Recovery from Anorexia, Infertility, and hypothalamic amenorrhea | Healing Infertility naturally

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My story is one of overcoming disordered eating (anorexia), obsessive exercising, hypothalamic amenorrhea, and infertility. Ultimately this journey led me to discover true beauty, health, and fall in love with real food and farming. Stories are powerful and I share it in case there is anyone, like me, struggling with these things who needs hope and encouragement. If you know anyone who could benefit from hearing this, we'd love it if you'd share it with them!

Instagram: @fromscratchfarmstead

Рекомендации по теме

Thank you for your testimony, it is very encouraging! I'm on the process of recovery from hypothalamic amenorrhea and it is indeed very hard even though I don't have any eating disorder, I have it because of stress and being undernourished during my last pregnancy because I was told by doctors to be on a diet to prevent overweight! I was so naive! Thanks God he protected me and my baby and we survived with lots of complications for me.
We are working so hard to have a homesteading life in the near future and your channel is our favorite one to be inspired and learn, tje simplicity and humility that you project are so valuable!

God bless you!



I was 95lbs at 19. I was obsessed with dieting.. obsessed with exercise..I couldn't eat anything without running for an hour or was awful..I justified..oh yeah healthy you know..but it crippled me..I couldn't enjoy anything because I was so obsessed with the scale. I became pregnant right before I turned 20 and most likely this saved my life. My husband was so supportive but he knew I was deeply struggling with letting myself gain weight in a healthy 17 years and 3 babies later..that obsession has no hold on me..but I do find some of the obsessive compulsive behavior is still present. Thank you for sharing your testimony.


Wow, thank you for sharing this. I found your channel while looking for budgeting videos (totally unrelated!) and saw this video in your feed. My 13 yo daughter is currently recovering from anorexia. As a dancer she went through a very similar progression - super thin, constantly exercising, amenorrhea, always cold, irritable and depressed, terrified of getting fat. Everyone thought she looked great (a reflection of our cultural obsession with thinness) but I saw it happening over 2 years and finally got her into an amazing treatment program for several months. She is in a much better place now, she reached her goal weight and is having a period again and we’re on a rigid meal plan that similarly involves only whole, unprocessed foods. My heart goes out to you - I’m so sorry it took 10 years for you to find a pathway to health, but so glad you regained your fertility and that your story has a happy ending!


Thanks to your video. I went from underweight to robust health as well. I've gotten 6 periods since starting my journey in November of 2023. It's starting to become more regular. Thank you.


Thank you so much for sharing. I’m doing a lot of research as my wife is struggling with FHA caused by LEA. Trying to convince her to stop weighting food, counting calories and exercising too much. Again thanks for sharing.


Thank you really for sharing this wonderful story. I'm gonna share the video with the girl that I'm dating. Her extreme low weight, though probably contributing in part in giving her a slim look that I found attractive at first, is now worrying me. She eats very little. I know she has issue with menstruation, her head is often dizzy, she falls sick easily. Added to that I realized she had a difficult childhood, some abuse and now she has to work long hours to pay her bills alongside studying. She is very kind. I hope I can help her change, become more healthy and feel better about herself.


❤❤❤❤❤ I'm a chapter leader for The Weston A Price Foundation and I approve this message!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Recently just found y’all’s channel while looking for milking cow videos! And after binge watching a ton I came across this one. I’m also struggling with infertility. After coming off birthcontrol over a year and a half ago I haven’t been able to get my cycle going normally. And after going to doctors and specialists and receiving no answer other than we can force a cycle with this pill, I’ve started on my journey to wholistic health and living. Love your story and you’ve definitely encouraged me today. So thank you🤗


Thank you for sharing your journey ♡

Happy for you!

Love and blessings from Johanne, Norway 🇳🇴


Gracias por comparti tu testimonio, es muy valioso y alentador para mí. Podrías decirnos qué alimentos consumías en el tiempo que ganaste peso?


Aw you sweet girl 😢
❤❤❤ Thank you for sharing ☺️💞


Approximately how many calories are you eating now? I recently developed amenorrhea from restricting calories.


Thank you. Searching for answers and praying for Our daughter.


OMG you are an angel and a real strong woman. I went through anorexia a few years in my teenage years, with, more or less the same hurdles as you. I wish I could talk to you as I don't want to write too much about myself here. Anorexia is part of life, I struggle with it in my head it doesn't show, have to be careful. It unfortunately damaged my vision. You are awesome for sharing and I'm sure it will help many women, and young girls.


I went through the EXACT same thing as you. Thanks for posting this


Thank you so much for sharing your story so sincerely. It gives me hope!


I did the same thing as you!! But I’m still looking for healing and for a doctor who can help me… do you know where I can find an integrative doctor? My gut tells me this is not right and I love living healthy. Also I want you to know it truly means a lot to know that I am not alone in this journey


Thank you for sharing your story <3. Mine is very similar (a runner, now 31, no period), and I am entering the phase of changing out my wardrobe (several times). It's scary. And unknown. But your perseverance reminds me that it will be worth the effort (and tears) <3. I'm curious how things will feel on the other side, and that's another motivating factor. I was comfortable mozying along, but without a period, I know something's up despite a seemingly "healthy" appearance, and ignoring it and running along seems foolish after watching this.


Thank you for sharing your story. After 26 years of a intermittent restrictive eating disorder through an anorexia diagnosis, alongs8de a compulsive exercise disorder I am finally ready to heal once and for all.... but everything you look for in terms of this speaks about "all in recovery" meaning eating things such as processed and ultra processed foods. This didn't align with me, as I don't see how this would be nourishing your body in anyway (and probably why my recovery attempts had never worked before!) There's little out there supporting recovery with a whole food diet, but it makes the most logical sense. Thank you... its the confirmation and motivation needed and its lovely to see you so happy and healthful now ✨️


This has been so comforting to watch. I’m both a model and a full time university student there’s a huge amount of pressure to maintain a tiny size in the fashion industry, so much so that I developed anorexia and HA. Now two months into recovery, and seeing that someone older has gone through the exact same thing and recovered from that old restrictive mindset is so inspiring. Creators like yourself make recovery so much easier for others. Thank you for sharing 🤍
