Live Discussion With A Seventh Day Adventist

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The biblical gymnastics that the SDA have to go through to hold on to Ellen G White’s theology is astounding.


Saw him debating bhi and knew right there we have a sherif in town!!!


@shamounian I hope you're well. We miss our bible teachings. I hope you don't stay away too long.


Jesus is God. Angels are angels. Angels are created beings. Jesus is the ever present, always existing God. He sits at the right hand of His Father, but is one with Him.


Sir Sam good evening from here Philippines. I really appreciate your hard works and everything to spread the words of God and being honest to everything you say even when you express your sides about your family issues . anyway I just wanna thank you and sir David wood and sir al fadi and all our brother/sister in Christ Jesus for leading and making a stand for our wonder big family (Christianity ) and please continue what are you guys good doings and we are all here to pray for all of you and your families(relatives).God bless us all .


It’s painful to watch how someone claims to be Christian give no glory to Jesus our saviour assuming he is just a creature “ Michael “ ?! It’s Michael called the lamb of God? Did Michael raised the dead on earth? Did Michael died for our sins and was crucified then raised from dead? It’s sickening me that people even tried to explain it ?! 1John 2:19


Wow, love Daniel 10:13! Learned something knew. I figured Michael wasn’t the only ArcAngel, just didnt how to prove it


Seventh day Adventist is not your enemy. We believe in christ as our Lord and savior. We are trinitarian. Just that we still keep the 10 commandments, follow the mosaic diet rule and keep the Jewish Sabbath.


To affirm Ellen G White’s writings, Adventists need to believe that Michael is Jesus. Without this belief, the SDA doctrine of soul sleep becomes a house of cards.


Wow that was like I was back in the kingdom hall of the Jehovah's witnesses.
Key differences are sda are Trinitarians, I didn't know that.
Thanks San


William Miller was a Baptist, who was a leading figure in the Advent Movement which came from many different Christian churches. Following the failure of William Miller’s interpretation of Daniels prophecy (note William Miller wasn’t claiming to be a prophet but was reading and interpreting Daniels prophecy in the bible), some “Millerite’s” gave up Christianity, some went back to their old churches, others formed groups called “Adventist’s”, some formed other groups. Seventh Day Adventist’s came out of one of the Adventist Groups after this period of time they called the Great Disappointment. Subsequently as part of their deep study of the scriptures to try and work out where Miller’s interpretation had gone wrong they rediscovered the Sabbath, and confirmed their belief in the Second coming of Christ at some future time and hence their name, Seventh Day Adventist’s reflected their key beliefs.


One of the doctrine of SDA is SALVATION BY FAITH. SDA doesn't teaches salvation by work, or obeying laws. This is a common misunderstanding about SDA


The power of tradition should not be underestimated, may we all question ourselves daily for the same obstinacy and sinfulness


Hey Sam, I've been blessed listening to your material and defense of the Triune God of scripture. I am a former SDA, and would love to see you discuss the Investigative Judgement doctrine with an SDA. It is BY FAR the pillar doctrine of the denomination, it distorts the gospel, and teaches Christ is currently in the "2nd phase of the atonement" investigating the lives of believers in the heavenly sanctuary to accept or reject them since 1844. This is the rebound doctrine after the failed prophecy by William Miller, and is MUCH more dangerous than the Michael/Jesus debate although I appreciate this video and still think it's an important topic to discuss. Grace and peace in Christ brother!


Thank you Sam! Never too late! God bless you!


Sam, you are very gracious in dealing with 7th day Adventist belief. __ like: Jesus Christ is Ark Angel Michael.


Thank you brother Sam, & i pray that God will continue too show you thru scripture what the bible is revealing to his church. That Revelation 12 really opened my eyes to symolism!🙏


Listening to this takes patience. Jesus' ONLY has the power to wake the dead. He doesn't need any angels voice and no other angels voice will work. JESUS IS MICHAEL. MICHAEL MEANS ONE WHO IS AS GOD. WHAT HAPPENED TO SATAN WHEN HE SAID HE WOULD BE LIKE GOD? HE SINNED AND WAS CAST FROM HEAVEN.


No matter how you slice and dice it, this sda is just stupid.


This dude is still a hard core Adventist. He has no ability to understand plain scripture. It sounds like his soul is lost.
