Blender Shaders in 10 minutes. Quick and Easy Introduction for Beginners

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Up and running with Blender3D Shaders in minutes. Crash introduction to Blender materials and texture with a simple lesson taught at a manageable pace.
Learn how to use Blender 3D Shaders in under 10 minutes. Understand how to apply simple colour and bump textures. Create nodes that include the noise to change color and texture. Apply materials to other models in the same scene and how to preserve material so they are not cleaned up by Blender. Get to understand Blenders Shader Editor.
Learn how to use Blender 3D Shaders in under 10 minutes. Understand how to apply simple colour and bump textures. Create nodes that include the noise to change color and texture. Apply materials to other models in the same scene and how to preserve material so they are not cleaned up by Blender. Get to understand Blenders Shader Editor.
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