A Day Alone First Time in 3 Years | Tbilisi DITL Vlog

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I went to Tbilisi for a couple of nights just by myself to rest and to do a lot of important things with documents and doctor's appointments but the day went a bit out of control 😅
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Little update: I felt great the next day and was able to do most things I planned! 🥰


I hope this makes you laugh... my wife also wanted to have some "Me" time.
I took the (3) kids to a movie, out to lunch, a park and then home about 5pm
No calls ... no text ... no pictures... her idea ... we head back home arriving 5:30pm. We see police cars fire trucks, we have to show ld to get into our own street. The next door neighbors had a kitchen fire, so my wife had the couple next door, thier 4 kids and thuer 2 dogs, in our house... she looked like she was about to break down in tears, somehow the neighbors got the impression that my wife told them to spend the night. Which they did, luckily thier insurance paid for a hotel for them. After a few days l said, you are off tomorrow, she said l am not going anywhere... but l booked a manicure and a pedicure for her and a work friend, and l kept the kids home ... we made her favorite dinner. Roasted Chicken and potatoes, asparagus wrapped in ham and grilled.
Ice cream for dessert. I gave the kids thier baths, read to them and put them to sleep.


I admire your courage and self-confidence. I'm hardly as independent, and if I had fallen I would have been so discouraged. Thank you for being a role model for me :)


I am so impressed by your intelligence and strength of character [at such a 'young' age too ] -- taking care of baby, family and your business in an new environment. You are an inspiration.


I had a fall in two of my pregnancies. (Nearly 40 years ago) And I wasn’t even on bad pavement, I just got lopsided and down I went. Anytime you fall it is is upsetting, so I understand your need to stay in your hotel room and rest. Thank you for letting us know that you are ok!

A “funny” story that happened to me six weeks ago…So now I am 65 years old and even less graceful than before. I was staying at my daughter’s house for a short visit and had to sleep in a room that wasn’t familiar to me. After I turned off the bedroom light to go to bed, I tripped over a table and managed to have the huge flat screen tv fall on top of me. I cracked a few ribs, but the good news is that the tv was ok!

When I returned to her house one month later and had to again spend the night in that room, I laughed so much to see that my daughter and her husband decorated the bed, table and tv with yellow “caution” tape.

I’ve prayed for you to have a safe delivery. Much love.


I’m sorry your day didn’t go as planned and you got hurt. I hope you heal completely and soon. I’m very glad the baby is ok! Hopefully, your alone time goes more smoothly the rest of the trip.
We’ll need an update on your health, the registration process, and how Tolya survives 24 hrs as Agatha’s only company 😆 I’m impressed he was willing to do it! He’s a great dad ❤️


Your cinematography and editing has gotten really good. I'm impressed. Good audio, too. Well done!


You poor thing! You finally get a day to yourself and you fall down and have and also have an appointment at the hospital. I would have been crying! You are a brave girl. ❤️


OMG (05:28) you make my heart skip a beat when I saw you injured 😳 please be careful, Victoria. My over-protective Dad complex kicked in high gear. Love your update & travel videos.


I fall down all the time. I think it hurts my pride more than the injuries!
I'm glad to read you were feeling better the next day.
Happy Birthday!! 🎉🎂🎈


Oh V! You really gave me a scare when I saw your face! So glad you and baby are okay. Thank you for still wanting to share the day with us.❤


It's so interesting to learn about Tbilisi as I feel like hardly any Youtubers go there and I know almost nothing about it, same as Georgia. I'm glad you're showing us different things. I feel like I've seen France/Italy/England a million times. A bit of diversity is always good.


Vika, all in all, this was a productive day for you and your family. You have this amazing ability to adjust well to the circumstances. Traveling by yourself was a smart move too.


Fell and got hurt and pulled yourself together and cleaned yourself and filming like a pro 💪💪


“Plaster” is indeed the British English word. US English uses the brand “BandAid” for the item (regardless of the actual brand you have purchased) or in healthcare we say “adhesive bandage.” I hope you heal up quickly and have a safe delivery of a healthy baby.


I’m an older lady and I already feel motherly towards you. To see you had hurt yourself makes me wish I was there to hug you and help you. I’m so sorry you fell and I’m glad the Lord is with you. ❤️🙌🏻


I fractured my toe when I was 8 mos pregnant, I totally get the emotional and physical toll that can take on you. Everything is harder when you are pregnant. I felt so bad your day did not turn out the way you wanted but glad you are feeling better!


Sending healing vibes and positive energy. Lord, please give extra care for this sweetheart. Take away her pains and sorrows. 🙏🙏🙏


Gosh, hope the ankle was okay. Nothing scarier than having a fall when you're pregnant, even if the injuries are minor, makes you very shaky and usually those types of cuts do hurt a lot. Take care of yourself and rest up before bub arrives.


I’m so sorry you got hurt. Hope you have fully recovered. Yes “sprained ankle” is correct. The English call that plastic thing a “plaster” in America we call it a band-aid. Your command of the English language is so impressive.
