Real Salvation | Reuben A. Torrey | Christian Audiobook

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~ Audiobook Description ~
What kind of Christian are you? Are you a mere formal Christian, or are you a real Christian? Are you one of these men or women who call themselves Christians, who go to the house of God on Sunday, who go to Communion, and perhaps teach a Bible class or a Sunday school class, but run around to the theater, a card party, dances, and all the frivolity and foolishness of the world the rest of the week? Are you one of the Christians who is trying to hold on to Jesus Christ with one hand and the world with the other? Or are you a real Christian who has renounced the world with your whole heart and given yourself to Jesus Christ with all your heart, a Christian who can sing, “I surrender all” and mean it? Where are you? What kind of a Christian are you?

Are you for Christ or are you against Him? You know you are either one or the other, for He says so. We read in Matthew 12:30 in the words of Jesus Himself: He that is not with me is against me. Everyone is either with Jesus wholeheartedly, confessedly, and openly, or else they are against Jesus. Which are you? For Christ or against Him?

~ Contents ~
00:00 Opening Credits
00:10 Ch. 1: Where Art Thou?
31:49 Ch. 2: The Appalling Sin of Unbelief in Jesus Christ
49:01 Ch. 3: Hell: Its Certainty, What It Is, and How to Escape It
01:28:39 Ch. 4: God’s Blockade to the Road to Hell
01:51:16 Ch. 5: Heaven: What It Is, and How to Get There
02:18:11 Ch. 6: The New Birth
02:44:37 Ch. 7: Refuges of Lies
03:22:55 Ch. 8: Found Out
03:41:46 Ch. 9: Who Then Can Be Saved?
04:11:34 Ch. 10: How to Find Rest
04:39:09 Ch. 11: Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory
05:07:46 Ch. 12: The Fear of Man Bringeth a Snare
05:40:34 Ch. 13: How God Loved the World
06:15:51 Ch. 14: Today – Tomorrow
06:32:52 Ch. 15: He That Winneth Souls Is Wise
07:06:51 Ch. 16: The Most Effective Method of Soul Winning
07:32:25 Ch. 17: Simple Methods by Which Anyone Can Win Others to Christ
08:11:59 Reuben A. Torrey – A Brief Biography

Narrated by Lyle Blaker.
Updated and Annotated.
Copyright © 2022 by Aneko Press, 203 E Birch St., Abbotsford, WI 54405


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Aneko is doing some amazing work . As a serious follower of Christ focused on Truth, I am very appreciative of your content and works. May God Bless You All in Christ's Name.


This is very true and undiluted. It uncovers my errors then binds my wounds at the same time. I truly need a Saviour and only Jesus is. I receive you Lord.


I have read books by Torrey since 1998 and I have always been blessed I thank Aneko press for giving us audio books so that the church equipped by God. God bless Aneko press.


Oh Lord Great is thy Unto thee do I lift up my soul!!!! My soul followeth hard after thee!!!! All my desire is before In thy light shall we see light!!!!


As for me and my house, we are for Christ! 🇺🇸💝


Pastor Reuben Torrey is the absolute best. Sound biblical knowledge with a plain, simple method of getting his brilliant points across. ‼️✝️👍♥️ PS - Thank you so very much for uploading.


Salvation is a gift from God, initiated by God. Jesus said, " No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. " John 6 43:44.


I love this book. I had to send for it and I pray for it to touch someone else like it touched me.🙏🏻


Very blessed by this book and teaching. Not many today would be able to agree with RA Torrey’s teaching unfortunately.


Wish everyone could listen to this eye ppening book❤


Thank you aneko always I'm bless..the Lord is being very good to me..May the Lord recompense you on that day.


Please pray for me everyone who reads this, i need the intercession of Gods Children thank you 🙏


❤❤❤ I needed this.. so good as encouragement in our righteousness in Jesus Christ. …. Our blessed hope. Made me emotional 🥲.thank


Season greetings in the name of Jesus Christ suffered on the cross for our sins 🙏 peace and love.


Enjoyed this very much and sent for the book 📖 !


Love the narration! Thank you for NOT doing AI again !!!


Please pray for me everyone who is a Child of God please pray Earnestly for my soul