What If Captain Rex Executed Order 65 On Palpatine

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Rex: Palpatine, the time has come. Execute Order 65.
Palpatine: It will be done my lord- *wait what*


Rex: Kick palpatines a**!
Clones: what?
Rex: execute order 65
Clones: 🗿 say less


I like to imagine Rex was lost for days in the Jedi Temple, and Yoda was just watching him struggle.


What if Obi-Wan and Satine's marriage was a treaty between the mandalorians and the jedi


What if Anakin Skywalker didn't trust Palpatine?

This stems from young Anakin taking a closer look at politics and sees that Palpatine is just dragging his feet being the Chancellor instead of doing actual change that could have prevented a Separatist Crisis and helped the Outer Rim.


What if Palps secretly had an inhibitor chip put into Anakin’s brain to drive him towards the dark side? Instead of needing to manipulate him he just uses the mind control chip to make him use the darkness without him even knowing.


What if-
the republic use droids just like the separatists instead of the clones


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As we know darth vader was a natural engineer and could use mechaguru or whatever so what if he used skill to create nanobots to repair his lungs and burns while also making limbs that could conduct the force to make lightning. This could relate to inquisitor baris as she used nanobots in the bomb and he may remember nanobots and their uses. He could could also conduct experiments diguised as torture to fool sidious, learning to heal wounds, make force sensitive droids/limbs and using nano bots to manipulate mididclorians to strip or enhance the force in individuals.
What I was thinking was that he used nanobots to remove scar tissue especially around the lungs and he would be dipped in bacta or bacta would be applied this would allow him breath which means he can meditate more deeply. And for the limbs, it is possible to make material force sensitive and I was thinking he make limbs skeletal looking like in attack of the clones but would then cover the we either grafed flesh from his body or flesh made from his blood and other ingredients like perhaps kyber crystal this would make the force flow from him easier and perhaps with the sith alchemy in the limbs making his force lightning more powerful. Basically an uber vader who is perhaps stronger than full potential anakin.


What if Order 66/65 being issued at same time by Palpatine and the Jedi/Senate started a brand new civil war? Not just a quick conflict, a brutal multi-year civil war on the scale of the Clone Wars where Palpatine and his allies and the Jedi and senate each control parts of Coruscant and it turns into a massive Stalingrad battle while Palpatine secures most of the Core while the Senate has the midrim. A full scale galactic civil war where the clones on each side feel those on the other are traitors.


What if Crosshair killed Kanan Jarrus.


What If the Jedi were evil and used the Dark Side of The Force while the Sith were good and used the Light Side (kind of like the Star Wars (SW) version of Transformers Shattered Glass (TFSG) where the AutoBots are evil and Decepticons are good)


Your lightsabers will make a fine addition to my collection


Windu turning to the darkside and continuing the rule of two sith could be a possible continuation of this storyline. Ending with anakin truly becoming the chosen one. Thus fulfilling the chosen one prophecy. Or alternatively it can be a separate what if entirely.


What if Obi-Wan Kenobi took Ventress as his padawan during the Clone wars


What if Vitiate trained Anakin Skywalker


What if anakin was found by jedi belonging to another sect like corelia or those nomadic jedi who allow attachment.
What if anakin went to dathomir in revenge of the sith to search for ways to save padme.
What if yoda decided to swap the masters of ferus olin and anakin.
So anakin with siri.
Obi with ferus
What if ahsoka and anakin crash landed on bendu's planet. Also what if darth vader joined thrawn in meeting the bendu and went on a spiritual journey back to the dust ball tatiotene.
What if the whills turned padme into a literal force angel to save vader.


It’s chaotic, but the chaos level wasn’t big enough, to be honest. The extra chaos would’ve been if Anakin, who noticed Rex missing, returns right before he found Yoda. That would’ve been far more chaotic, as it could also lead to Anakin to use Order 65. Which could also lead to Anakin chasing the shuttle that got Palpatine in it and he fought his way into it, clashing against him with Windu while Obi Wan, at the same time, arrive right on time. The battle was almost complete chaos, but not chaotic enough. Anakin was would’ve gone back for Rex, being honest.


Aw I was hoping that Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin, and especially Ki-Adi-Mundi would make an appearance and immediately die in this.
