GÖBEKLI TEPE - what happened in the 10,000 years before? | Göbekli Tepe to Stonehenge podcast #1

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In the very first 'Göbekli Tepe to Stonehenge' podcast, we aim to provide a context for the phenomenon of the T-Pillar sites of South Eastern Turkïye and to set the scene for the journey we are about to embark upon with the whole Göbekli Tepe to Stonehenge project (see below).

As you know, in order to fulfil the promise of the GTTS project, our prehistory focus has shifted over to the Levant and the Fertile Crescent. And our tiny minds have been a little bit blown just a bit.

We've never accepted the idea of Göbekli Tepe as this 'Ground Zero' of civilization as it presents in the popular press and now largely in the public imagination. Or even worse, that it had to have been constructed by aliens (how could hunter-gatherers have made THAT?).

But of course, there is a story that leads up to Göbekli Tepe, the other Taş Tepeler (stone hills) and other sites; one that stretches back a further 10,000 years, right to the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

00:00:00 - Intro & show outline
00:04:24 - Why the Göbekli Tepe to Stonehenge podcast?
00:10:46 - It didn’t all start with Göbekli Tepe
00:15:59 - Ohalo II
00:20:00 - The Epipaleolithic
00:23:18 - Archaeological sites of the area
00:26:05 - Zarzian Culture
00:27:04 - Available information about the Epipaleolithic
00:29:47 - Kharaheneh IV
00:32:58 - Natufian Culture
00:39:51 - Bread & beer?
00:43:27 - More about the Natufians
00:45:23 - Halizon Tachtit
00:47:04 - Tortoises
00:49:54 - The Younger Dryas
00:55:22 - Special buildings, silo storage and the Tas Tepeler sites
00:58:32 - Göbekli Tepe precursor sites
01:03:45 - Desert kItes and the hunting of gazelle
01:06:40 - Rounding up & goodbyes

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People forget that Gobekli Tepe is actually one of the newer sites among hundreds of Tepe sites nearby. Pretty cool how much more there is left to learn and knowing that it will be older than Gobekli Tepe when it's finally uncovered and studied. We live in an incredible time of discovery.


Tea in hand, ready to gobble up my favorite topic with my favorite sirs.


On a sleepless night I came across Standing with Stones and it’s still my favorite video/ movie to listen too to calm my sleeplessness. It’s just so calming. I really enjoy listening to both of you talk about our ancient ancestor’s and I enjoy your connection with each other and your banter. Thank you both for what you do.


The key thing to understand about Globeki Tepi is that only a tiny fraction (less than 5%) has been excavated. Consequently, any conclusions on its role or purpose are still very premature.


I love the 'unromantic' trail of civilizations. People are people, and our ancestors are so much smarter and capable than they are given credit for being.


Once upon a time my favourite Rupert was Rupert Bear. I think I learnt to read with the strips' captions, wanting to be able to read the whole stories in my book.

Since I watched Standing With Stones around 2019, I have a new favourite Rupert. Addicted since then.
I'm not so much here for the history, but mostly for you two, seemingly good-natured, friendly and always smiling. What's more, you don't make me feel old. 😊

The history part is ofcourse a bonus.


I like to think she was just fondly remembered as "that person who likes to collect to shells" ❤️ in the same way that when I kick it, people might put little pig figurines or owl figurines in my burial place ☺️


Michaels & Rupert,
congrats lads...you are about to embark on the adventure of a life time!!! All the stars are aligned, figuratively and metaphorically, I can't wait to hear and see about of your adventures!
I wish you all the best and safe travels,
Barbara xo


seen and heard stuff about the Nautufians from these two and others and read a long Smithsonian article today, but it's like re reading a favourite novel every hearing you learn something different.
So looking forward to this. 🎉


Surely the most relevant 'context' for Globeki Tepi is that it is dated as immediately following the Younger Dryas (12, 900 to 11, 700 BP) events (which transitioned earth from the Pleistocein to the present Halocene epoch)? This series of events saw the earth experience a gradual warming, followed by a sudden rapid (unexplained) cooling, followed by a gradual warming, all as established in both Greenland and Antarctic ice core records (ie were global). In other words, whatever civilization built and/or occupied Globeki Tepi had just survived some of the most catastrophic, potentially extinction level (for some species) events experienced by our plannet for at least hundreds of thousands of years.


You pound with a pestle, mix in a mortar. Easy way to remember. Thanks for your YouTube site. Loving it.


I love the nuanced look you guys have of pre history! As a woman, my mind is thinking 🤔 Our human love of bread made is settle, and probably our inability to stop fighting with each other made us settle in large groups to protect our ability to make bread. Keeping animals negated the need for having men to hunt because they were off clobbering each other or we women liked clothes, so we needed lots of sheep/goats to make our ensembles. Lol


I have watched many videos and read much on Gobekli Tepe. Afterwards I could never wrap my head around the theory that small groups of hunter-gathers built this amazing site, traveling around and meeting there to build such a detailed structure. There had to be a core group leading the construction that was residing in the area. As massive as this site is, it would take quite a while to build. I'm betting you will find in time, that there will be discovered a large number communities and cities in the general area with routes all leading to the site.


Glad to hear you are on track and I will be with you on the journey, It is wonderful to think of what is BEFORE Gobekli Teppi. I had not got that far. Note on visuals though you may prefer it this way. You are two small heads poking out through sepulchral gloom. Oh! I've got it - two pearls of wisdom.


Good morning from the glorious SF Bay Area. Got my coffee and ready to go.


Made my day!
Thank you Michael and Rupert!


So happy I stumbled into this channel. Fine gentlemen and solid investigative work.


It is fascinating that some of the oldest settlements are now (still?) in turmoil, despite the lack of water.


Dudes I literally laughed out loud when Rupert said “not so fast” about turtles hahaha love you 2


First time in with you guys. This is my time period place to think about
