What Wealth Looks Like By Age! (Are You Actually Wealthy?!)

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20's: 4:31
30's: 22:56
40's: 35:50
50's and 60's: 52:32


Turned 18 yesterday... opened my high interest savings account, got a secured credjt card, and opened up a vanguard Roth IRA, and registered to Vote! I got this


I'm 56 and I wish that I had had someone telling me this info when I was in my that I had listened and acted on it. But, if you are like me and waited, just remember what they say, "When's the best time to plant a tree? Yesterday. When's the second best time? Today!" So if you haven't started..START TODAY!


Love the by age thing. It reminds me that I'm actually going somewhere. I'm 22 and currently save just over 50% of my take home income. Over the past 3 years I've had lots of large payrises and just haven't been letting my lifestyle catch up too much


Americans have a spending problem, not an income problem...good quote! That’s a different perspective!


When I was 20, the best money advice I'd heard (not received) was count every penny.
I began feeling like I was spinning my tires with money when I was 27.
I was 30 when I stopped spending money altogether.
I was 33 when I started studying million and billionaires.
I was 35 when I began to have a picture of what I was doing wrong.
And now I'm 37 with a plan and no money, ... BUT I'M FINANCIALLY FREE!!!


Yo guys, ok, so I'm a weirdo, but I LOVE budgeting! I'm an old fashioned pen-and-paper budgetter, and keep this in my diary (of course, it needs to be rejigged where necessary), but I LOVE seeing where my money is going, that I'm on track with sinking funds for my bills, and watching savings grow! All about mindset!


I remember when 10% was alot in my late 20s. I just celebrated my 30th birthday increasing my savings rate to 20%! Keep pressing, people! I can feel that muscle memory at this point. Edit: Budgeting and planning this early on made me realize that where I lived and what i thought i enjoyed doing was not what i really wanted. i am so glad i figured this out now rather than later and was able to move and adjust to a new lifestyle before its time to really start settling in..


I thought this was Glenn from Super Store before i clicked lol. Started saving since i was 19 and at 27 have a networth of 500k. Always have been a saver and my clothes definitely show that. Youtube is an awesome resource and people who make videos like this helped me more than a college education ever could.


I can't believe there is this much of a guide on how to build your finances for free on youtube for everyone to watch! this is a treasure not everyone can see, it's literally financial advice from financial advisors! i don't live in a developped country so a lot of parameters are different here but i'm 22 right now and happy to start now than later, thank you for your advice.


Cannot understand why this Chanel does not have at least a million subscribers. Just follow these guys and get your finances straight


Love all of the by age series. Really helps get perspective of where I’m at and the next stages to be looking towards


"Just because I could doesn't mean I should." I have been living/saying this for the past 2 decades!
Just told someone that this past weekend.


managed to maintain a 50-65% savings rate through my 20's. Will be 30 in 2 months.


"Hi, my name is Nate." "Hi, Nate!" "I dumped Gatorade on myself after the first quarter, by rewarding myself with a brand new pick up truck when I graduated college...." That certainly summed my college win up. The other downside was I cashed out a stock check to pay it off. Guess that could be a win or a loss depending on how you look at it. The upside is 20 years later I still have the truck, so no truck payments for 17 years.


Amen to that point about continuing to become better at saving as you progress through your 20s. My personal monthly savings & investment rate by year (based off net income):

2017: 35%
2018: 39%
2019: 49%
2020: planning on >50%

Gotta keep improving and increasing that army of dollar bills!


NOBODY loves budgeting? I love budgeting!


You guys, thank you so much! Every part of this episode was serious value. Thanks!


If I started full time work right after 24, I would have worked 3x of years than what I have actually worked now. That really delayed my wealth building progress.
I rarely think my goal is to be rich. My goal is to save as much as I can and hope I will have the same mentality after I am ready to retire.


Thank y’all for breaking it up by age! Was getting really stressed about not saving enough even though I only graduated college 6 months ago LOL So much advice doesn’t take age into consideration
