, fruits, and vegetables that I would consume myself instead of feeding him highly processed chemical ridden bags of sugar and corn.


I ain’t gonna lie I watched the whole video thinking it was a skit until I went to the comments and realized he was serious


This guy is spot on, dogs have been baking doggie biscuit's in the wild for thousands of years


this guy is quintessential evidence that you can't trust someone JUST because they have an education


He's right, I just saw a pack of coyotes dragging a Weber grill and a bag of charcoal across a field towards a deer.


I am a vet student. Your statement of veterinarian nutrition training is wrong. My education is 6 years in total. We spend about 2 months of training on nutrition and it's sponsord by a big kibble producer. And that's the problem I see in the vet industry, luckily in the Netherlands a LOT of vets are advising raw diet. But most research is funded by kibble brands. It is really expensive to do studies and nobody wants to fund a pro raw food diet study. There are a lot of studies though but they are smaller.

And for your information, a dog on raw food has a more stomach juice then a dog on kibble, this is in a research someone did, we discussed this in class. Because there is more acid, bacteria have a harder time of survival.


This dude has a lot to learn. He probably starts his own day with a bowl of lucky charms.


When I switched my 6 year old Golden Retriever to a raw diet he lost 12 pounds, his diarrhea cleared up, he had tons of energy and went on long walks every day, and made it to old age without any health issues. Before we made the switch he was eating canned food and kibble and he was bloated all the time, lost interest in exercise, and had bad gas and runny poop.

Even with all these benefits and verifiable proof that it’s good for health there are lots of veterinarians that hate raw food and only recommend kibble. Vets use products they are familiar with and brands like Purina promote their products like crazy.

Personally I buy Darwin’s for my dogs. I pay around $180 for a 1 month supply that get shipped to my house. It’s a little pricey but it’s convenient and takes all of the guess work out. It’s comes in Chicken, Duck, Turkey, and Beef with bits of organ meat an vegetables for vitamins and minerals. They offer an economy line, an organic line, and a prescription line for pets with heath issues.


I'm a vet student and I just can't agree with you here. You know that domesticated cats are actually only a subspecies of their wild counterpart? I wonder why you only talk about dogs with regards to this (not news, vet schools don't do the best at training people to be good feline practitioners). And you know there is currently a recall out on hills veterinary food, right? That has been linked to the deaths of dogs. And you know the pathogens you're referring to (like salmonella) are commonly found in kibble too, right? The FDA advises you don't touch kibble with your bare hands for this very reason (or wash your hands for at least 20 seconds afterwards). While well intentioned, this video just misses the mark. It's biased and inaccurate at points :/


vets disagree with raw because they can’t sell it to you at the clinic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


My cat almost died from kidney infection & I fed her canned & dried foods. After I started feeding her raw, she seems like a completely different, fuller, livelier cat. The proof is in her new vitality. She’s never looked this good & healthy.


you’re a doctor, you should be able to look at their digestive system and anatomy and see that raw food is best for your dog or cat


imagine a vet student attempting to flex the fact that he takes basic animal nutrition classes thats been funded by large animal kibble companies for decades. Big yikes. I mean the least you could do is be unbiased but thats pretty hard when you don't look at the sources your classes are teaching you from.


Imagine the animals that died just for him to throw the meat on the floor


My dog had so many injuries from kibble because the vet said to feed her kibble not raw, she would starve herself not to eat the kibble, as soon as she got raw she was the healthiest and happiest I’ve ever seen


When people say raw, they aren’t feeding there pets hamburger meat, that would just be more processed shit which is the opposite of the point.


The proof I have for you is my dogs coat is shiny, teeth are pearly white, they’ve maintained a healthy weight, no more vomiting from kibble, no more diarrhea. I’ll take the risk and continue to feed raw!


Guys, he's right, I saw a pack of stray dogs in my backyard grillin some baby back ribs, and I will say those baked beans were pretty good too...


THANK YOU!!! 🙌 Its because of this very video that I will continue to feed raw.
