Cracking the Göbekli Tepe Code: New Hypothesis | Ancient Architects

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Ever since it came to light what was buried beneath the mound of Gobekli Tepe, the site has become one of the most talked about places in the world, because of a) its prehistoric age, b) its vast size, c) the magnificent megalithic structures and d) the incredible iconography etched in stone.

The unique archaeological finds have truly captured our imaginations, with the decorated T-shaped pillars quickly becoming an ancient wonder in their own right.

The iconography is fascinating and for a long-lost culture who had not yet developed writing, these pillars and a few associated statues and stone artefacts, are the only record of the civilisation they left behind.

But what are the pictures portraying? What were the ancient people trying to tell us? I find it frustrating that I don’t know with any certainty and every seemingly decent idea I’ve come across leaves me with nagging questions and reasonable doubt in their accuracy.

But now, after extensive reading, personal research and brainstorming, I think I’m finally onto something and so, in this video, which is part 1 of what will be a 2 or 3-part mini-series over the coming weeks and months, it’s time to take a look at the detail.

It's thanks to the work of Professor Dragoş Gheorghiu (linked below, which I think has taken the understanding of the pillars to the next level. His work on Göbekli Tepe is up there with the very best, yet most people have never heard of it.

He has worked to identify the animals on the pillars and in doing so, he is, in my opinion, on the right track to a logical and realistic interpretation. Watch the video to learn more!

All images are taken from Google Images and the below sources for educational purposes only. Please Subscribe to Ancient Architects, Like the video, and please leave a comment below. Thank you.


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Maybe if they would excavate more of gobekli tepe instead of building concrete roads roofs and planting trees they could get more information


This is the most logical explanation I’ve seen yet of the various symbols on the pillars.


Spiders have 8 legs. The so called spider might actually be an ant. The scorpion was correctly depicted with 8 legs by the way.


Amazing, can't wait for more.
My take on the ''spider'':
when I saw that animal my first thought was an ANT. The animal depicted has 6 legs, so do ants.
Spiders and crayfish have 8 legs.
In one of the pillars we could see a scorpion and they carved it with 8 legs, so I think they were pretty accurat with depicting the main features af animals, number of legs included.
I like the idea about the habitat depicted with all the animals, so why would an ant be in the river? Ants can sense rain coming, so maybe they say, when you see ants moving from one home to another, rain and flood is coming.


They’re recording the complex hunting seasons and I bet the pillars line up with certain stars so they know when certain seasons start and end. If you’re dependent on hunting you want to be sure to mark and make the most of each season but you need a record of what foods to travel to and hunt depending on the position of stars. I suspect that their hunting what sophisticated and wide ranging and they needed to cover large amounts of land and change modes multiple times in a year to survive. Making the most of each season and missing nothing was probably vital for their survival.


What I most like about you, Matt, is that you can think outside the box without denying the existence of boxes. There are things I observed in Korea, Japan and the Middle East, that are, from a Western point of view, strange, different and sometimes alien, but all are the product of human civilizations, sometimes a result of borrowing and sometimes produced by the local culture sui generis. Your fresh view of the pillar symbolism from an environmental PoV is pure genius! Kudos my friend!


I think it’s pretty obvious those aren’t snakes, it’s water. Why would they depict a crane standing in a pile of snakes? And since when are snakes depicted in a pile like a pack of gummy worms?


Wow, this is incredible analysis. The site suddenly becomes more of a learning center w this possibility! Well done. 🤯


I don't think the context can be fully understood until the entire site is excavated. 90 percent of it is still hurried so we're only seeing the most recent pillars and enclosures. A Rosetta Stone that puts it all together might still be burried there


I really like this interpretation. It makes total sense! Thank you for your hard work and keep going. I believe you are definitely on the right track.


Great video! In Romania we have the Danube delta, there we have crayfish and catfish, reeds and all kind of birds, some who migrate. He must have spent some time in the delta, and all who like to fish there know that crayfish and catfish like rotten meat. As a romanian is great to see profesor Gheorghiu`s work being mentioned.


So it's a combination of storytelling, teaching, notebook, calendar, season clock, map and culture all in one package. From the time before writing, stories were told to future generations orally.


As our friend from New Orleans commented...those aren't snakes with the cranes. It's water. Flowing river symbol. And it's not a bad in depth type depicton. Literally standing in it. Just my opinion of course.


LET'S GO! New 3 part series about pillar iconography from Ancient Architects?! Matt you absolutely SPOIL US! ☺ 👌 💯 💰 thanks for all your hard work on this subject and the many others you cover. I'm excited to hear your hypothesis and watch the evidence. Great idea 💡


"Snakes" image looks like flowing water to me and "Spider" looks like an ant. Spiders have 8 legs, not 6. In Louisiana we eat crawfish (crayfish) and they also have 8 appendages, not 6.
Many site abandonments are currently attributed to "climate change ", which might be true if long term drought. But plague, leprosy or possibly a curse could also be considered. Cheers from New Orleans


This is amazing analysis. I actually think there’s a correlation between the H-shaped barrier symbols, and the slight difference in the one at the bottom, where it doesn’t connect horizontally but rather looks like a square with like a “bird’s beak” shape sticking out on the left side, and a regular square on the right. This, believe it or not, could represent some type of one-way mechanism or style of net, where the fish can swim in but activating the mechanism from inside the trap is impossible. I thought about that because of how it kind of resembles how a door that swings out is drawn on a floor plan, but on a more direct level, it visually evokes some sort of flap or lock, it just gives me one-way entry vibes. So this could be a way of setting specific traps in a stream with mechanism to trap fish before they even realize they’re in a net. Then at the end of the day you pull in everything it caught and throw back what you don’t want. This methodology is used to some extent in places all over the world today, using materials and techniques that haven’t changed since the Stone Age. So that’s what the bird beak square and regular square made me think of—the entry point of a river-wide net, which I’ve seen used. You set it and can come back hours later to dozens of large fish.


Remember, a given animal could be both referring to a constellation and the story that gave that identification to the constellation.


And so, once again, putting a critical eye towards a deeper understanding of this place. Thank you, thank you, thank you. This isn't empirical evidence that proves the professor's hypothesis, but it is, in my opinion, a brilliant and reasonable attempt to understand to what we're seeing through the minds of the people that created it. Well done my man! We need more of this. Thanx again!!😊


No Space ships? No Aliens ? Just regular folk putting up there own version of a "Caution, Oryx Crossing" sign. This fits right in with a people transissioning from Hunter Gatherer to Domestics ae farming and aggriculture. I wonder though were these people worshiping the natural world, still seeing themselves as a part of it, equal to it's other aspects, or celebrating their new found dominance over it ? Brilliant Work Sir I think you have it.


Still believe pillar 43 tells the time of 3 harvest seasons (3 bags of seeds and sheaves of grain), related to the solstice and the migration of the demoiselle crane.
