Homeowners insurance 2024 This Can ruin your chance to buy a home!

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THIS WILL ruin you're ability to buy a home! Are you buying or selling a home? Learn how homeowners insurance is impacting the real estate market in this eye-opening video. Discover the potential effects on mortgage rates, housing market trends, and more. Don't miss out on this important information for homeowners and real estate investors!

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Disclaimer: We are not licensed real estate agents and this is not a solicitation to buy or sell real estate or any other financial products. This is a personal commentary based on our real estate personal experiences.
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We are on the edge/start of finding out what people can really live without……. Like architectural features in a home that add nothing to the performance of the structure or value considering the added cost. It’s back to the basics for me and has been all my life…. I can afford anything I want home wise but I have always subscribed to smaller is better and really all that anyone needs. Ego and keeping up with the Jones will always get most people in over their heads money wise. Money is always better off working making passive income/cap gains than put into a Taj Mahal type shrine we call a home these days. This news just proves the point perfectly. Great content to make people actually think about what kind of life they are living.


I feel sorry the 1st time buyers. Home prices, taxes, and insurance are all going to make homeownership unattainable. I have never used my house insurance you would think that would count for something. If you get dropped other insurance companies know you can't win. Great video.


I've been watching this in Florida for a few years now.


Also if you're locked into an escrow, there is an additional cost to that due to state regulations. This is unsustainable. We need to go Affordable Care style on the Home and Car insurance companies if we want to save the house industry.


The increase in the number and severity of hurricanes, floods, tornadoes and other harsh weather has led to a spike in claims in many parts of the country. We all get to share in the losses that people have across the country, it's BS, insurance should have localized premiums. It'll be imperative to utilize these companies that are dumping people in Florida and California.


You either need to be living in poverty and getting free support, health coverage, and housing or so wealthy you have plenty of money to pay for what ever you want. Its the person in the MIDDLE who is stuck and is the SUCKERFISH. And on top of that you never do ever actually own your home if you miss paying increasing PROPERTY TAXES assessed on it every year!!!


Winter and summer taxes are going up everywhere as well across the nation.


if you are retired or near retirement, you should not have a mortgage period. if you need one, you do not have enough to retire yet and are living beyond your means. Sorry, but that is the reality.


Homeowner's insurance has gone up here quite a bit as well.


Insurer's can not buy reinsurance to cover the exposure of hurricane, earthquake, mud slide areas. They are leaving areas in states that will not allow rate increases to cover their expenses.


Just an opinion but governments banks insurance companies etc in fact just about any corporate industries are blaming over here anyway Brexit, the war in Ukraine, Global warming, which there are those doom and gloom factions and the other scientific bodies that have proven without CO2 in the air yhe planet will die off🙄 when in fact they are all about is how much profit they can make for shareholders and government taxes 🤬 im so glad i have lived in the time that i have because i seriously worry about what my grandsons are facing in the future 😞


just the tip of the iceberg. post pandemic, the chickens are coming home to roost! inflation is going back up! feds (criminals) might not even lower rates this year. makes me wanna scream.
