Does my child have foot problems? - Georgina Tay, Singapore Podiatrist
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Does my child have foot problems? - Georgina Tay, Singapore Podiatrist
At what age can foot problems arise?
Foot problems can start in the womb, shortly after birth, before walking age and after walking age. It is not uncommon that newborn babies are found in our podiatry centres as parents require early paediatric intervention for a genuine foot deformity, or simply they notice a minor difference between the left and right foot or significant differences between their children’s feet and gait patterns, and they wish to seek professional opinion for the concern.
Conditions such as vertical talus, clubfoot and metatarsus adductus require early intervention shortly after birth using serial casting over several weeks. If the condition has been noticed early enough then this form of intervention gives the best results and the best start in life for the child.
Ingrown toenails are common as the fat fleshy foot is rapidly growing and does not allow time for the smaller nail to catch up resulting in sulci invasion and infection, this is managed relatively quickly in the clinic but can recur.
Flatfoot and arch concerns can be recognized from as young as 6 months, or when a baby begins to stand up. If the arch concern does not improve as the baby’s heel starts touching the floor or as they become confident in taking their first steps then it is recommended to seek podiatry review. There are many things that can be done at home and in the clinic, including manipulation, exercises, footwear and devices to encourage a more neutral foot development.
With advances in medical technology and tools, it is possible for podiatrists to design small, intricate and fully customised devices for babies as young as 2 months old. These devices work best with rapid growth as the deformity does not have time to become set. Essentially, podiatrists work on painlessly guiding the growth of the foot to reduce the deformity at hand.
Naturally, parents want the best for their children and strive for optimum unhindered biomechanical function from day one, sometimes this requires some help, and that’s nothing to be worried about, the key is to know when to intervene.
At East Coast Podiatry, we perform full paediatric biomechanical assessments for children with musculoskeletal complaints. This allows us to build a comprehensive diagnosis of present and future problems for paediatric patients. We also work closely with other healthcare professionals such as orthopaedic surgeons, allowing us to make prompt referrals for any children who need more serious intervention.
See a Paediatric Podiatrist today!
Clinic Locations:
Orchard Clinic
302 Orchard Road . Tong Building #09-02 . Singapore 238862
Tel: (+65) 6884 4123
Kembangan Clinic
18 Jalan Masjid . Kembangan Plaza # B1-02/04/05 . Singapore 418944
Tel: (+65) 6848 5156
Novena Clinic
10 Sinaran Drive . Novena Medical Center #08-13 . Singapore 307506
Tel: (+65) 6235 2132
At what age can foot problems arise?
Foot problems can start in the womb, shortly after birth, before walking age and after walking age. It is not uncommon that newborn babies are found in our podiatry centres as parents require early paediatric intervention for a genuine foot deformity, or simply they notice a minor difference between the left and right foot or significant differences between their children’s feet and gait patterns, and they wish to seek professional opinion for the concern.
Conditions such as vertical talus, clubfoot and metatarsus adductus require early intervention shortly after birth using serial casting over several weeks. If the condition has been noticed early enough then this form of intervention gives the best results and the best start in life for the child.
Ingrown toenails are common as the fat fleshy foot is rapidly growing and does not allow time for the smaller nail to catch up resulting in sulci invasion and infection, this is managed relatively quickly in the clinic but can recur.
Flatfoot and arch concerns can be recognized from as young as 6 months, or when a baby begins to stand up. If the arch concern does not improve as the baby’s heel starts touching the floor or as they become confident in taking their first steps then it is recommended to seek podiatry review. There are many things that can be done at home and in the clinic, including manipulation, exercises, footwear and devices to encourage a more neutral foot development.
With advances in medical technology and tools, it is possible for podiatrists to design small, intricate and fully customised devices for babies as young as 2 months old. These devices work best with rapid growth as the deformity does not have time to become set. Essentially, podiatrists work on painlessly guiding the growth of the foot to reduce the deformity at hand.
Naturally, parents want the best for their children and strive for optimum unhindered biomechanical function from day one, sometimes this requires some help, and that’s nothing to be worried about, the key is to know when to intervene.
At East Coast Podiatry, we perform full paediatric biomechanical assessments for children with musculoskeletal complaints. This allows us to build a comprehensive diagnosis of present and future problems for paediatric patients. We also work closely with other healthcare professionals such as orthopaedic surgeons, allowing us to make prompt referrals for any children who need more serious intervention.
See a Paediatric Podiatrist today!
Clinic Locations:
Orchard Clinic
302 Orchard Road . Tong Building #09-02 . Singapore 238862
Tel: (+65) 6884 4123
Kembangan Clinic
18 Jalan Masjid . Kembangan Plaza # B1-02/04/05 . Singapore 418944
Tel: (+65) 6848 5156
Novena Clinic
10 Sinaran Drive . Novena Medical Center #08-13 . Singapore 307506
Tel: (+65) 6235 2132