A City Planner Plays Cities Skylines: BEATING the 'Fix the Traffic' Scenario with a Ring Road

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A City Planner Plays Cities Skylines: BEATING the "Fix the Traffic" Scenario with a Ring Road - NO MODS

Hello everyone! In this episode, I'm going to show you how I beat the "Fix the Traffic" scenario by creating a ring road around Appletown in this scenario guide. With the ring road, I was able to take traffic flow from 63% all the way to 88%! I made a number of other improvements, too, but the ring road seemed to be the most important of all of the changes I introduced to the City. Enjoy!













#CitiesSkylines #realishtimebuild #cityplannerplays


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Would you like me to try out any other scenarios or just get back to Bluffside Crossing? 🙃


Dude has one of the most wholesome laughs ever.


"Just gonna blast our way through..." The dream of some idealistic city planners, I'm sure. 😁


Gosh! It's so painful to watch Phil doing everything he advocates against. But still great fun!


I have played this a couple of times since the DLC came out. The major thing most people miss is that the spaghetti highway junction has no exit to the right side of the map. So all vehicles coming from the south have to make a U-turn, causing a lot of unnecessary traffic on the highway. Another problem is that there are no direct connections between the left and right side of town and all vehicles have to use the highway. A few bridges or tunnels across the highway takes care of that problem. Your ring road did as well, but notice how it wasn't really used until you deleted spaghetti junction. That's because of how the traffic AI works. Vehicles always use the fastest/shortest route even if it is jammed. So your ring road was only used after you deleted the shorter alternative.


On timed scenarios, I usually start the game paused and take a deep dive into every area, analyzing junctions, road types & directionality. This one has several caveats, with money being a big one. Reversing (or removing one-way), downgrading and deleting roads don’t cost anything.


My favourite fix traffic scenario (played it 3 or 4 times already), and a very fresh approach to the fixing. Now it made me want to try and beat it with a bypass ring road!
Best traffic fix video i've seen in months!


My first step in this scenario: take out a loan and build a solar power plant, then get rid of the power plants that require fuel deliveries.
That takes *many* trucks off the road, and eliminates the problem of power outages.


Your approach makes me feel better about my several failed attempts at this scenario. I’ve watched many of your “how to” and new city videos, and Biffa’s traffic fix content (among many hours of my own gameplay and experimentation), and thought I’d have no problem tackling this one. Boy was I wrong.

I had some similar ideas. First of which was dezoning the central industrial district, forcing logical road hierarchy, and consolidating the two highway interchanges into one. I could just never figure out a way to do it without running out of money. Never thought of the outer loop though I tried that in parts through piecemeal “East/west” connections between industrial areas.

Great vid. Though now I have to find another solution to legitimately win the scenario.


Interesting vid, when I did this I went for lane management and public transport - didn't occur to me to build a ring road, and it showed me there is more than one way to beat a scenario! Keep up the good work loving this and the Bluffside vids.


I would love to see you revisit this scenario now with another 2+ years of experience under your belt. I bet you could beat it in a fraction of the time this one took.


New player here and i've been struggling with my confidence about building a city that works. Just doing everything right. But watching this helps me realize i don't have to be perfect from the beginning because i can fix the problems when I notice them and thats okay.


Nice example of a ringroad! Does CS2 have these kinds of scenarios as well?

I think the idea would have benefited from mini-rings around districts that function as collectors to the main ring artery function. You'd need fewer connections to the artery speeding it up. Now it's just local roads everywhere without hierarchy.

The scenario is extremely tight with money, well done despite the unfortunate powerplant water situation. I don't really understand why no demand of any type came up, perhaps too much zoned in at the same time? Maybe destroying more of the poorly build existing stuff would help, basically moving these people. But maybe you'd just lost these people without getting extra for the available new zoning?


Love to see how the water pipe layout really pains you, and you trying to remedy it on your additions (to some extent). 😀 Great content.


the outside road great idea ... only thinks i would do diffrent is turn off the power plants and not deleted them. and focused on lvl up the existing homes health, school, fire, polic befor placing all the expansion areas...


Wow, you really helped me out. Kind of embarrassing, but I didn't realize you could buy more tiles. I've been trying to beat it only using the two provided. Also, you reminded me that the traffic score (I think at least) averages out across the total distance of roads. So in my case, even though my roads were compact and efficient, I couldn't ever get my score above 80%.


The new mayor has some fascinating ideas.


There are many roundabouts going the wrong direction. Dead ends that can be connected with other dead ends with just 1 road block, and lots of random stop signs doing nothing. Fix that and that is 80% of the problem. Then throw underground transportation for the citizens and it’s mostly fixed.


Buying new land is cheating! I did this several times when I was a noob and over-complicated it like you did. This scenario is a lot easier than people think but now I'm an experienced planner I went back to it and realised how easy it is with very little alteration of the city. First thing was completely remove the highway going up to the indus estate where the landfill sites are and replace with 6 lane road ending in very large roundabout. Replace the highway intersection with a highway roundabout (possibly an 3rd party steam intersection). Upgrade 2 lane roads to 4 lanes in the built up area at top of hill and create more roads going down to highway on the other side so they dont all use the big roundabout you built. Fix the wrong way round roundabouts there as well lol! The 6 lane road now allows you to create plenty of crossroads to allow the other areas to move freely. Along the freeway build more roundabout highways where you can so every car isnt using the same intersections. At the end of the other highway (one with police, hosptial and fire all at the end), move all them and create another roundabout connected to the highway. Next just upgrade many of the single lane roads around that whole side to double lanes and improve lane filtering on the junctions and thats almost it. With despwaning off you can get 85% traffic without even considering public transport. This would be good for 50k pop but after that you need to start moving those badly placed zones and consider ring roads.


One tip is that the 6 lane road has a faster speed limit then the 4 lane. So if the loop was 6 lanes it would function more efficiently / sims would be more likely to use it
