How to approach women in the club?

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Hi Guys this is Iain Myles joined by Annabel Pugh and Today we're going to talk about how you can master the nightclubs.

When I first started out with improving my dating life I approached women in bars and during the day and I never really went near night clubs because I found them too difficult to operate in. The clubs were noisy, full of drunk and loud guys and the girls were obnoxious and rude. But I knew that deep down that I was lying to myself and I adopted this negative and limiting mind-set from a young age to spare me from the pain of rejection. Another reason that I found it harder to keep believing this was that I had friends that were able to consistently get results in clubs and I felt that ultimately, I was copping out. So below I will share with you some tips on how I eventually mastered night clubs.


This is something that you should always do anyway no matter where you are but this is especially the case when you are in nightclubs. The minute you walk in the door and you see a girl you like whether she is on her own or in a group, just approach straight away. Remember the instant approach. When you see her just approach her without thinking. Don't worry what to say just let your feet do the talking for you. The reason why this is so important is that if you choose not to approach from the start you will start to stay in your head and have a conversation with yourself and therefore find it harder to approach in the long run. I know that Iain used to do this himself and I have seen many guys, both friends and clients make this mistake. Iain's mentality when he first started approaching women in nightclubs was that the first few were just warm ups, they may reject you or walk away but over time you will get sharper.

Iain Myles is an executive dating coach of Kamalifestyles. He's highly experienced in live training of our clients on streets, in bars and clubs. Iain teaches the core principles of the approach that every guy needs to know to become successful in dating.

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Personally I think it works MUCH better to let the girls come to you. They are the deciders of these matters anyway, and then you dont have to look like an desperado running around and approaching and getting rejected by every other girl. Other girls see that too. So how? I just dance, smile, small talk to people around me or friends, and PLOPP suddenly theres a nice girl in front of me and They start to talk to me, your job is just to smile and look like a nice fun guy. You dont even have to work for this, because in their eyes you are not there for picking up (and you should not think that you are there for picking up girls either), you are just there for dance, and this put you on another level. You are not that annoying guy that approaches. I've done this so many times that I know instantly when a girl is interested, she starts "swarming" around me and getting closer and closer, waving her hair my way, then I know that any minute now she will say something, and that is what happens. Just keep eye contact when she gives you that deep look, because she will be searching for eye contact before verbal contact. Then just answer her comment, say something back in a minute. And then when the ice is broken, and you have exchanged some words, you just dance, have fun and then the "hard" part is over. You take a pause after a while, go aside together, small talk a bit. No need for cheesy lines or whatever you are promoting, no need to buy her anything (I never ever do that), no need to try showing her you are the "alphamale" with your walk or manly introduction talk. And you wont have nervous hands flapping around, why? Because youre dancing! In this way you put in minimum effort, but still get the girl! And it will feel natural for both you and her.

1. Dance.
2. Smile.
3. Finnished!

So easy. But off course there are alot less money to make on such a small tip.
Its easier to sell you the approaching theory, wich works from time to time, but its not nearly as effective as to just dance.

Ok so you have questions too?
What if she is ugly? Well then avoid eye contact, that will be enough.
I cant dance! Nah, me neither, I just stand there and follow the rhytm in a smooth simple way.
I took her to the bar after dance but im so nervous!? Well, my friend, when youve done it 50 times, you wont be nervous anymore.
Good luck!


Approach her with your bank statement and credit cards


1. Be good looking and/or have money.

Women really are that simple whether they admit it or not.


Wave money about then she'll approach you instead


Can't stand women. Stopped approaching them because of how they treat you. Its all about money. That includes what you wear, how you look is based off what you wear. What car you have. How classy you look. I bet if I was a super star athlete that I wouldn't even need to try to make women notice me.

Women say they have all these expectations about men. It all comes down to money.
Got a different outlook now. Unless I'm super interested in a women at a bar I won't be approaching any body. Its not a numbers game for me. I want high quality women who have integrity, values, passion and drive. I want women who are interesting and can take care of themselves. Women who are not self centered and considerate. If I sense in any shape or form that you're a gold digger then you can get lost.

The standards I apply for women are the same standards I apply to myself. Too many women who have double standards and its disgusting.


What I find is that if it is a big group, especially with a few guys, trying to approach them and "befriend" them can be a lot harder than it sounds. I think the best chances a guy has is approaching a group of single women alone, the women feel comfortable because they "outnumber" the guy, and because there is only you to deal with, all of the attention is on you, the new member. Now if only I had a job to help making spending $10/drink a little more bearable...


Annabel ❤️. After a long time! Great to see you back😀


What to actually say would be useful.. I dunno maybe it’s just me smh


pull her closer? that's a quick way to get kicked out, NEVER EVER touch someone in the club


Annabel P is back! & Gentlemen how do you approach?? Don’t go to clubs hit up bars the scene is better. Girls tend to stick with there friends and dance with them all night while makes men circle around them and ruining the vibe.


Soo while in a club what should I say? I'm kinda bat at this. Or do we just dance?


I’ve got a question for you which I believe you might be able to answer it., I’ve had quite a few girls who had shown interest in me while dancing in the club but what’s happening is, until the time they don’t come to me I’d be just like dancing on my own, I do know that I should be the one to make a move. How should I make the first move when I already know she’s keen for me??


here's the problem..most of the places aren't super huge so when u approach and get shot down all her friends and on lookers see you get rejected. OK maybe not 1st time but by 2nd or 3rd approach most observant women saw it. so what do you do to minimize this?? I usually pick one or 2 I really see as potential and wait for right time.


It makes more sense to just ignore all this shit and simply get rich and use that to attract women. It's capitalism, make more money.


Iain I have a question about avoiding the boyfriend zone where a girl that really likes you won't have sex with you till three months down the track, how do I avoid being boyfriend material and how do I start being one night stand or fling material because I don't want to wait three months for sex.


Hey, there's a face I haven't seen here in a while! Good to see you again, Annabel. Where have you been?


This is not the gorgeous Annabel Rose, very disappointed and btw. forget everything he said, just start with "Hey gurl, you look swedish"


Wow that’s great.
Awesome information 😄


It's better to approach a girl who giving out chosen signs


This is how I do it hey we should go to my place so we can be by ourselves yeah:make sure you go home with somebody you do not regret yeah?
