My IVF journey

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I hope this video will bring you a lot of comfort. Sending you much love & strength xxx
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I had three back to back miscarriages and now I’m almost 5 months pregnant with baby boy. Don’t ever give up ladies.


I have read and watched a lot of video's about IVF, you are such an inspiration to so many women. Unfortunately l suffered from endometriosis when it first came out..l was never able to get pregnant, l had a complete hysterectomy at the young age of 28 yrs old, l turned 69 yrs old Sunday. IVF was unheard of then, treatments for endometriosis were not what they are today. I am so touched and honored to hear your story...what a journey! Congratulations to you and your husband, you have to be the most wonderful and loving parents on earth. Your baby is beautiful! Please keep making are helping so many women..l am honored that l came across your are are so honest and humble....thank you for telling your story. Amazing! Amazing!


I am going through IVF right now and this gives me so much hope. I cried when you described how it felt to be told “you are pregnant”. I pray every day that I get to experience that feeling.


I literally cried when you told the part of the call to the clinic that annonced you that you were pregnant... goose bumps too 😭❤


This has to be one of the most touching video I have ever seen this far, I literally cried. I’m so beyond happy Massimo is here and you finally got your dreams.


Sarah, thank you so much for this video, for your story, for the hope! we went through 11 years of infertility and search for the causes. we have already lost four embryos. the last embryo remained. I'm going to embryo transfer this Friday. I want to believe that finally everything will be fine. I want to believe that I will be a mother. thank you for the inspiration and your words of support!


I can’t imagine myself having a quarter of your strength and patience. That was inspiring and empowering and just amazing to listen to. God bless you and your family 🙏🏻.


any woman that goes through this is a champion, my applause to all of you that never gives up👏👏


Wow! As a doctor, this is very surprsing! I mean, checking thyroid gland function is something very basic to do at the beginning of almost every medical condition cuz it affects every function in the body! I was so surprised that you hadn’t been checked for it from the start.. Anyway, very happy for you 😚💕 bless you and your little angel.


Hey Sarah, I had IVF 2 years ago and I’m a mom to a beautiful baby girl. I relate to to your journey and I can tell you I never imagined how strong of a woman I was until I went through IVF. You are amazing for using your voice and for following your intuition. Some people will never understand how much we know about our bodies, how much we know something is wrong. I’m so happy you never gave up!


Omg how I cried for you guys! So happy Massimo is here! What a warrior you are


I got pregnant very easily, but listening to your story I cried very hard. I was uncertain only for two months. you had to go through so much, it's so unfair. women are the strongest beings, nothing compares to how extraordinary womens are. I keep my fingers crossed for every future mother and every woman who is going through a difficult time 💐


After a failed IUI, I’m going for a round of IVF this summer. I cried so hard listening to your story. I deeply believe that you have to trust yours instincts and in this emotional process you have to trust your doctors. Thank you Sarah for sharing your strength. 🥰


I got tears watching this! It is so hard to stay positive when you feel alone and unheard. A mother is always fighting for their child, even before the child is yet there ❤️


Hi friend! I’m a NICU nurse and I always see so many IVF babies come graduate . I’ve been looking to change my area of work and I want go be a IVF nurse or maybe a IVF doctor one day. I loved this video and how open you were. Thank you! ❤


Wow!! sarah you’re a real hero! I cannot believe how you had the strength and the persistence to keep looking for answers..I wish to have your strength and have opened my eyes by sharing your story and how much we need to believe in ourselves


This is one-off the most inspirational story’s ever! Congratulations and blessings to you and your family 🥰


In the UK thyroid would be one of the first things the doctors would check....happy for a happy ending of your story Sarah


Also as a cancer survivor, I’ve learned that the best advocate for my health, is myself. Bravo to you to listening to your body and your gut instinct


When you said that the lady told you were pregnant... I was literally crying ... I had goosebumps throughout the video ... you are a warrior🤩... and Massimo is the cutest kid ... I love you.... love from India 🤩
