Wuthering Waves Launch Situation

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Wuthering Waves has released in full, and I want to talk about. Amongst the discussions that will occur online, some of it has been in favor of the game's quality, and some... not so much. In this first impressions video, I'm going to break down the discourse surrounding the game, and give my own thoughts about my experiences and how I think the game will go from here on.

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0:00 – Intro
0:37 – Overview
4:05 – The story
6:29 – World design
7:35 – "Genshin but worse"
9:47 – Exploration
11:21 – Music
12:21 – My predictions
14:34 – Final thoughts

Music used:

Outro music:


Thread of Palworld's copyright discussion – By Josh Strife Hayes:

#gacha #wutheringwaves

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Kuro and Hoyo : 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
Their playerbase : 🤬😡😠🤬🤢🤢🤮🤮👺👹👿👽


I love the comments hating on the video when the video came out 14 minutes ago and the comments came out 13 minutes ago. Totally watched the video LMAO


Considering Kuro games are still making changes to core elements of Wuwa like the echo farming system has me convinced the launch is secretly an open beta with the amount of "Listening" the devs have done.


Funny how just the other day Mihoyo devs and employees were taking selfies with WuWa posters before it's release. Talent recognises talent. Kuro games and Mihoyo never showed themselves as rivals, it's the player base that just sets these arguements like little children fighting over whose toy car is better. Kuro and Mihoyo both have very talented devs and at this point I can only say that gacha games' communities cannot be saved; they're filled with too narrow minded individuals who think they are somehow superior to others for preferring one game over the other as if their lives depend on it. Why cant people just play the damn games? Arent we gamers first? Is it really THAT hard? Well I guess for some it is...


the only gripe that i have is that my fps is apparently tied to my ping, i don't know why it's doing that but it's near unplayable and i can't move my camera without it becoming a powerpoint presentation


11:22 Taste in music is a subjective, that's true. What WuWa missed is in its music direction as music feels uninspired. There are times that genre do matter as games with different stages, locations, and scenarios, variety and distinction is important. In case of WuWa, It's hard to get immersed in its open world if the music lacks identity and direction. You heard the term "generic music" and likely heard how one sounds like; it's uncaptivating and no part of it ever "sticks." What's make it worse is that some try to compare it to Genshin, and Genshin as you know it is over-the-top when it doesn't even have to. Kuro Games made PGR and its music is highly praised and yet WuWa never get that same treatment. Hopefully it's just a temporary thing.


It absolutely needs controller support on iOS and Android and when it does, it needs to let us invert camera controls if we need it.


11:57 Dude, sound is literally the central theme of Wuthering Waves's worldbuilding. If ever there's a game that _needs_ a phenomenal OST, it's Wuthering Waves. And WuWa just does not deliver. The OST isn't bad, but it's not special either. It lacks identity. It just sounds like sci-fi game music. Genshin's OST on the other hand sounds like *Genshin.*

Like, you hear a Genshin track, you just know it's Genshin. And that's in spite of the range of musical styles and moods present in Genshin's OST -- be it orchestral, traditional Chinese, traditional Japanese, EDM, rock, whatever the fuck Scaramouche's boss theme is -- they all sound like *Genshin.* And that's why Genshin's OST is *objectively* better than WuWa's OST.

And I say this as someone who personally prefers the predominantly techno/EDM/lofi style of WuWa's OST over the predominantly orchestral/traditional style of Genshin's OST.


Nah down playing the music is insane.
If even the guy like marco has to criticize the music then you know it is not good. And yes music is not everything to a gacha game, but it is almost everything to a 3d open world action gacha game.
And how come the exploration discussion part of the video got side tracked into the skip button ?


What music, I don't recall wuthering having any music


I fucking despise the target-lock system in this game and I can't even disable it. It keeps randomly target-locking a fucking rat 1 mile away from me instead of a dying mutt besides my character I just chunked. Killing the red mist monkeys was a nightmare because of this stupid shit.


Bad take. Consumers have every right to judge, like, or dislike any part of a game. Including music.

Or are we implying that we can’t say a dish is bad at a restaurant unless we graduated culinary school?

Of course, people feeling that WW music is meh is subjective. That doesn’t mean their opinion is invalid. Also, it sure seems a lot of people feel the same way, if the million-view videos in China are anything to go by.


I was with you until the music argument, anyone can tell if the food is bad even if you're not a chef. The music tracks are, while I didn't mind it, is forgettable & generic, & it's several tiers below the high standard Kuro set upon itself with PGR. Plus, it's weird to have EDM in a fantasy game based on Chinese mythology. Next there's the, "they made money" point, this is just fanboying. Nobody has detailed information on how much money they spent on development & marketing, so whether or not they made their money back is anyone's guess. Don't forget open world live service games require more manpower for services, that costs a quite a lot to manage. Meanwhile I'm constantly having issues on mobile, while performance on PC can be stutter-filled at times.

I'm on the fence about this game, might or might not continue playing this depending on the next update.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who disagrees with your music take. WuWa's ambient ost is fine, it works but it could be so much better. My most memorable experiences with HSR are tied to music, the most recent one being the final fight in the latest patch. I did a daily quest recently where i had to go to Natasha's clinic and hearing Streets Abuzz just took me back to when i was just starting out. I went into Wuwa expecting its quality to be the same as HSR. Boy was i wrong. I'm glad others are having fun with it, I'll be uninstalling once ZZZ comes out.


The reason I prefer Genshin's story is because of each nation identity. Whether it's the music, the map, the clothes, etc, it really helps building the feeling of the game. Nonetheless, I'm playing and enjoying both games.


Pretty good points! I really hope for the games best.
But the notion "We should compare 1.0 in WuWa to 1.0 in Genshin" isn't quite right. Those games do have 4 years apart of each other.
You most definitely will not want to compare, for example, all releasing MMO's today to WoW's (2004) Classic.


My only real issue with the combat so far is the strange lack of any feedback when you get hit. Maybe there's vibration feedback if you play with a controller or something, IDK, but I play on PC. There really needs to be some kind of sound effect for getting hit, or maybe some screen shake or something.


My main issue with Wuwa is the game feel so heavy on my computer. I know I don't have the best PC, but I can play Genshin just fine since it's launch until now.
I may need to upgrade my PC to fully enjoying Wuwa, which is won't be soon.


The issue with the Wuwa game is that its pretty laggy and compared to most games out there. This means that the other games that arent laggy has a better tchance of being played by more people than the laggy one.
And more players often translates to more profit for the game
Really really wished they fixed this before launch or ven thought of it running issues during the development phase. I mean ToF wasnt already a sign back then of how mess up things can get for buggy games


My main issue with Wuwa is that neither the characters, nor their introductions, nor the world setting is interesting to me.
I've played from GBF days, and I've never had to begrudgingly play a gacha game trying so hard to be interested in ONE character, and not finding it after exhausting all currently available quest
