Why You Can't Beat ART THE CLOWN In 'Terrifier 2'

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If you were being hunted by a demonic killer clown, what would you do?

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Bro, I kind of got chills when Art smiled and moved his head to the side to make it easier for her to slice his head off. If I was about to decapitate an enemy and they did that, I don't even think I could feel like I actually defeated them even after I decapitated them. Imagine smiling at the person about to kill you and assisting them with your death.


Fun fact about the bedroom scene. It’s the most gruesome horrifying scene in either of the movies. It’s the reason most people walked out puking and stuff at theaters. The reason why it’s so detailed is because that was the scene left unfinished during the pandemic. So they creators just spent months making that scene more and more bloody. Honestly great work and special effects tbh


"If there's one person I don't wanna mess with, it's an overworked cashier."
You're so real for that😭


If you see a ''Why You Can't Beat'' video from someone who basically makes the best ways to beat something, you know the movie is too good.


16:00 you left out an important detail. Art wasnt playing with her mutilated corpse, corpse would imply she's dead, no the most messed up part is that she somehow is still alive while art is still cutting away at her flesh


You know it’s bad when “How to Beat” becomes “Why You Can’t Beat”


For Allie's death, my first thought was "Why aren't you running out of the house?" as soon as she saw the broken glass and Art in her kitchen. She had plenty of time from the moment he strolled in, grabbed a glass of water, drank it, and then grabbed the cutlery. But she just stood there watching him until it was too late to do anything.


Art the Clown is like Freddy Kruger, but instead of exclusively killing you in dreams, he mainly just comes after you in real life. Once he's decided you're his victim, he has the ability to know exactly where you are at all times. It's like he has an invisible tracker for all his chosen victims. This is why he doesn't bother killing everyone right away. He lets them leave, but knows exactly where to find them later. He also has a knack for knowing when you're alone and most vulnerable. Also, the fact that he can keep reviving himself means you're pretty much a goner unless you hold yourself up in a safehouse and manage to keep decapitating him during every encounter.


That kill in the laundromat I SAID THE SAME THING!! Like bro, just bounce! Art typically doesnt bother you unless you bother him. He usually has his target predetermined, so just running while he plays with Pale Girl is the safest thing


This is how I watch free horror movies


God the main characters are so stupid in this movie. A creepy clown with weapons comes to your front door & you somehow don’t call the cops 🤦🏽‍♂️


Realizing you’re in a nightmare and/or waking yourself up from it is a lot harder than you make it sound.. 😅


I can't imagine the fatigue on that actor's mouth having to keep that smile all the time.


Nostalgia hits hard when you see the “Why You Can’t Beat”


Victims in horror movies before they are attacked: I know my house like the back of my hand
Victims in horror movies when being attacked: I have never been in my house before


Tbf it's very hard to kill/fight a reality wrapping demon who can simply undo any plan you may have and also teleport anywhere.


Nice little fun fact about the Halloween store scene. The film location was at Abracadabra located in Manhattan. One of my favorite year-round Halloween stores by far! There is a small shrine in the store that showcases the scenario with some photographs and notes. I didn't even know Terrifier 2 was filmed there until entering the store


Everybody's gangsta until it's a 'why you CAN'T beat'


To add to the part he explains how to get out of a dream, here's a tip I used to use to lucid dream:

If you're ever in a situation that seems unreal, even in real life, look at your hands and count your fingers. In most cases it'll just be normal, but once you get used to doing it you'll do it in dreams too. In dreams, you never have the right amount of fingers, and soon you'll be realizing you're in dreams way more often.


Iv got a tough stomach for horror movies, been watching some of the most gruesome movies to exist for yearsm However, the bedroom scene churned my stomach and I had to pause it and think.
