Adam Smasher (Cyberpunk 2077) Vs. Prophet (Crysis) | #cyberpunk2077 #crysis #shorts

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Crysis 1, 2, 3 in my heart. My favorites games. Thanks a lot childhood. Hi with Russia and good day!


Prophet suit would destroy the entire cyberpunk 2077 world


Human tech vs reversed alien tech mmmm....prophet fought entities bigger and stronger than Smasher and won.


Prophet take this: Low-Mid-Diff
HAX - goes to Prophet Nanosuit 2.0 as Ceph technology reverse-engineering and control with mental AI that has advanced over decades of human technology. The suit can hack, scan vulnerable targets and shut down, jamming, etc. also can be assessed analysis fields in real-time to provide and give users a maximum edge advantage. like a supercomputer walks and it can update itself, meaning it is never out of date.

Resistance & endurance - goes to Prophet Nanosuit 2.0 can withstand heat from the spore spear core that is capable of destroying all of human civilization.
- Easy survive the EMP from direct impact hit 30-kiloton Tactical nuclear
- Survive fall from the space

(Nanosuit through lore (Crysis legion) Every time suit takes damage it will adapt and repair itself prepare the next time meaning it grows stronger )

H2H & Agil, Speed, react, AP - goes to Prophet Nanosuit 2.0 as the title of head Raptor Team (Delta Force) expertise in CQC he can Twists a man's head and ceph (alien) around 180 degrees with less effort
- lift and Kicks a 2000kg car hard enough it rotates more than 90 degrees.
- Prophet's sped up perception makes HMG bullet tracers look slow.
- easy to Dodge Ceph missiles at few 100 meters.

- Nanosuit 2.0 can generates up to 450N of force and contractile acceleration up to 10, 000g.
(through lore (Crysis legion) says in an interview that the Nanosuit 2.0's carbon nanotube muscle is 250 times as strong as normal human muscle.) nanosuits 2.0 are constantly adapted evolving overtime so who knows what their full capabilities..


This would be legendary

Also the nano suit would be the perfect cyberware if it was


I just remembered Crysis 3. I loved this game with every cell of my body. I remember all those cool looking levels and stealth. I remember those hard aliens and that one time they kneeled before Prophet until they got proper commands. And I remember those terrifying scorpion looking robots that almost one shot me
Too bad I didn't finish it after one of the levels, really want to come back to it


Crysis 3 was such a good game, evenr now if i watch the intro cutscene give me gosebumps …


Resistance hose to prophet speed and agility also hose to prophet


Adam Smasher could not even scratch nano-suit 2.0.


This is the difference between people with near distant future technology vs literal advanced alien technology. The abilities prophet has in C3 is fucking crazy. Super speed, super strength, armor strong enough to deflect bullets, thermal vision, invisibility and power to overcharge his suit with Seph batteries making him invincible for a couple minutes. Prophet in C3 is like if you mixed together every build in CP2077 on one character lol.


This was awesome, also thanks for the edit


resistance and endurance both goes to prophet


Реально интересно увидеть пророка в киберпанке


For those who disagree :

As much as Adam Smasher look menace and strong from his ER adaptation but let's not forget V easily took him down rather easily with Johnny's ingram and on dying phase. Even though it's gameplay logic and not V lore-wise i wouldn't imagine how OP V is if he ever gets into ER adaptation.

But now compare to the advanced futuristic suit or nanosuit as we know it from Crysis that survived a nuke, super-healing nanobot, unlimited nanobot, self-defibrillator, fast/unlimited self recharging power(cloak, armor damage-absorbtion, speed, and strength) and the suit can't be hacked unless you can get direct contact but even then you have to worry about the AI inside the nanosuit. The only chance for Adam Smasher to even kill Prophet/Alcatraz he has to de-host the human inside the suit. Which explained why it hurts a lot for the user to remove it from their skin(example : Psycho). Even i doubt V can take down Prophet/Alcatraz who both were much experienced in military.


I remember playing this game(NOVA) when I was a kid


Strength: Prophet
Lifted huge cars and other that weight higher than 2-3 tons

Speed and agility: Prophet
His nanosuit includes superspeed

Durability: Prophet
Survived atom explode, survived Cef explode a few times

IQ: Prophet
Trapped into Cefs world and learned all about them in a few days, he is smarter than all generals

Battle IQ: Prophet
Destroyed more than billions of Cefs and their world solo

HAX: Prophet
His nanosuit contains lots of gadgets which can save his life if he dies by using another body and that actually happened in Crysis 2.

AP, DC: Prophet
Self explanatory

Stamina, endurance: Prophet
Infinite stamina and endurance.
Yes we haven't infinite stamina while we playing but that was made to make our gameplay harder, in cutscenes we can see that Prophet has infinite stamina and endurance.

Winner: Prophet
No diff


Prophet and the nanosuit are just built different


I imagine V charging and going to stab Prophet with Mantis blades and they just break against the maximum armor


I appreciate they still gave Adam credit where it was due.


Prophet takes speed as his suit doesn't drain energy anymore and he's basically becoming faster without the suit
