how it feels to fight gloom hands in totk

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The first encounter with the gloom hands will be a memory everyone who has played TOTK will share


I am impressed they were able to craft something more terrifying than the guardians


First time I saw gloom hands I didn't even see the hands at first, I was just like, "Is that gloom moving? Wait, is it coming towar-OH GOD IT'S AFTER ME"


The scary part isn't just that they prevent healing, the _real_ scary part is that even at max sprint they _still_ keep pace with you, so all you're really doing is exhausting your stamina and delaying getting stranger danger'd by a squad of grabby hands that don't take no for an answer.


There's just a lot of differences that really make them scarier:
-Weak spot or bust
-They regenerate if you're not quick
-Faster and determined to chase you rather than just aim at you
-They only spawn when you're already too close to them, so it's harder to just mark their spot on the map.


I genuinely had the perfect horror game buildup to them.

I first learned of their existence in the northwestern labyrinth, where one of the research notes mentioned gloom monsters. Later, through one of the barred corridors in the labyrinth, I spotted a puddle of gloom moving around. I went closer, trying to take a picture for the compendium, but the bars wouldn’t let me look to the left, where it had went.

Hours later, while stumbling around Akalla Citadel looking for Fierce Deity armor, I noticed the sky turn red. I assumed it was a forced blood moon, and was completely caught off guard when I was suddenly grabbed.


In Tears of the Kingdom, you don’t hunt gloom hands, Gloom hands hunt you <3


this is embarrassing but my first encounter I was on the verge of tears I swear


The gloom hands feel like the devs looked at wallmasters in past games and decided that instead of just being scary like they were, they needed to make them instill primal terror every time they show up.


My experience with Gloom hands was absolutely terrifying.

I was exploring and making my way to some wells, I see some Bokoblins in the distance with a boss, so I was like “Yeah let’s go get their drops!” As I made my way, I see gloom appear and I was like “Oh why did gloom show up?” Next thought in my head was, why was it moving to me. Seeing the 5 hands sprout up and stare me down, sent shivers down my spine as I booked for the well to hide. Now yeah I can beat them easily, but that first time will always make me fear the Gloom hands.


My first encounter with them was… Horrifying.

I was traveling to the zora’s domain first thing, ready to meet Sidon and get on track for my first area.

Then as I was climbing along the ridges and mountains, I saw a puddle of gloom.
“Oh, guess I’ll have to go around that, probably more up above.”

Then. The sky starts to turn, and I notice it’s moving towards me? No. It’s GROWING.

One hand, three hands, five. All of them start rushing at me in this chaotic flurry of movement. My first thought it.

“Oh crap, they have a weakpoint? The eye obviously!”

I pull out my lyzal bow, hit it in the eye, and I see how little damage was done. And the other four were still racing at me.

That’s when I realize I cannot handle them. I cannot fight THAT. So, I do what any sane person would. I jump off the cliff and glider away.

That was the first of many horrific encounters that I’ve had with those hands.

I can beat them now. But…

No enemy has struck terror into me like the hands, I’ve fought many jrpg hand monsters, but seeing this malicious mass of mangled manipulators rushing at you at the speed of a horse is… I cannot cope. I miss the guardians. I miss them so much.



It's fun seeing everyone had dramatic first encounters with these because I sure did.
I stumbled into them melting ice in the Hebra labyrinth, they had me running around like a maniac, hopping up walls and using Tulin to burst away and fire arrows. When they were almost down, hands _kept coming back_ and I resorted to spamming bomb arrows (I'm usually pretty reserved with them so if I'm spamming them that means I'm getting worried) and it finally went down.
Then the second part started. He knocked me around a bit, but, many meals later, I was victorious by a cinematically close margin.


I remember trying to escape the gloom after completing the maze near Rito Village silently screaming "Why won't the shrine repel it?!" I died shortly after.

I just now realized that I could've just ran into the shrine.


My first experience with the hands was something straight out of a thriller film, and the encounter is something that’s now seared into my memory:

I had just cleared a couple of weak mobs to steal their cooking pot and was picking up their drops when I noticed a bizarre shadow rush by on the ground in front of me. I took a brief moment to process what I saw (surely no more than a second) and thought to myself “That was weird, those looked kind of like hands…” I then turned around just in time with the change of music and atmosphere to be caught off guard and horrified to see the mass of limbs lumbering towards me down a small slope. Suddenly in full panic mode I forgot everything I was working on and started sprinting towards the nearest climbable surface, and I made it to one but not before having my max health dropped by the gloom tailing closely behind me.

At this point I was fairly early on into the game and didn’t have a lot of items or good weapons so I just stared down at the monstrosity below me for half a minute until I snapped myself out of my stupor and paraglided away to safety. 10/10 gaming experience, I’m so glad I went into this game blind!


Finally more people who were also traumatized.

I was exploring a small cave while doing the first bluepee gem quest. I had only just met Purah, and hadn’t even gotten the first geoglyph.

I left down from the cave walls, upon seeing a shrine. Suddenly one of them came up from the *forking wall* and ate my leg. I tried to shoot them but proceeded to blow myself up, and only returned thirty minutes later after having grabbed 20 bomb flowers.

Fun times.

I still died and had to climb around them, forever traumatized


Even after being far enough into the game where these things are trivial, theyre still creepy at best and absolutely terrifying at worst. I think they are so scary because
A) the music and sky both set an atmosphere of dread.
B) you know WHAT gloom can do so seeing it come alive is even more terrifying.
C) it usually pops out from out of nowhere. With a guardian you can anticipate it because its RIGHT THERE. These things could be right below you and you wont know till too late.
D) That SCREECH! It still sends shivers down my spine even when i know its coming.


The theme for the gloom hands is terrifying. I didn’t think anything could top the guardians theme. The gloom hands theme alone sends me running and screaming


After a while, you start to get over your fear of gloom hands. You stare them right in their terrifying hand-eyes and say "Hey guess what? I've got sticks with sharp pointy ends that really hurt when fired at eyeballs." and you shoot them all down with your bow.

And then you see what happens next, and all that fear from the start returns as you run even faster this time.


My first encounter with them was in a big tree stump where some moblin lookout towers were. I was quickly overwhelmed by them so i tried climbing up the stump and onto the platform. Then they started climbing as well.
I'm so glad you can teleport during combat.


Running away from gloom hands is the true definition of a child having a nightmare
